How good are you?


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Prompted by recent discussion in another thread, I ask the question: How good are you?

Tell us all about it. in what? Who has the most dense halo? Or whose has fallen the lowest? Or whose is in danger of becoming a noose?
Let me put it this way. Xev claims to be the peak of human existence (and it's true). I, however, am the peak of any existence. I am the greatest thing which will ever exist in any dimension. When I meet someone, I instently assume I am smarter than them, because I am. No matter how attractive and intelligent and incredible a woman is, she will never be complete until she experiences Tyler. This is just a glimpse of my greatness.
If an infinite number of dimensions each with an infinite number of beings existed for an infinite number of years, no being would ever overtake me as the greatest. Ever.
Let's put it this way- I am the peak of human existance. There is probably life elsewhere in the universe. I am better than it.

I am a High Priestess of the most ancient cult in human history. When the Great Cthulhu awakens, his loyal hrii will be rewarded.

Xev, hafh'drn Cthulhu, ilyaa y-Cthulhu.

Beat that, Tyler! You're just an athiest, I'm an athiest with a interdimensional squid-dragon God!

Not to mention, my finals are almost over and I am celebrating early!

No matter how attractive and intelligent and incredible a woman is, she will never be complete until she experiences Tyler.

You mean, women are like airplane models?
"Let's put it this way- I am the peak of human existance. There is probably life elsewhere in the universe. I am better than it."

But that's just it, you're only the peak of human existence. I am above human existence. I am above all gods and mythical squid-dragons. And Xev, I hate to tell you this, but there is no Cthulhu
Originally posted by wet1 in what? Who has the most dense halo? Or whose has fallen the lowest? Or whose is in danger of becoming a noose?

Lol, nice concept with who has the most dense halo, but what is a noose may an ignorant ask?

Hasn´t this forum seen enough of these popularity contests?
Of course you don't think there is a Great Cthulhu - Cthulhu summons his followers (ilyaa) through His dreams (fhtagn).

His dreams can only be comprehended by unique, sensitive individuals. The rest of humanity either cannot comprehend the nature of His dreams, or goes mad trying. Lovecraft described it in 'The Call of Cthulhu'.

Now, even among these sensitive individuals, very few can gaze upon the Great Cthulhu without going mad from the unspeakable horror of his countenance.* I have seen the Great Cthulhu.

So, I am rather the creme de la creme of the Cthulhu Cult.

*Although he really is quite cute and cuddly.

Edit to add a description of the Cthulhu Cult:

Cthulhu is a Great Old One. He and his brethren ruled the Universe untold millennia ago, but now the stars are wrong and He lies sleeping in his city beneath the waves, R'lyeh. When the Stars Are Right He will emerge and feast, and we who worship Him will be elevated to our rightful places of power, and will live forever in an orgy of feasting, fighting, and f... well, you get the idea.

I will admit that at some things I am better than some others,
But I’m sure there are others who are better than me at the same things.
But then of course I know that for some things I am worse than some others,
But I am also sure I am better than some others at the same things.

However, if there was a scale that objectively measured absolute goodness,
Then I have to admit I have no idea how I’d fit on such a scale,
But probably better than some but worse than others,
Or is that worse than some but better than others.

The magnificence of relative subjectivity
Is that much can be said
But when analyzed
The conclusion must be that nothing was said at all.

So can anyone better that or am I the best?
However, I’m sure there will always be someone who can better my best,
But I’d like to think there would always be someone whose best is less than mine,
But that would be far too presumptuous for someone such as me
Who has no idea how good I am at anything,
At least on a potentially absolute scale of goodness.

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I'm reading the Bible.....that dosen't make me very good, does it?

I'll study! That will make me good!

Voodoo: Ah, you have to experiance Cthulhu's dreams to decide. As the slogan goes,

"IT found ME!"
Xev, xev, xev....

For those of us TRULY great, we first experienced said connection with Cthulhu and then later a connection which enlightened us to the fact that there is no Cthulhu!