how is monotheism any better than paganism


Registered Member
if the monotheists can dub pagans as devil worshippers
and call the pagan gods devils
arent they speaking against nature
isnt nature what god is all about
NIV-Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

"God" said that people should subdue and rule over the Earth, not respect it.
So, if the Pagan Gods are nature, then man should rule over and subdue them, no?
The mono-theistic god is transcendental one and zealousy of other 'gods'. It is born out of the insecurity of not being omni-present. If he wants to be qualified for a complete God (omnipotent,omniscience and omnipresent) he should learn to be immanent too. ;)
one_raven said:
NIV-Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

"God" said that people should subdue and rule over the Earth, not respect it.
So, if the Pagan Gods are nature, then man should rule over and subdue them, no?

pagan gods symbolize nature
wat if that quote from the bible is just a show of christianitys victory over paganism
an dont tell me we can rule over nature if we can control dem livin beings
pagan gods symbolize nature
you display your brainwashing.

all gods are space fillers until the candle of science can shed its light. thats why there are no "pagan" sun gods anymore, because we know what the sun is.
"Humankind cannot bear very much reality."-T. S. Eliot
humans, well, not atheists anyway, need there to be more to life than what they see. gods are invented to fill that need. perhaps some day science can light up every dark corner of the universe and we will finally be rid of these ridiculous religions.
well these gods still serve deir purpose
they are now the greatest achievements of our imagination
just because we can understand everything by science does not men we can understand the other spiritual side of things
pagan symbolism is deeper than any kind of science because it is closer to the life and the heart
only life can find life
well these gods still serve deir purpose
they are now the greatest achievements of our imagination
just because we can understand everything by science does not men we can understand the other spiritual side of things
pagan symbolism is deeper than any kind of science because it is closer to the life and the heart
only life can find life
please just leave this site now, we have enough crackpots already. your argument contradicts its self, let alone makes any sense. what are you about 15? get a computer in your room, so you think you should surf the net spewing whatever pops into your head? we don't need you here, bye.
just because we can understand everything by science does not men we can understand the other spiritual side of things

There is no spiritual side of things. There is only nature and that which is understood and that which is not.
cato said:
please just leave this site now, we have enough crackpots already. your argument contradicts its self, let alone makes any sense. what are you about 15? get a computer in your room, so you think you should surf the net spewing whatever pops into your head? we don't need you here, bye.
Hey hey hey dude. I appreciate what this guy is saying. Don't diss him.
His context is unorthodox but he has something interesting to say.
cato said:
please just leave this site now, we have enough crackpots already. your argument contradicts its self, let alone makes any sense. what are you about 15?

Actually, he seems older than that. But he has no idea what he's talking about. Which doesn't surprise me very much.
hey rose life is made up of stories
not commandments
life is listening to ones heart and brain to de rite degree
life is about breedin life ,findin life and ,life beyond
find any monotheist religion that can encompass all this with simplicity

i say im not interested in the reality of pagan myth
but wat it means
the question is not of religion and its realities but its implications
the question is which form of worship is closer to the heart
formless and unique or multiformed and multifaceted
one_raven said:
NIV-Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

"God" said that people should subdue and rule over the Earth, not respect it.
So, if the Pagan Gods are nature, then man should rule over and subdue them, no?
This earth is a training ground for humanity to know which is which. It does not mean that the dwelling place is the one to be recognised and worshipped. It`s like a house. You are a carpenter. You bought tools. You hired laborers to build your house. You`ve waited for the house finishing until you`re impressed (or disimpressed) in its finished state. So, you dwell or you change the stature of your house.

Now what am I pointing here? Analysis. The fruit of your labor may produce happiness or sadness. This earth is for us to be refined from our behaviour distinct from animalistic behaviours. We humans are the subject of holiness.
Now, earth preservation is good because while we still live here on earth we have in our personality the appreciation of God`s works. But we need to assertain our being more spiritually. Haven`t you asked this (Why am I on earth with animals who don`t clad by themselves?) before? Animal`s are not monopolized. Cats are different from dogs in the same manner as turkeys from chickens vocally speaking.