how can people miss this?

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
I was reading the paper today and i came across this horrific story:

Man's body found in apartment may have been there for a decade

An inquest was opening Friday into the death of a man whose body lay in his apartment for years while another resident continued to live there. Local authorities said workers found the body of the man, believed to be in his 70s, on a sofa after neighbors complained of a bad smell coming from the apartment in Bristol, southwestern England. His identity has not been released. Police arrested the apartment's tenant after the body was found on Jan. 30, but concluded that the death had not been suspicious. It is believed the occupant, who is also in his 70s, failed to report the death because he suffers from severe mental health problems. A spokesman for Bristol City Council said the body was thought to have lain there for at least eight years. The council has launched an inquiry to determine how the corpse had gone unnoticed.​

how can some one like this go unnoticed? what about the smell? i used to live in Bristol and i know that some people there do care for other people. So what about friends? neighbours? even social services (not that they are any good anyway)

your thoughts?
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people assume old people die at the hospital. Just because there wasn't a funeral doesn't mean there wasn't one I guess.
lucifers your presume that people have contact with others, this isn't the case for many people.

For instance in a year I might only have social contact with 2 people. Life can work out like that some times.
I agree LA, there was a case like that in sydney where the occupant had died a year prior and while Meals on Wheels had reported that the food wasnt being collected, the police didnt break in because a nabor had said they thought the tenate had gone away. So it was left with the mail spewing from the letter box, the electricity cut off because no one paid the bills, no food being eaten, even housing trust (who owned the place) didnt enter to find out if something was wrong until they "evicted" the dead tenante for not paying the rent. Fortunatly in SA if the meals on wheels people dont have DIRECT contact with a person that house will be broken into by police with in 24 hours
What's the sad part?
That he died and he had no friends or family who noticed?
Or that a mentally ill man lived with a dead body for almost a decade and no one noticed?

The dead guy was on the couch! Did no one ever visit these 2?
Who cares, this is old news.

you know what i do, i care because i can see people not caring and it makes me sad, there is a little old lady accross the road and i go and see if there is anything she wants when i go shopping, i make sure her milk is being collected every morning, i make sure her paper is being colected, and if i dont see her for a few days i make a point of going over there and seeing if she is ok, and all it takes is a few miutes of my time.i dont do it to make myself feel good i do it because i care about her.

and people do see OAP'S because they have to collect tehy're pensions in the local post offices and banks, and the post office workers generally know who comes and goes each week.