How can you believe it?


Registered Senior Member
I have been interested about religion and beliefs, and browsing through this section of the forums for a little while now, but never had I read the bible before a few days ago.

After about 20 minutes of reading, I was incredulous. I mean, you can believe there is a god that exists and that created us, but how can you believe in all of this bible stuff? I've read maybe half of Genesis + various other parts and already I find it more like some tale to make children have nightmares than anything else, especially what you religious folk believe it is: true.

As a children, I was influenced by people who attempted to brainwash me and who believe in this highly unlikely stuff so hard. Basically, I was forced to believe in something which didn't make much sense, or sound very true, at all.
And it would've stayed this way if I hadn't decided to find my own truth once and for all (which, it seems, religious people definitely haven't).

The point is, as long as you have the slightest bit of judgment and intelligence, you cannot openly believe in the Bible and everything christians say! It is a trap for fools, and people who "believe" in it have mostly been forced to during their childhood. And, I seriously wonder, how many people and priests would actually have been (or so they say, mind you) contacted by god, if they hadn't been brainwashed and forced into believing first.

And that is all for now - mind you, I'm only sharing my true opinion here, and I do not attempt to offend any of you (yet), for you can believe in whatever you want unless you force others to do so aswell.

Note - This is my first post here! say hello to me :p
Note - This is my first post here! say hello to me :p

LOL well hello there and welcome!

I agree that there are christians out there that will try to brainwash, scare the living poop out of you, etc...

I've experienced that as well, as I'm sure a lot of others have. They want you to come to "god" willingly...YET they scream if you don't you'll go to hell. Seems like a wholeeeee lot of control by fear if you ask me.
You know, I feel your pain. I went to Catholic school when I was young. I went to a Southern Baptist college for a bit. The Bible is one hell of a weighty read. It's interesting to me how far people will get wrapped up in their own particular religion. But, you have to see, that it is their own choice to get wrapped up in said religion. You say that you've found your own path to enlightenment, and that's great. I commend you. But please, please don't blame anyone unless they deserve it.

I know many Christians out there are REALLY gung-ho when it comes to their faith. They often go out of the bounds of defense and into the field of offense, trying to force others into believing what they believe. Not all of them do, but it is a rather disturbing trend as of late to see Christians using the sword and shield of their faith as an attack rather than as the sanctuary it was intended as (as far as I know).

People have the right in this country to religious freedom; such was the original intent of our founding fathers.

But other members of other religions do the same; they also attack Christians. Like I said before, not all do so, but a vast majority do outweigh what little are willing to defend their faith quietly and allow people to "turn themselves over to God". There is a lot of brainwashing and there are scare tactics that some do employ, same as in several other religions. I've been approached myself by Christians; along with Jehovas' Witnesses, Wiccans, and Scientologists too, questioning me if I've found my path and imploring me to follow theirs if I haven't.

So please don't come out and bash on Christians, bash on people who attack and defile other peoples' belief systems.

P.S. Welcome to SciForums! I don't mean to sound angry in this, and if I do, please feel free to tell me so. I just don't like negative energy.