How freezing water can break pipe!


Registered Senior Member
"How can freezing water expand, even bursting
metal pipes, with no energy input to explain it?

A: According to today's science, this is impossible. Every
output of energy requires a balancing energy input in order
to remain within our laws of physics. A balloon left in the sun
will expand and burst, in the process doing work against the
surrounding atmosphere and its elastic skin, which is balanced
by the energy input from the sun, so it is no mystery. However,
freezing water has no energy input -- in fact, just the opposite.
Energy continually drains from the water as it cools toward
freezing. So, how does the water suddenly expand with such
force from within that it easily bursts metal pipes? No solid
answers to this mystery can be found from today's scientists --
only confused hand-waving diversionary responses that still
do not answer this clear energy balance violation."

Is today physics hand waving physics?

Thats the way it is!
It's simply that the volume of frozen water is greater than the volume of liquid water.
And when room temperature drops below 0°C, there is a lot of energy drained from the water, so the water can eventually freeze - and break pipes.

Anyone with plumbing and central heating in their home knows this, or at least should know this.
"How can freezing water expand, even bursting
metal pipes, with no energy input to explain it?

A: According to today's science, this is impossible. Every
output of energy requires a balancing energy input in order
to remain within our laws of physics. A balloon left in the sun
will expand and burst, in the process doing work against the
surrounding atmosphere and its elastic skin, which is balanced
by the energy input from the sun, so it is no mystery. However,
freezing water has no energy input -- in fact, just the opposite.
Energy continually drains from the water as it cools toward
freezing. So, how does the water suddenly expand with such
force from within that it easily bursts metal pipes? No solid
answers to this mystery can be found from today's scientists --
only confused hand-waving diversionary responses that still
do not answer this clear energy balance violation."

Is today physics hand waving physics?

Thats the way it is!

Today's physics is fine an accurate, no thanks to the likes of you and whoever provided all that misinformation you linked us to.

The problem is that neither you nor that writer understand even the very basics of physical science.

Taking the case of water in particular, it's been long known that water expands when it freezes because the molecules form a crystal lattice that occupies MORE space than they did while in liquid form.

Did you not ever even attend high school - or perhaps dropped out? Beause that very simple piece of physical chemistry is taught there very clearly.

You'd be well advised to rely on solid sources for information rather than nutty Internet sites sites like the one you just presented here.

By the way, does that happen to be YOUR site? It sound like it could be,
That reminds me of a friend who left for vacation and didn't leave his heater on low when he left during winter. When he came home the toilets had burst and he had to replace them as well as fix many water pipes which also froze and broke inside his house.
Redshifting (no doppler)with entropy

When star born, it was different kind of situation for light what we have today!

When the stars are born, was moving in space, much less fotoneita than today. The old light is not faced with very little light to the future! How does that seemed to light and how the current situation now affects arising from the light?

Charges with entropy!

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The positive reserve omaava particle radiates more energy. This energy slows down a bit over-reaching energy. Now, over-reaching energy colliding all the time expanding, but a particle seen. Its energy is changing entropian throughout the period of high density of less energy.

Now, the positive booking their own, but a particle hits more energy. It will cause it to explode out of energy to reverse itself. Now, this energy slows down a bit of positive over-reaching energy, etc.!

Positive over the reserve of energy to go the pace slowed because of entropian. Therefore, the fact that the share of energy, which will cause it to become less high density energy business in relation to the track in front of us. Now, to go past the energy momentum is slowing down, etc.

Positive Reserve remains entropian why!

Negative reserve precedents expanding particle does not radiate much energy away from himself. Therefore, we reserve negavtiivisen modicum of an over-reaching energy skip it to slacken the pace. Now, this energy does not hit nagatiivisen booking their own, but a particle seen. I saw its negative reserve will remain low because of entropian!
It can do it because the energy doesn't just disappear you know.