How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?


Registered Member
There are people who hunt animals to provide food and clothing for their family, such as eskimos.

But then there are those people who engage in hunting and shooting down defenseless animals for sports. People who hunt for the thrill of the kill. They kill for fun and recreation, and are proud of their killings.

What's your opinion on these type of people?
They are satisfying a deep human need for hunting, the same way a cat will play with a toy mouse when it can't find suitable prey. It's been our way of life for a million years or so, I can't criticize people for doing what evolution programmed them to do.
They are satisfying a deep human need for hunting, the same way a cat will play with a toy mouse when it can't find suitable prey. It's been our way of life for a million years or so, I can't criticize people for doing what evolution programmed them to do.

What deep human need for hunting? Myself and most people have never felt an inherent need to hunt an animal. Saying that everyone's got a deep need to hunt is a crock... or we'd all be doing it, wouldn't we be?

It's unwise to project your own psychological musings onto other people and assume that if it's true for you, then it's true for everyone. Clearly in this case it is not.
they rationalize it by saying deer will starve to death anyway, get hit by cars and many other reasons that happen to be true. hunters do eat the meat or give it away which of course leads to the vegetarianism debate.

if you kill a spider or a big ugly roach then what does that say about you? how about a mouse or a rat decides to 'pay you a visit'? so you rationalize your reason for killing it.

many people seem to have problems because an act they do not particularly care for gives another person pleasure. if they didnt derive some pleasure from it MANY\MOST\ALL of what can be deemed activists wouldnt even notice.

i never hunted so i am not defending them.
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They are satisfying a deep human need for hunting, the same way a cat will play with a toy mouse when it can't find suitable prey. It's been our way of life for a million years or so, I can't criticize people for doing what evolution programmed them to do.
Could you criticize them if they did to your mother what we have done to other men's family members for a million years or so?
There are people who hunt animals to provide food and clothing for their family, such as eskimos.

But then there are those people who engage in hunting and shooting down defenseless animals for sports. People who hunt for the thrill of the kill. They kill for fun and recreation, and are proud of their killings.

What's your opinion on these type of people?

It seems like the OP wants a negative opinion of those you hunt for sport. I wont stereo type any group. What about sport fisherman? When my husband used to bring home salmon, rock cod from sport fishing trips we didn't need him do it for our survival. We could have bought fish from the grocery store.
He fished for recreation and relaxation. He was very proud of the salmons he caught. We have many, many photo's of the salmons with the weights, dates etc....
Now, are you only going to chastise one group of hunters vs another?
It is their right to do so because they are stronger than the animals. Who are you to think or say otherwise?

I'm stronger than a child. Who are you to think or say I shouldn't be beating up and killing children?

Seriously though. Apart from the people who eat them, which like I said I believe to be acceptable, I'm curious as to the psychology of why people want to hunt defenseless animals and enjoy it. Do they derive pleasure from the activity of killing something weak and less intelligent than them?
It seems like the OP wants a negative opinion of those you hunt for sport. I wont stereo type any group. What about sport fisherman? When my husband used to bring home salmon, rock cod from sport fishing trips we didn't need him do it for our survival. We could have bought fish from the grocery store.
He fished for recreation and relaxation. He was very proud of the salmons he caught. We have many, many photo's of the salmons with the weights, dates etc....
Now, are you only going to chastise one group of hunters vs another?

Why did your husband need to kill the fish to relax, though? Couldn't he have just thrown them back? It's one thing if you are eating them. If you are eating them, it means you are not buying from store and that is indirectly sparing an animal. This isn't about that, though, because there are a ton of hunters who don't eat their kill. They just kill for the sake of killing. I guess that is a source of pride for a lot of people?
Why did your husband need to kill the fish to relax, though? Couldn't he have just thrown them back? It's one thing if you are eating them. If you are eating them, it means you are not buying from store and that is indirectly sparing an animal. This isn't about that, though, because there are a ton of hunters who don't eat their kill. They just kill for the sake of killing. I guess that is a source of pride for a lot of people?

I would argue the people who didn't eat their kill usually shared it family or friends. At least, that's what I have heard.
What do the hunters do with their kill if they don't eat it themselves, in your opinion?
Beats me. I heard someone in the supermarket the other day talking about how they shot a bobcat and left it to rot. His friend was jeering on about how he couldn't find any animals when he hunted this month so he shot a bunch of squirrels instead. I ddoubt he ate those.
Beats me. I heard someone in the supermarket the other day talking about how they shot a bobcat and left it to rot. His friend was jeering on about how he couldn't find any animals when he hunted this month so he shot a bunch of squirrels instead. I ddoubt he ate those.

IMO those types (mentioned above) are dangerous. Not to mention their actions possibly illegal.
But if we are speaking of legal hunting, it boils down to your personal ethics if you want to engage it.
For instance, my husband couldn't pull the trigger. But he could cast a good line.
That's a logical fallacy norsefire. It'd be like me saying it's my right to kill hunters, because I'm stronger than they are.
to be honest, many vegetarians dont eat meat due to an overall squeamishness towards it and then try to justify not eating meat many different ways...except for the real reason. i believe that deep down inside they know the reason why but it is much easier to swallow if they can convince themselves that there are other reasons.
John99, statistically vegans live a few years longer on average than those who eat meat. As a vegan, you have virtually zero chance of acquiring coronary heart disease and you will never get fat. Risk of diabetes and types of cancers are reduced as well, as red meat contains trace amounts of carcinogens that build up over time. I think we can safely say that living longer is just about the best indication of what is best for your long term health.

I'm not even a vegetarian or a vegan myself, but that does need to be said.
to be honest, many vegetarians dont eat meat due to an overall squeamishness towards it and then try to justify not eating meat many different ways...except for the real reason. i believe that deep down inside they know the reason why but it is much easier to swallow if they can convince themselves that there are other reasons.

John, I've been vegan and I've eaten pretty much anything edible on an animal. That is the biggest amount of crap I've heard today. This is why I struggle with eating animal products.

I think recreational hunting is not a problem as we killed all the damn predators.
John99, statistically vegans live a few years longer on average than those who eat meat. As a vegan, you have virtually zero chance of acquiring coronary heart disease and you will never get fat. Risk of diabetes and types of cancers are reduced as well, as red meat contains trace amounts of carcinogens that build up over time. I think we can safely say that living longer is just about the best indication of what is best for your long term health.

I'm not even a vegetarian or a vegan myself, but that does need to be said.

Linus Pauling (Vitamin C research) noted the importance of L carnetine (?) for health. Found in red meat. Vegetarians can and do develop CAD. Genetics.
Vegetables can contain chemicals that are associated with development cancer, so can water, so can the the air we breathe, if it contains pollution.

And I have seen overweight vegetarians.