How does God purify the earth?

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Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
Q Stanley, how do you think that God purifies the earth?
Q Stanley, why do you think so?
I think that fire reacts in a similar capacity as an air purifier.
Q Stanley, what do you think fire is?
I think fire is a form of energy that dissipates matter with heat.
Q Stanley, what do you think fire may be used for?
I think that fire may be used to burn things (e.g. food, wood, coal, diamond, metal, material, flesh or even our human soul etc.)
Q Stanley, where do you think that God has built his fire?
I think that God has built his fire beneath the earth?
Q Stanley, why do you think so?
I think that it's ABC common sense:

A) It enables God to warm the earth to prevent it from freezing.

B) God can grow vegetation (e.g. fruit or vegetable etc.) for food.

C) Impurities can seep via the pores of the soil to fall into the fire.
Q Stanley, what name do you think the scriptures refer to the fire?
Well, I think the scriptures refer to it as the Lake of fire.
Q Stanley, what do you think the name connotes?
I think the name connotes the Magma Chamber.
Q Stanley, why do you think so?
It's the hottest fire that I know of that's beneath the earth.
Q Stanley, do you think the Magma Chamber is perdition?
Yes! I think that the Magma Chamber is perdition.
Q Stanley, do you think that God purifies our soul in the fire?
Yes! I think that God purifies our soul same as diamonds.
Q Stanley, how long do you think the process last?
I think that the purification process is eternal or until earth ceases to exist.
Q Stanley, do you think the purification process is painful?
Yes I think so! The scriptures define the pain as torment.
Q Stanley, how do you think any of us can avoid being purified by fire?
I think that each of us must receive the baptism of The Holy Ghost as our way out.
Q Stanley, why do you think so?
The Holy Ghost is our Comforter. It makes sense to me that He is the only one who, can hear the voice of Christ. None of us knows what to listen for or exactly how Jesus' voice sounds.
Q Stanley, are you telling us this just to scare us?
On the contrary, I am trying to shock you with the truth about the way the cookies crumbles, so you won't have to learn the hard way.
Q Stanley, do you think that God purifies our human flesh?
No, I don't think so! The flesh is dead meat (i.e. biodegradable). Biodegradable things decompose and may purify themselves.
Q Stanley, who do you think goes to heaven?
I think that he or she, who is pure in heart (e.g. meek, humble, honest, genuine or sincere) goes to heaven.
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