How does this work?


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
Extract from Supernature by Lyall Watson:(on an experiment involving flashing lights used to induce seizures) '...A feedback circuit, in which the flashing light was actually fired by the brain signals themselves, produced immediate epileptic seizures in more than half the people tested.'

Why would that induce a seizure? What exactly does it do to you?
Kneel on the ground, deliberately hyperventilate for 15 seconds, stand up very fast, then have a friend hit you hard in the chest. Usually just makes you black out, but I know of someone who actually induced a seizure doing that. :D
Extract from Supernature by Lyall Watson:(on an experiment involving flashing lights used to induce seizures) '...A feedback circuit, in which the flashing light was actually fired by the brain signals themselves, produced immediate epileptic seizures in more than half the people tested.'

Why would that induce a seizure? What exactly does it do to you?

A seizure is a temporary abnormal electro-physiologic phenomenon of the brain, resulting in abnormal synchronization of electrical neuronal activity. It can manifest as an alteration in mental state, tonic or clonic movements, convulsions, and various other psychic symptoms (such as déjà vu or jamais vu). It is caused by a temporary abnormal electrical activity of a group of brain cells. The medical syndrome of recurrent, unprovoked seizures is termed epilepsy, but some seizures may occur in people who do not have epilepsy.

Yeah, but how does a flickering light induce one? From the brain's point of view it's just visual input, how would it get to the rest of the brain in order to induce a seizure?
Yeah, but how does a flickering light induce one? From the brain's point of view it's just visual input, how would it get to the rest of the brain in order to induce a seizure?[/QUO

VIsual input is translated into images deep in the brain, so there is no question as to how "it" gets there. It is what goes on every time we look at something.

The seizure you refer to disturbs the brain's rhythm. On TV ,warning are normally issued that there is flash photography in scenes to be shown. I understand this to be a warning to epilectics; it has no effect on others.
flashing lights can cause nerve cells in certain areas of the brain to all fire at once, instead of firing in a ordered sequence, that can cause a seizure
Yeah, but how does a flickering light induce one? From the brain's point of view it's just visual input, how would it get to the rest of the brain in order to induce a seizure?

Visual input gets converted to chemical & electrical information in the brain. Presumably all types of input- heat, cold, pain, light, sound- are interpreted in the same way by the brain.
I found an alalogy on the int0rweb

According to neurologist Jerome Engel, "Instead of [the nerve cells] firing individually, like fingers playing notes on the piano, many fire at once-like the banging of dissonant chords".