How far does freedom of the press go ?


Valued Senior Member
Hugo Chavez shut down radio stations that were openly calling out for his blood and serving as the information/propaganda arm of the people who plotted for his coup, the same people who willingly ignored the fact that he was democratically elected. (

Now, Barrack Obama in theory is attempting either control or shut down fox, because it is in fact the pseudo leadership/propaganda party of the GOP. People outside and inside the US have known this for a while. (Robert Greenwald: Outfoxed)

Would you protect someone's right to free speech, if it meant that they would call for your blood ?
Is Fox news, comparable to the radio and TV stations that actively campaigned against Hugo Chavez ?

I don't think so, but it does give one pause for thought. Because, if any radio or TV station in the US did what the Venezuelan ones did to Chavez, There would be blood on the streets.

Is it then only a matter of time before Fox starts doing that?

How far does the freedom of press go ?, Would you protect a station that calls for genocide or a coup ? Extreme cases, but if cloaked under the pretense of "opinion" which is then advertised extensively, isn't it a bit to far to protect your "political" killers or those that would incite your political opponents ?
For starters ....

Challenger78 said:

Now, Barrack Obama in theory is attempting either control or shut down fox ....

How so? Are you suggesting that calling bullshit on FOX News is going to cause it to go out of business?

Is it then only a matter of time before Fox starts doing that?

Well, there was this one time Liz Trotta suggested the assassination of Barack Obama would be a good thing.
I always though that the freedom of the press should be in the benefits of the truth and clarity . We have now many different ways of media but they focus mainly on the same agenda . I do not see a big difference between Fox news, CNN, ABC, NBC.......etc . They support the government when it comes to most policies . They carry nearly the same topics......etc.
I believe that the media MUST by law to carry only the truth and no propaganda because most people believe if it is on the TV news it must be true . I find the media very powerful and they can change things easily .
I personally had a problem with a government for 12 years and when it was published in the main newspapers, radios , TV problem was solved in one week after the first day it was aired . Some journalists just write anything without any verification . All the people should have the freedom under the laws of the nation including the press . When the press is concentrated in few hands it is a real danger to democracy, justice and fairness .
How so? Are you suggesting that calling bullshit on FOX News is going to cause it to go out of business?
If it did, I would personally be happy. Obviously it won't.
I suppose I should rephrase my question. I suppose I added my own opinion to that statement, I want Fox to be shut down, Western countries need media reform, even more greatly than developing countries. Primarily because democracy needs a healthy media.

Should Obama attempt to shut down fox if it calls for a coup ? How far should he go ?

Well, there was this one time Liz Trotta suggested the assassination of Barack Obama would be a good thing.

If such a claim becomes widespread, how long will we wait?
Who holds the press accountable? Just see Princess Di's accident or similar infringements on privacy of other celebrities. The press gives the people what they want
Who holds the press accountable? Just see Princess Di's accident or similar infringements on privacy of other celebrities. The press gives the people what they want
I am not worried about celebrities as they have money, body guards....etc to protect themselves . What worries me about the media is their propaganda, lies, manipulation and dishonesty . They support the illegal, satanic wars, they support very bad politicians and they brainwash the masses . You have to understand that the media is so conceded in few hands that saying the truth is not the norm these days when it comes to real issues facing humanity .
The media supported Paul wolfowitz as a US deputy to the secretary of defence and they supported him as the chairman of the World Bank .
We all know what a clown is this guy and supporting like that tells you much about a dishonest media . This is just one example .