I'm into computers, science fiction, videogames and CAD software though.. so obviously I'm a geek. Now, you say geeks are such by choice, avoiding the mainstream given a distaste for it.
Hmm.. once geeked, is it possible to degeek? If you could would you be internally compelled to regeek? Can one transform from geek to nerd? I'd almost say that nerd - given your description - would be the pinnacle of the geekly transition. Nerd is in essence, all the way geek - and then some
Geek? Nerd? Come on now, they're both dorks right? Even if you're an involuntary nerd you're surely a dork eh? Certainly there's nothing dorkier than "getting drunk and discussing obscure technical ideas" eh?
I, wesmorris, transcend nerd and geeks and embody the true spirit of both in a culmination of dorkedness never before possible (thanks to PC's): Nerd Overlord.