How do Jews and Muslims spend their Christmas?


Valued Senior Member
The obvious answer might be, "like any other day." But all the stores are closed. Most people are occupied with family. Most businesses take the day off. So... what do you guys do? Do you spend the day with your family too? Is that the reason you feel Christmas is "forced on you" -- because in a few indirect ways, you are honoring the Christmas routine?
Actually - most Jews I know get Chinese food and go see a movie. I'd say Jews count for an disproportional amount of ticket sales on Xmas. They eat Chinese I think because in NY the Chinese was the only significantly sized group which didn't celebrate either - so they were open. Some places do 'Matzah Balls' - or - Jewish singles parties.
I'm from Muslim origin; we actually celebrated Christmas, and though I am, myself, non-religious, I still celebrate it as well.
If you do a quick scan of the today's newspapers of Most Muslim countries, you will not find any mention of the Christmas that jumps out. Atleast, I did not find any.

But when I went to the first Indian Newspaper website I clicked, here is what I got:


That means Hindus are not afraid of Santa and Christmas. Amazing...

It imay be the young religions that have issues....who knows...
This thread is about muslims, jews, and christians in the USA and Europe. It is not about countries where almost nobody at all celebrates Christmas.

I am sorry, I did not see the "in the USA" in OP. Must be in white text that only you can see. :wtf:
damn kmguru, ya moron! How'd you miss that?
LMAO WTF is right

I have a Jewish friend that comes over and celebrates Christmas with us. She sends me an xmas card. She celebrates Hanukkah at home. I send her a Happy Hanukkah card.
Yeah, same as every other day, lamenting their lack of foreskins.

Sorry!, Sorry!,,Too much Christmas cheer for me. Apologies.
In jest, in jest. It's a joke. I know, I know. It's not funny.
Nothing funny about losing the most intensely sensitive part of you whole body.
Shit, I hate Christmas too.
I'm sure there'll be a cranky MOD somewhere with helmet envy who'll ban my sorry arse.

Orly you dunce, you forgot the apostrophe in it's.
Christmas is no excuse.
damn kmguru, ya moron! How'd you miss that?
LMAO WTF is right

Thank you ma'am. Normally I do not visit the Religion section, because I lost all my Legacy programs in the brain. This was Christmas...a day off...too much spiked EggNog...

Oh...well...mum is the word...
The only reason why we are not suppose to say merry christmas and say happy holidays, is because of the jews. They get offended over that.
The only reason why we are not suppose to say merry christmas and say happy holidays, is because of the jews. They get offended over that.

They get offended because we celebrate the birth date of another great Jew (no offense intended)? Something does not sound right here!
I'm not religious but in the USA I have dinner with the family, in AU I go to the movies and eat Chinese (yumcha), in Japan shopping (busiest shopping day of the year).
I am sorry, I did not see the "in the USA" in OP. Must be in white text that only you can see. :wtf:

No, I am just telling you now. Unless I say otherwise, never assume that my statements apply anywhere except to the USA.
Well since everyone is off, usually, we had a family gathering... But in no way do we see this as Christmas being forced on us... Why? Because meeting with your family can be any day... If we were giving gifts to everyone that would be more 'christmasy'- but meeting with your family is a norm because that is when everyone is off and you feel that it is a good excuse to meet them.

Peace be unto you ;)
good question, why exactly do you think they SHOULD put up with being forced into it?
after all do the shops (and everything else) close for ramadum and the equivlant jewish festivals (sorry i simply dont know what that would be)?

Personally i think having good friday and Christmas as "banned" days for trading (very limited things are alowed to open, infact there was a big problem in victoria on good friday because the legislation passed acidently forbid petrol stations from operning on the day when most people go away *shakes head*)
What would them not putting up with it include? Demanding that storeowners open their stores against their will? That is their choice.

I don't like the idea of government-forced store closings, however. I am glad we don't do that here.