how long can a soul burn?


Registered Senior Member
bible says in hell the souls will burn forever!
how can anything burn forever?
what do you think is the soul made of?

btw on souls/spirits origins if you're just bit curious see
and God said ;let there be light,and they watered down the beer! :D
Q25 said:
bible says in hell the souls will burn forever!
how can anything burn forever? what do you think is the soul made of?

btw on souls/spirits origins if you're just bit curious see
and God said ;let there be light,and they watered down the beer! :D
M*W: Souls (BTW there's only ONE SPIRIT not billions of individual souls), and we all share a portion of the ONE SPIRIT. There is no death to the soul. Our soul is eternal. I don't believe in hell, but hypothetically, if a soul ended up in hell, I guess it might burn forever, but like I said, I don't believe in hell.

I think the soul is made up of pure positive energy that "burns" like an eternal light in our life. It is the light that guides us. Energy, that's all we are.
Both the Holy Quran and the bible clearly talk about a literal hell reserved for sinners/haters of god and rigteousness. These two great books written by inspired prophets cannot all be wrong.

The one who claims there is no hell is just looking for comfort in case he does not qualify to spend eternity in paradise.
(And all whose names were not found written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire reserved for the Devil and his demons.The smoke of their torment ascendeth forever. )
But for those who believed there is everlasting bliss in paradise.They shall hunger no more neither will the sound of sorrow/crying be heard in that beautiful city.Because God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death nor sickness nor any pain.Blessed are they whose names are in the book of life.

Hell is a place for spirits/souls; that is why no scientist or geographer will be able to verify its existence.The truth is that those who fight these teaching from the holy scriptures don't know for the reality but wish it away.
tomasito said:
Both the Holy Quran and the bible clearly talk about a literal hell reserved for sinners/haters of god and rigteousness. These two great books written by inspired prophets cannot all be wrong.

The one who claims there is no hell is just looking for comfort in case he does not qualify to spend eternity in paradise.
(And all whose names were not found written in the book of life were cast into the lake of fire reserved for the Devil and his demons.The smoke of their torment ascendeth forever. )
But for those who believed there is everlasting bliss in paradise.They shall hunger no more neither will the sound of sorrow/crying be heard in that beautiful city.Because God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death nor sickness nor any pain.Blessed are they whose names are in the book of life.

Hell is a place for spirits/souls; that is why no scientist or geographer will be able to verify its existence.The truth is that those who fight these teaching from the holy scriptures don't know for the reality but wish it away.

Something very similar can be said to you.

Both the Holy Quran and the bible clearly talk about a literal heaven reserved for believers/lovers of god and righteousness. These two great books written by inspired prophets can all be wrong.
The one who claims heaven exists and who prays, etc. is just looking for comfort in case he does qualify to spend eternity in hell.
(uh, okay)

Now unlike you however I will not guarantee things which are absolutely evidence-less (apart from the fact that they were written by people). I cannot say for sure that god, heaven, or hell do not exist - however on the other hand you can't say they DO.
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Mithadon said:
Something very similar can be said to you.

Both the Holy Quran and the bible clearly talk about a literal heaven reserved for believers/lovers of god and righteousness. These two great books written by inspired prophets can all be wrong. The one who claims heaven exists and who prays, etc. is just looking for comfort in case he does qualify to spend eternity in hell. DENIAL OF THE NON-EXISTENCE OF HEAVEN WILL NOT CHANGE THE FACT OF ITS NON-EXISTENCE. (uh, okay)

Now unlike you however I will not guarantee things which are absolutely evidence-less (apart from the fact that they were written by people). I cannot say for sure that god, heaven, or hell do not exist - however on the other hand you can't say they DO.
M*W: He has no evidence. He believes in fairy tales.
I really dislike people who are overly eager to use the word 'fact', without even knowing what it means.

The one who claims there is no hell is just looking for comfort in case he does not qualify to spend eternity in paradise.

Comfort is irrelevant. The reason I don't just jump up and say "hell exists!", is for the very same reason I don't just jump up and say "There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!". I will leave it upto you to figure out the point here.

Still, I bet your "no more pain, death, sickness" nonsense, helps you sleep easier at night. Is that what you're so afraid of you need to believe in a heaven? I can understand it's scary, but why don't you show some courage and personal strength by accepting the fact that you will die one day. Whether you float off to a land of gold and honey is irrelevant, because although you might be happy and tearless in that afterlife of yours, you're nothing but a hollow wreck in this life. Try to concentrate on one life at a time heh.
Dear snakelord;
Why the hostility when you confront someone who believes what the holy scripture say concerning hell and heaven? You call it all nonsense. is that what open-minded or tolerance means. most who hate to hear those talk about hell, dismiss the believers as intolerant with no open-minds.

Finally snake lord this might burn you Snake lord. "There is no other name given to man-kind by which they can be saved but the name of Jesus."
Saved from what? From the coming fiery lake of fire desrved for the ungodly; witches,fornicators,adulteres,homosexuals,haters of God and the like.

