Hostile work environment.!!!

Well, I'd be more scared of a criminal then a Hollywood director.

You didn't actually make this thread in support of criminals, did you?

I edited this post twice cause I'm pretty dumbfounded.
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Long ago, when studying psychology, I read that people tend to live up to your expectations of them.
Treat 'em like animals and expect what you already expected.

Expecting them to behave differently makes no sense at all.

Traumatizing? (maybe for idiots)
Well, I'd be more scared of a criminal then a Hollywood director.

You didn't actually make this thread in support of criminals, did you?
Id be more scared of a dangerous person whos free than one whos locked up.!!!
This thred is in suport of understandin why men behave badly in prison.!!!
This isn't funny for many reasons, but I don't feel up to linking and arguing right now (you can both grill me if you want).

Why start a thread like this when currently in the news high profile men are being accused of just the same thing?

More than Weinstein and a warning for the video...

Long ago, when studying psychology, I read that people tend to live up to your expectations of them.
Treat 'em like animals and expect what you already expected.

Expecting them to behave differently makes no sense at all.

Traumatizing? (maybe for idiots)

"Traumatizing" dont seem all that far fetched to me... an in case you dont know - i ant no idiot.!!!
Or, if you could make something like a thesis statement- I should have used and or...
Id be more scared of a dangerous person whos free than one whos locked up.!!!
This thred is in suport of understandin why men behave badly in prison.!!!
I think the bigger question is why the authorities did nothing to stop it.

From your link:

The situation was widely known, but authorities did little to stop the behavior, the plaintiffs claimed.

The women filed the suit against their boss, Public Defender Amy Campanelli, and against Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, charging that Campanelli and Dart failed to take adequate measures to fix some of the most egregious examples of a hostile work environment.

“It is difficult to communicate with clients when other inmates are exposing their genitals, erect or flaccid, masturbating, while either staring at us or yelling at us to get us to look,” wrote Crystal Brown, one of the defenders who filed the lawsuit, in a separate complaint lodged at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission last month. “This conduct is offensive, degrading and unwelcome.”


“Our attorneys are being forced to work in an environment that is traumatizing and debilitating,” Campanelli wrote. “These attacks have also affected the safety of the workplace. Attorneys are reluctant to talk to clients for fear of being sexually or physically assaulted.”

“It’s just become pervasive. We’ve tried everything,” wrote Campanelli, who became public defender in 2015.

She asked the sheriff for more guards to be present at lockups and other pressurized times. The sheriff did bring in more guards in the spring, but Campanelli said they were pulled in August, according to the Chicago Sun-Times

The allegations then state that the Sheriff who is in charge of the prison and the court lockup advised that more punitive measures be used against the offenders. These involved, in one case, not allowing one inmate to appear in court after an incident. The lawyers had to refuse, because that would infringe on the inmate's Constitutional rights.

The problem is well know, but apparently more prevalent in that particular prison. It gets worse.

One of the plaintiffs, Samantha Slonim, pressed criminal charges against a detainee who masturbated at her while in the courthouse lockup in 2016. After that, she was placed in the same lockup with him three more times, according to the complaint. At those times, he yelled that he would “beat the shit out of” her and “motherfucking kill” her, according to the complaint.

Another plaintiff, Erika Knierim, asked Dart to say something to the detainees who were repeatedly exposing themselves. According to the suit, Dart told her “that she could file a charge but nothing would happen; at the end of the day it is not going to stop; and she should just do her job.”

Smith, from the sheriff’s office, said there is absolutely no truth to this claim. She also said that the sheriff’s office had not yet received a copy of the complaint.

The female public defenders also allege that inmates have grabbed them by the legs or buttocks. And at least one male inmate reportedly ejaculated on a public defender.

Male attorneys are not subject to the harassment, but they’re in the minority. More than 60 percent of the public defenders in Cook County are women, according to the complaint.

The plaintiffs say that little has been done to stop the behavior, despite much outcry, conference calls, memos and meetings.

To wit, nothing is really being done to actively stop the behaviour. And these women are afraid to speak out about it, out of fear of reprisals.

If an assistant public defender files a complaint, detainees are charged with misdemeanor public indecency. But that’s done little to deter the behavior, since these men are facing serious felony charges, according to the lawsuit.

The women also fear reprisals, according to the suit. One assistant defender who did file a complaint was bad-mouthed by her superiors and throughout the court system for doing so, the lawsuit says

It is an impossible situation. As public defenders, they are required to act on behalf of their client. When the options presented to them equate to an abrogation of Constitutional rights for their clients, they are forced to decline as frankly, failure to do so could see them disbarred.

