how important is cnnabis in your life?


Registered Senior Member
how important is cannabis in your life?
would you be the man or the woman that you are today if you didnt smoke?
taylan007 ...

How the hell am I supposed to know?

That's like asking: If you didn't get up on the left side of the bed the morning of August 7th, 1999 would you still be the same person?

Oh. And by the way ... welcome to Sciforums

Enjoy ;)
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Re: taylan007 ...

Originally posted by Chagur
How the hell am I supposed to know?

That's like asking: If you didn't get up on the left side of the bed the morning of August 7th, 1999 would you still be the same person?

Oh. And by the way ... welcome to Sciforums

Enjoy ;)

Sorry i didnt make myself clear.Just started doing this. they were two separate questions.
Originally posted by taylan007
how important is cannabis in your life?
I've been out for two weeks, now. It's beginning to seem pretty fucking important.
Well I'm 15 so I guess I dont know just yet but I dont think it makes much of a difference. People should be aloud it if they want. Whatever happened to the free world. Stupid communists, thats what it is.
I love the cannabis. I love the shrooms.
They have given me much and asked for nothing.

Incidentally, I haven´t smoked for ages. These dry seasons come from time to time. The need for it is less than my itching desire to keep on playing my PS2 24/7 :D
If you do it,

it's very important. If you don't, it's not.
If you do it for a long time, you can be sure that your life will be different than if you didn't do it. As far as positives and negatives go that is an individual thing and nobody can say that your life/state of mind could've been better/worse if you had/hadn't done it.
You don't mention why you've been without, is it by choice or circumstance? If it's choice give yourself a chance--far better to be without a crutch--if Londons dry go to Amsterdam.
Dry seasons are a bummer, I agree!
I like it when I have it.

Or maybe, when I come to think about it, I may like it more when I don´t have it, because when I do have it, I don´t find it as "groovy" as it is in my vision of it when I´m without. :D

What does that mean? :confused:

Originally posted by tablariddim
I'm about to run out soon and I'll be without for a few weeks. I'll keep you posted on my progress!
Don't do it. It's not worth it. Three days after you run out you'll end up tidying the house, washing all the dishes and even -- god help you -- vacuuming the carpet. You'll watch less shitty television, and realise you don't care what Dan Rather has to say.

I'm telling you. It's not worth it.
My personal experience

Don't do it. It's not worth it. Three days after you run out you'll end up tidying the house, washing all the dishes and even -- god help you -- vacuuming the carpet. You'll watch less shitty television, and realise you don't care what Dan Rather has to say.

Your statement does indeed ring true in my life. I find that in retrospect, my earlier heavy use of marijuana did produce many negative side effects. However, now that I only use Marijuana sporadically, I find I enjoy it much more and with more positive side effects than negative. As with any drug, everyone will react differently to it and should moderate their own use in ways that produce the effect desired.

is this a coincidence that every1 is running dry at the same time in america or are the terrorists smarter than they look and are trying to cause utter chaos and destruction by cutting off all the weed dealers
ganja run out mon!

Originally posted by rde
Don't do it. It's not worth it. Three days after you run out you'll end up tidying the house, washing all the dishes and even -- god help you -- vacuuming the carpet. You'll watch less shitty television, and realise you don't care what Dan Rather has to say.

I'm telling you. It's not worth it.

Well I'm running very low now. On Saturday I laid paving slabs in the garden. Today I wet vac'd the carpet. More reports to come.
Running DRY?

is this a coincidence that every1 is running dry at the same time in america or are the terrorists smarter than they look and are trying to cause utter chaos and destruction by cutting off all the weed dealers

The idea of running dry is inconsistant with my experience. Marijuana is the largest cash crop grown in my state(Tennessee,USA). Despite the efforts of the government storm troopers that attempt to eradicate it, I have yet to see even a hint of a decline in the availibility of Marijuana. However, if one regularly encounters difficulties aquiring it, I would suggest taking the time to grow your own. It is easy and it is cheap.
Ah, I have to say that it does not matter if it is wet or dry...
just isn't important.