How bio polymer carbhydrate are synthesized


Does the DNA synthesize the carbohydrate polymer via some like Ribosomes
or is it synthesized by enzymes ?
example how is starch synthesized from regular glucose what enzyme are involved ?
Does the DNA synthesize the carbohydrate polymer via some like Ribosomes

No. The ‘central dogma of biology’ is: DNA --> RNA --> Protein

In other words, genes code for the production of proteins. DNA is transcribed into RNA, RNA is translated into a peptide at ribosomes. (*)

or is it synthesized by enzymes?

Enzymes (ie. proteins encoded by genes) are required for the synthesis of all the biological molecules. Carbohydrate monomers are formed via photosynthesis or via metabolic processes such as gluconeogenesis.

example how is starch synthesized from regular glucose what enzyme are involved ?

A lot of these questions can be answered with some basic searching.

(*) There are, of course, genes whose end product is the RNA (eg. rRNA, tRNA, and a variety of short non-coding RNAs such as miRNA).