Other counties around the country face a similar problem, but as the article notes, it is not on the scale seen in Cook County.

When the authorities in charge of this prison offer such little option to public defenders and staff, and they do nothing else to stop it, I think the bigger question should not be about the inmates so much as those who are charged with running the prisons housing these inmates who allow it to continue without offering any security or viable options for the victims.

It's not just that it is the criminals behaving badly, many of whom suffer from mental health issues and they seem to be violent and in secure lock-up to begin with.. It's that the authorities aren't really doing anything about it and they have only offered options that they know these lawyers will be forced to refuse, leaving these women at continued risk.

And it is not just them. Female prison guards have also filed a similar lawsuit for the same reason. They were also told that if they did not like it, they should leave, they were told that this sort of behaviour is just a part of the job. They were also discouraged from filing any complaint. They also pointed out that other prisons reduce and prevent it from happening by physically restraining inmates who do it, and placing them in isolation if the behaviour does not stop and their guards are trained to immediately respond. It seems that in Cook County, this is not the case. Female prison guards were told to just sue, by the looks of it, instead of the Sheriff's department actually addressing the issue.
I suspect that the horrible situaton for the guards lawyers an inmates comes down to politics an money... an the most likely solution voters agree to will involve little more than harsher treetment for the inmates.!!!

the things women have to resort to, even fake engagement or wedding rings.
Yup. This is a very sad sign of the times.

I was once going to write a Twilight Zone-like episode where a (male) sexist pig was cursed to wear a neon sign over his head that read "Free money here".
Whenever he walked down a street, or stood in an elevator, whenever he was alone, he would be harrassed by people who saw him "just asking for it".
I may be reprimanded for this, but I couldn't resist posting this George Carlin's solution to the problem.
It solves both the criminal behavior as well as our current Tax problems (warning; extreme vulgar language).
i noticed in the west or at least in america, i can't speak for other places in the world, that the less professional the job was, the less it was about the work and more about politics and stupid politics at that. there is a lot of prejudice, harassment and cliquishness. in other words, it is an unfair assessment to praise people just because they have a long or unbroken work history as if they are more moral or hardworking people. some of them don't even deserve the job they have.

for example, the factory job i had testing computer chips was pretty good work for the money. it started at 15/hr and then overtime. i took as much overtime as they would allow and so i worked 6o hours a week. i was pretty stoked. the problem was, for some reason, the building was like a prison yard and no one was allowed to leave for lunch (maybe because it was only half an hour) or on breaks and was forced to sit with coworkers every break and lunchtime. there was a cafeteria there.

i am obnoxious but times that by 10. even i could not take it. the majority of the people were not only exceedingly stupid but it was like working with dangerous prison inmates as coworkers. they were so rabid, obnoxious, prejudiced and just always trying to start trouble with someone. riffraff is an understatement. people like this tend to treat their workplace like it's their own house. the problem is you can't just be quiet or polite and if you don't agree with them or engage on the same level, they will start to mistreat and bully you. they are extremely petty and not happy unless they are causing some drama with someone or stirring up trouble. the thing about scum is they take offence and will bully anyone as if they are trying to be better than them just because you may not be on their level in every way. it does not even matter if you are minding your own business. they believe no one should be around them, even in a workplace, unless they are like them.

it was ridiculous. the gossip and harassment would be as petty as the clothes i was wearing, hairstyle etc, day in and day out. if i brought my lunch and it wasn't american, they would make fun of that. they also can't seem to mind their own business. people like this have such low self-esteem they are annoyed by anyone different from them. the other issue was this was in a relatively smaller town where these employees knew just about everyone working there as in grew up together locally, went to the same school and there friends work there so it's just very cliquish.

i've noticed that what is unfair is that because better people will not do the same to others, the scum of society tends to get a sense of entitlement or get comfortable to the point to be as nasty as they can like spoiled children and there are also more of them in society so they are rarely the ones to feel uncomfortable, harassed or be out of place.

okay, this was in the south which is north carolina. pretty much they are conservatives overall. oh hell no, don't even think about saying you are an atheist. there may not have been a single liberal in the whole building except for me and if there was another, it would be like a needle in a haystack. but then again, i don't even think they would know what the term 'atheist' means as they were that level of stupid. lol
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i never understood people with this type of mentality or had the energy to be devoting their life to gossip and troublemaking. when i was at work, i was not thinking about them but how i was going to pay my bills and my plans. whether someone agreed with me or what they did with their life was not my concern because i was there to work. but people like that are entirely different, they are nosy about everyone else and it's so irritating you want to punch them in the face but you can't.

then you realize what the biblical flood reference was all about and how you would like to wipe out people who irritate you like a splinter under your skin.