how do the thoughts form and how does the brain process information?


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
I'd be thankful for an answer
a good link would do also
and don't direct me to google, I'd get 90% crackpot links
what I need is the real thing, not some new crackpot theory

unfortunately I do not have so much knowledge in neuroscience to sort out the good ones

thanx in advance :m:
If you want some reliable information I suggest reading- A user's guide to the brain by John Ratey. He is clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical school, so yes the information is reliable.
I am probably very wrong but i'll bite;)

Ok lets see as far as i can tell;

Well the thoughts from from synaposis firing and the neurons taking that firing signal and deciding wheather to fire back or not. A neuron firing is a all or none a PC..either it's 1 or we don't exactly know how a neuron decides in 1/1000 of a second wheather the signal firestrom will continue or not byt that neuron firing ahead or not. This eventually leads to a even our thoughts come dowm to a few chemicals working in conjuction with each other.

As for brain processing info...well that depends on where the stimulus for the info is coming from. If you mean senses stimuli than each sense has it's own lobe in the brain to help us intrepret the info except the nose...the nose has it's own organ in the brain t ohelp the brain smell. The eyes take in the light info which travels to the ocipital lobe and is put together there and then sent to the cerebrum to be dealt with. Same goes for hearing, touch...except some stilmuli from the touch isn't sent to the brain to deal with because it is so harmful to the human that spinal refelxes kick in...such as in touching a hot stove etc. The spinal cord take care of this info. Other touch stimuli i believe is sent through the RNS to be filtered to decide wheather it higher parts of the brain need to be alerted or not. Your parietel lobe handles your body coordination along with other parts of the brain.

Your frontal lobe is the reasoning part of your brain. At the left...this lobe tries to make logic of everything in your try to reason with situations. There have been cases where many were hurt here and lost all sense of reasoning and become brutes and bold. Your languge comprehension is handled by the wiennicks area..(i think that's how it is spelled). This part comprehends language for the cerebrum and broca's area produces language for you.

Also for the infomation sent by your body well the thalamus and Hypothalamus take over there. Hypothalamus takes care of hunger thirst etc, hypothalamus takes care of your more priminitve needs and thalamus is your gland master which is the real head of the endocrine system. Also your Hippocampus is your short term info taken in goes there first to be decided wheather this info will be stored in long term memory or not.

As also The somatic and autonomic nervous sytems kick in different situations s othat also plays a part in info storing and processing. So it's a lot more complicated than it looks.

There is so much more here for me to banter on about but i'll let you see this first to see if this is what you needed. Sorry for the typos and any stupid stuff...hope that helped;)
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sarge gave his fav lecture... fresh out of psych college course... fascinating. only to add my little bit: the right side of brain is where creativity happens. frontal part is for feelings, thats why in "One Flew Over the Coo-Coo's nest" in the end they did a frontal lobodomy on main character and he became a vegetable. actually it was a relatively small part of the brain that got removed.
hahahaha wolf proved my can't really pin any part of the brain to one specific really gets complicated from here;). Also how one mind fuction from anothers comes into play also. Mozart, Einstein etc were all believed to be using a unknown part of their brain. That they could tap into a mostly unusable part of the mind which the average Joe wasn't able to. The mind is a amazing thing and to understand take patience. You'll be better for it Avatar;)
wait i think it was the frontal left side that got removed, im not sure...
and now sargentlard is starting a debate on aim. a fenomenal human, ready to argue ab a dot.
established relatively quickly: "one part isn't really limited t oany one functiuon". there, now it seems complete. Sarge, give link or ref for info ab unknown part of brain, i want to read up on it. AND THAT IS IT, FINAL STATEMENT, IM GOING TO EAT MY SOUP!

I would just like to point out to sargentlard that it is synapses not synopsis that fire signals (a subcellular portion of a neuron versus the summary of something).
As for firing being an all or nothing event that may or may not be true, the amount of chemicals released from the synaptic cleft may vary depending on the intensity of the signal. How dendrites (the receiving part of a synapse) respond to the signals from axons (the chemical releasing part of a synapse) probably depends not only on how much chemical is reduced, but how many axons signal to the dendrite, as it may be in contact with multiple axons simultaneously.

As for the actual formation of a "thought" the complex interplay between different types of neurons, is so complex, that besides sargentlard's generic answer it is far too much to get into here, and as I am not a neuroscientist I would not even attempt it.
Sarge why do i have to repeat myself,
where did you get that stuff on unknown part of the brain?!
soup for sissies, what the hell do you know?:D its good for you bc it cleans out your stomach; you keep in shape that way.

and in case youre interested it tasted good too!
Re: synapses

Originally posted by wrmgrl
I would just like to point out to sargentlard that it is synapses not synopsis that fire signals (a subcellular portion of a neuron versus the summary of something).
As for firing being an all or nothing event that may or may not be true

Whoops spelling mistake ...thank for your other note...really? do explain further...i don't see how a neuron could take action in the middle...either it fires or not;)
Re: Re: synapses

Originally posted by sargentlard
Whoops spelling mistake ...thank for your other note...really? do explain further...i don't see how a neuron could take action in the middle...either it fires or not;)
Ok, I suppose it either does fire or it doesn't fire, but the stregth of the impulse can vary, that is why it's not all or nothing. You could, in computer terms, have 0, 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.
Here's an example, you lay your hand on a warm plate, you get a signal to pull your hand away, but since the plate is only warm the signal is not incredibly strong, and you may not react immediately.
Alternately, you stick your hand (accidentally) in a flame, almost instantaneously the signals in your brain make you withdraw your hand. This probably has to do with signal intensity as well and the number of nerves involved in the response.
now to give my favorite lecture. fresh out of a neuroscience degree. :)

So we know plenty about how the brain works in a very low level biological way. so if you want to know about how the cells in your brain work, there's plenty established stuff on that.

If you want to get to more higher level cognitive stuff and you want to relate it to the underlying neurological substrates. Then it gets more complicated. People spend there entire neuroscience carreers on topics like the cognitive neuroscience of working memory. And that's only one type of memory, a relativly small part of cognition in general. So a question like "where does though come from" can't really be asnwered fully and well. If I knew the right answer to something as broad as "how does the brain work" then i would be siting back waiting for my nobel. but alas....

anyway if you are interested in some good cognitive neuroscience reading then i would suggest a few things. The first is to look up the MIT Press website. they publish a lot of books on the subject. Like the MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive sciences (drool). The second would be to get to your local bookstore and get something like "The Seven Sins of Memory"(Schacter)
Re: Re: Re: synapses

Originally posted by wrmgrl
Ok, I suppose it either does fire or it doesn't fire, but the stregth of the impulse can vary, that is why it's not all or nothing. You could, in computer terms, have 0, 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, etc.

The strength of the impulse is either off (-70mv) or on (+30mv). It how the signal is processed at the synapses that counts.
You can actually get on+, off, or on-. When the signal reaches the synapes nuerotransmitters are released which are picked up by the cell body of the recieving neuron.

Its possible a few neurons are transmiting to one recieving neuron, one releases a neurotransmitter for exciting the reciving neuron, one releases some for inhibiting the neuron, the sum of all the signals recieved is whether the recieving neuron itself will spark up.

Intensity of the feeling is dependent on how many neurons are being sparked, and how often.

Aavatar I imagine the easiest way of understanding our complex CNS would be to start from understanding a simple neural network like in a starfish (or sponge? cant remember) and moving on to progressivly more complex animals.