hospital registration


Valued Senior Member
man, this is driving me absolutely CRAZY.
i am surprised there hasn't been a thread on it.

start rant.
there is a new process in todays hospitals called registration.
we are not talking about registering at a place we are talking about downright abuse of human beings.
this process of which i speak doesn't happen once, it happens each and every time you need any hospital service.
i even had to register twice for the SAME service.
this has got to be the biggest sham in all of US history. here you are, being told that registering enhances hospital security while in fact you are giving this information to a complete stranger. this person could be into drugs or working for the KGB as far as you know.
it certainly doesn't speed up anything. on time i was jumping through the hoops at a local hospital. i walked right into a waiting room filled with people (about 25) and they was backed up down the hall (about 7). i was thinking "man, if any of these poor souls needed urgent care they would be fucked.
which leads me to my next observation. the number of in patient and emergency room deaths locally is around 5 a month. these aren't "old geezers on their last legs" these are HEALTHY people. one has to question the role registration is taking in this. lastly is the contract you must sign. yes virginia you must sign a contract or, now get this, THEY WILL REFUSE YOU MEDICAL TREATMENT. i tell them i will not sign and they say "we can't treat you if you don't sign". after they threaten me like that i tell them "under threat and duress i will sign your document". and i sign it "under threat, duress, and coercion" signed, my name. that effectively legally voids whatever you just signed.

something must be done about this abuse of people and it is abuse.
write to your senators and raise hell about this.

end rant.

thoughts anyone?
What in hell are you talking about??? When you go to a hospital to be examined or treated, why do you think they shouldn't ask who you are?

I'm just not grasping your concern about telling them who you are and where you live. Seems petty to believe that they're going to use that info to harm you in some way.

Baron Max
i can see now how they are getting away with this travesty.

When you go to a hospital to be examined or treated, why do you think they shouldn't ask who you are?
i have no problem with that baron. you simply cannot do some medical tests without stating who you are.apparently you don't see what is happening. when i was young you walked into the hospital and asked for, say, the place to get a blood test. you went there and filled out a form or two, never signing anything.
got your test and left. if on another day you needed another test you went and got one without filling out anything.

fast forward to today:
you walk into the hospital and need medical assistance, and it doesn't matter if it's a blood test or you are in a life and death situation, you must register before you go anywhere. now, if you go back to the same hospital some time later and need the exact same service, guess what? that's right, you must register. depending on the hospital this means verifying your gender hasn't changed or your birthday or skin color is still the same. you think i'm joking? it's no joke baron. this bullshit needs to stop, and it needs to stop NOW.
and the contract. what the fuck is that? when i was young a hospital would NOT turn you away, for any reason.

i feel so sorry for tomorrows generation of americans.

Seems petty to believe that they're going to use that info to harm you in some way.
didn't you even read my post baron?
you mean to tell me that this first come first serve registration isn't hurting people when you have 35 or so in front of you? you aren't that stupid baron.

one hospital allows you to pre-register where you can take care of most if not all of the details. but you still need to register when you get to the hospital.
it's totally unbelievable this doesn't piss off more people. apparently they like the idea of being led around and told what to do.
Last edited:, if you go back to the same hospital some time later and need the exact same service, guess what? that's right, you must register.

Nope, that's not how it's done here. Where the hell do you live, anyway?

I walk into the hospital, walk up to the registration counter, tell her my name, she types the name into the computer, then turns to me smiling happily and says, "And what can we do for you today, Mr. Max?" Simple, huh?

You must live in a place that ain't got no computers or ain't got no filing cabinest. What ....Iran? Pakistan? Sudan?

Baron Max
I have to sign a latex allergy sheet every dang time I go in. That I find annoying.

Then they go through the same ol questions "Are you still at this address, still at this phone number, is this still your work number.." And they need to do this. My work number had changed. Well, if that has changed, maybe I got a new job and now have new insurance.

They only do this if I have time. Last time I was there, I didn't have time (an emergency) and they whisked me right through.
Nope, that's not how it's done here. Where the hell do you live, anyway?
in the US of A.
as a matter of fact the hospital in question is 25 miles from here. after the 3rd time registering i asked how often i had to do this (register). she said basically every time i went in there.
and I'm gonna guess that's why. I have private health insurance and as long as nothing has changed job wise, I get right through.
man, this is driving me absolutely CRAZY.
i am surprised there hasn't been a thread on it.

start rant.
there is a new process in todays hospitals called registration.
we are not talking about registering at a place we are talking about downright abuse of human beings.
this process of which i speak doesn't happen once, it happens each and every time you need any hospital service.
i even had to register twice for the SAME service.
this has got to be the biggest sham in all of US history. here you are, being told that registering enhances hospital security while in fact you are giving this information to a complete stranger. this person could be into drugs or working for the KGB as far as you know.
it certainly doesn't speed up anything. on time i was jumping through the hoops at a local hospital. i walked right into a waiting room filled with people (about 25) and they was backed up down the hall (about 7). i was thinking "man, if any of these poor souls needed urgent care they would be fucked.
which leads me to my next observation. the number of in patient and emergency room deaths locally is around 5 a month. these aren't "old geezers on their last legs" these are HEALTHY people. one has to question the role registration is taking in this. lastly is the contract you must sign. yes virginia you must sign a contract or, now get this, THEY WILL REFUSE YOU MEDICAL TREATMENT. i tell them i will not sign and they say "we can't treat you if you don't sign". after they threaten me like that i tell them "under threat and duress i will sign your document". and i sign it "under threat, duress, and coercion" signed, my name. that effectively legally voids whatever you just signed.

something must be done about this abuse of people and it is abuse.
write to your senators and raise hell about this.

end rant.

thoughts anyone?

Resistance is futile!!! Sign it or die!:p
you say this as a joke. but the hospitals i visited are dead serious about it, they WILL refuse you medical treatment if you do not sign their contract.

I keep wondering why you're the only one that's having this problem? No one else has even come close to experiencing anything like you claim to be enduring. Why is that? Why only you?

I'd also like you to tell me which hospitals you mentioned above ...I'd like to contact them and ask about this registration problem you seem to be having.

Baron Max
I'll sign a contract, but if I sign it does that mean I understood it? What if I sign the thing but didn't read it?
I'd also like you to tell me which hospitals you mentioned above ...I'd like to contact them and ask about this registration problem you seem to be having.

Baron Max
i've sent you a PM with the contact info of all three hospitals i've been to.

I'll sign a contract, but if I sign it does that mean I understood it?
What if I sign the thing but didn't read it?
big mistake.
if you sign it then you agree to whatever it contains, whether you read it or not.
your only out is if you are forced to sign as in my case above when they told me they would refuse me medical treatment unless i signed. in that case you are signing under duress which voids the contract.
My wife was a medical social worker. Don't blame the poor hospital staff. It's all about the Medicare/Medicaid rules. Those are federal programs and they transport you and the hospital into a whole new universe of bureacracy. You basically go down the rabbit hole every time you walk in. Your health care is being administered by the same government that thinks it makes perfect sense to punish Iraq for something Saudi Arabia did. Don't complain, you're lucky it works at all.
My wife was a medical social worker. Don't blame the poor hospital staff. It's all about the Medicare/Medicaid rules.
i'm due for another blood test on the 30th, i will ask then if what you say is indeed true.
i just assumed that everyone had to register every time they needed any hospital service.
Don't complain, . . .
if what you say is indeed the truth i will raise hell from one end of congress to the other.