(I don't fear death as to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. To the beliver death is a doorway to the afterlife where no sorrow exists.)
Medicine Woman said:
I think the soul is made up of pure positive energy that "burns" like an eternal light in our life. It is the light that guides us. Energy, that's all we are.
yeah,but we need food and drink to keep our life/energy going, ;)
where would this soul get energy from?
tomasito said:
Both the Holy Quran and the bible clearly talk about a literal hell reserved for sinners/haters of god and rigteousness. These two great books written by inspired prophets cannot all be wrong.
why not,
the bible was wrong about everything else regarding creation!
6 day creation,WRONG,....universe is billions years old!
man made of dust,WRONG !
God made light on 1st day and Sun on 4th=totaly ilogical!
they even thought that Earth was flat,until free thinking atheists proved them wrong.
The one who claims there is no hell is just looking for comfort in case he does not qualify to spend eternity in paradise.
the one who claims there is hell/heaven without having any proof of it is brainwashed/hypnotized.
have you ever talked to anyone who came back from there ?:rolleyes:
could you tell us the exact location of this hell/heaven( Hell ,Michigan doesnt count!) :D
Dear Tomasito,
It appears you completely avoided a small paragraph I had written, which I do think deserves your recognition or denial. I shall requote it for you now, and ask that you make comment on it:

The reason I don't just jump up and say "hell exists!", is for the very same reason I don't just jump up and say "There's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!". I will leave it upto you to figure out the point here.

Do you understand the concept of this? Would you consider gold at the end of the rainbow nonsense? If you say yes, don't look upon it as hostile, because it isn't. But do tell me why you would regard gold at the end of the rainbow as nonsense, but not a golden city in the clouds as nonsense.

Is it because this heaven of yours was written about by ancient people? Does that somehow make it more valid? What about all the other ancient texts that describe other 'places' a person goes to once they're dead? Are they also nonsense because they contradict the biblical version, or indeed other texts that state we don't go anywhere once we're dead, except into a wooden box in the ground?

You call my use of the word nonsense as hostility, but in your post haven't you just labelled any athiest's non-belief in heaven/hell as nonsense? You even went so far as to use the word 'fact' in a place it doesn't belong.

is that what open-minded or tolerance means

Well if you were open minded on this issue, you wouldn't be using the word 'fact' where it doesn't belong. You also wouldn't be denying the possibility that there is no heaven/hell. Personally, I rely on evidence - and as such heaven/hell rank lowest on my scale of possibilites, right under tooth fairies.

As for tolerance.. I'm tolerant enough not to tell you how childish and annoying the use of CAPS are. I'm also tolerant enough not to come and slap the stupidity out of you, however that doesn't stop me from disagreeing with your statements, especially when you have no evidence to suggest their reality.

most who hate to hear those talk about hell, dismiss the believers as intolerant with no open-minds.

Maybe those who believe such a place exists. However, I simply call it 'nonsense', along with the abominable snowman, pixies and mermaids. Furthermore, you couldn't regard yourself as a "believer" - you called it 'fact'. As such you must know it's there, (probably saw it on some school field trip or something), and in saying that, 'belief' is a defunct word.

Finally snake lord this might burn you Snake lord. "There is no other name given to man-kind by which they can be saved but the name of Jesus."

Says who?

Saved from what? From the coming fiery lake of fire desrved for the ungodly; witches,fornicators,adulteres,homosexuals,haters of God and the like.

You should read the Malleus Maleficarum. I can only imagine how much fun you would have had if you were alive during the inquisition.

You know... estimates of the death toll caused by the Christians during the inquistion range from 600,000 to a massive 9 million. I wonder how many of those deaths you would have caused with your self-righteous views. So much for this "open mind and tolerance", you were talking about just a minute ago. Did Jesus tell you to hate queers, witches and adulterers? Do you think you're better than queers, witches and adulterers? How could you ever promote love on this planet when you have these strange preconceptions about the rest of humanity?

I said: "Still, I bet your "no more pain, death, sickness" nonsense, helps you sleep easier at night."

(I don't fear death as to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. To the beliver death is a doorway to the afterlife where no sorrow exists.)"

Thank you for making my point.
The question of "how long can a soul burn?" well!
first define soul?. is soul different from spirit?. let me see I have a spirit, it may go to heaven, but can my soul go to hell at the same time?. or vise versa? the jin&jang?. spirit and soul?. confused yet?.

The soul or spirit of man is that which he has grown to be, that which he values, the love of his family and the value of his offsprings, nothing mystical about soul, or spirit, if you do try and define it in human terms. However when one perishes, they die, death means exactly that!. Your spirit, or soul will seice to exist. Period. That's it finito. Asta la Vista Baby!!. Sad but true, you will only live in the memory of those left behind. Memoralbilia of your life will be all that is left, so live it well, produce, don't be criminal, advance human knowledge, create something, bring forth life, cause this is the one and only life you got. Face it.

how can anything burn forever?
A wick will burn forever, as long as there is a steady supply of wax.

There is no phenomenon that the existance of a soul explains, therefore all scientific, rational minded people should reject the idea as unnecessary. The idea of the soul exists as a reflection of the mind, which is also illusory. Our brains are thinking, even when we sleep, and it seems to be separate from the body, this gives rise to the idea of a soul separate from the body. There is certain energy in the body, to be sure, chemical and electrical, but they are intimately connected to the functions of the body, and do not have a separate existance of their own. The purpose of religion is a social one, to maintain order through fear. This worked for a while, but is now obsolete.
been to hell michigan before, really sucked, really barren. met some hellish chicks though hehe
Greco said:
I'm white I dont have soul. Best bet is to ask a black guy.

Hey I'm a white guy with soul. Lemme give it a shot.

A life is a subjective forever from the perspective of that life.

Uhm, there is forever in the now if you can stretch your mind to see it. Er, maybe at least. (consider that from your birth till now (possibly the moment of your death) is the subjective forever from above)

Maybe the question is flawed since a "soul" is something that is outside of time as we typically think of it.

I indulge the idea of a soul as basically the "i don't know what" (i don't know how to spell that in french where it sounds cooler) of mind/awareness/consciousness and such.

Oh and I heard that souls aren't flammable.