How do creationists reconcile genetic defects with special creation?


Valued Senior Member
I'm curious to hear how people who don't believe in evolution explain things like hereditable genetic disorders. Take sickle-cell anemia, for example; why would God target a race of people to have a genetic disorder?
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Humans were once perfect, but as the result of original sin they started accumulating genetic defects. Apparently there was a vapour canopy which shielded us from the UV rays that creationists think are solely responsible for genetic defects. Post-Noah, the canopy disappeared and people became imperfect and stopped living 800 years. Breath-takingly stupid.
Isnt the whole deal with us being born with original sin a little......distrubing.

Its like saying that every German is responsible for Hitler's actions during WW2, Even though current german inhibitants did not have any part whatsoever with Hitler's actions or personal beliefs, they somehow are still somewhat responsible for his previous sins. This original sin concept sounds more like a racist concept- that a group of people are responsible for another member of a group's actions. ex- some black people are criminals so all black people must be perceived as criminals and even be held accountable.

By this rational we should imprison all muslims since it was a couple muslims that crashed the planes into the twin towers.
Originally posted by MooseKnuckle

By this rational we should imprison all muslims since it was a couple muslims that crashed the planes into the twin towers.

some people would agree with this rational

Supposedly the start of genetic disorders and shorter age happened after Noah's ark which is probable (if it really happened) because hte water that fell could have been the start of disease and so on...
Genetic defects

Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Humans were once perfect, but as the result of original sin they started accumulating genetic defects. Apparently there was a vapour canopy which shielded us from the UV rays that creationists think are solely responsible for genetic defects. Post-Noah, the canopy disappeared and people became imperfect and stopped living 800 years. Breath-takingly stupid.

What's breath-takingly stupid is that they interbred. That's where genetic defects came from.
genetic mutations happen on a daily basis and are quite normal and beneficial to a species fitness. how do people who don't believe in evolution explain that?

also note that humans are evolving flatter and flatter faces as the brain gets larger which is a good thing. explain away creationists!
I'm not a creationist but your assuming that God could not make Adam and Eve capable of evolving.

also note that humans are evolving flatter and flatter faces as the brain gets larger which is a good thing. explain away creationists!
I think that has something to do with the stomach getting larger whereby the face gets flatter.
They spout some crap about a defect really being a blessing for someone so special.

Pretty. It really is. Pity it's not true.

How about people that are born mentally retarded? Can we hold those people responcible to believing in God? At what point in the IQ scale can we state for sure that someone is smart enough to understand the God concept.

When the final judgement comes does IQ matter? The way I see it if your IQ is too low you wont be able to go to heaven because you will lack belief and if your IQ is too high you wont to heaven because you're most likely an atheist. So the people that end up in heaven are people of average IQ. Just enough IQ to understand the God concept but not enough to dis-believe the God concept.