You guys are so sweet! I didn't even think 61.7 was that good of a score for a geekette. Gosh, I'm blushing, heeh!
What section got you up that high? Or are you just an over all around geek?
Well, I re-took the test to properly figure what I scored better in...
I HAVE... = 30/40
I HAVE BEEN... = 21/38
I HAVE (2)... = 21/38
I HAVE READ... = 20/28
I WANT... = 15/28
I BELIEVE... = 5/8
I ROUTINELY WATCH... = 13/28 (This one's just low because I currently am without cable. When my parents had cable when I was a little kid, I used to watch some of the shows routinely, so I checked them)
I HAVE SEEN... = 23/23
I OWN... = 31/55 (I don't have a DVD player and don't want to play them off Dexter [my laptop])
I WANT TO BE... = 9/11
I LIKE TO... = 25/31
I PLAY... = 16/30
I WEAR... = 15/22
I COLLECT... = 9/13
I HAVE (3)... = 14/40 (I admit it: I lack in computer skills! But at least I'm willing to learn, dag nabbit)
I KNOW... = 21/35
I KNOW (2)... = 15/25
Judging by my results, I think I'm a pretty well-rounded geekette. By the time I move out of this apartment and can pay my own bills, I'll be functioning as a full-fledged dysfunctional geek! Pazzah for alliterated oxy-moron 8^P!
In fact, when I re-tested I noticed that I had skipped a few of the questions and also misread some of them. So my actual score is 62.52465%
Oh, and about the 'freakin tight
' word choice: I make up a lot of the words and phrases I use. "Quiggy", "sheeshkinnens", "cool-o", and "who gives a dingleberry" are the ones I use the most (I'm also known for "dag nabbit, nibble on a rabbit", but that's just too weird). I do use words like "nifty", "spiffy", and "tubulor" just as often though.