Before the invention of the quantum theory, science understood reality in terms of continuous functions (analog) instead of discontinuous functions like quantum theory (quantum states).
What quantum theory did was lower the entropy or degrees of freedom of the perceieved universe, since quantum means distinct states with gaps between these distinct states (less degrees of freedom or entropy). Traditionally even the gaps between were included in continuous functions. This allowed concepts like god, to occupy places in the gaps between quantum states even if not defined by the quantum states.
Athough existing in the gaps between quantum states seems odd, consider the empire state building. Using the natural laws and probabiities of quantum theory, the odds are essentially zero for the empire state building to spontaneously appear, naturally. Yet it exists in reality. It exists in the gaps between what is predictable by quantum theory.
This proves it is possible for all types of things to exist within the gaps between what follows naturally from the quantum theory, with human nature appearing to fill in the gaps back to continuous functions. God by being omnipresent implies he will be found as a function that can exist in quantum and quantum gaps at the same time. The empire state building would be considered as stemming from the divine nature within humans since it exists in the continuum of which quantum is a part.