Horse Whisperer?


Registered Senior Member
Hi people:)

I worked on a Property some years back in outback Northen Territory, Australia.

The Property owners called a local Horse Whisperer out to deal with a Rather bad tempered Horse.

Basicaly a long boring story shortened, the Horse whisperer claims the horse told him it was afraid of the stables because it was being harrassed by the owners son at night, and further more it claimed to have a tooth ache.

Well in all honesty I laughed my ass off and couldnt believe that hardened generations strong people like the owners of this property would believe such obvious bullshit.

But sure enough a vet was called and an abscess was discovered in the horses back teeth, also it was later discovered after long father and son discussions that the owners 12 year old son had been deliberatly antagonising the horse any chance he got for reasons unknown, probably boredom.
The abscess was treated, the child punished, and sure enough the horses moods improved.

If this was not just a fluke or scam on behalf of the Horse Whisperer, then how in god's name did he know what was wrong with the horse?

Do you believe people have these kind of so called Psycic abilities with animals?

It strikes me that a more likely explaination would be that the causes of the horses discomfort was deduced by rather than explained to the whisperer.
I'm not saying that animal psychology isn't valid, it just seems that detective work is a more reasonable explaination in this instance.
I believe it. Of course you can telpathically communicate with animals too, but then the communication isn´t done in the spoken language but more a communication of emotions and pictures.

Spirit Rapping

in Upstate New York in 1848,there lived two girls about which marvelous stories were being told(NAMELY MARGRET AND KATE FOX).in their presence could be heard mystical rapping noises,later understood to be codings from spirit world;ask the spirits anything-one rap signifies no, three raps signify yes.the fox sisters became a sensation,embarked on nationwide tours and became focus of rapt attention of european intellectuals.they concluded proudly by saying that manifestations bought by fox sisters are origins of modern spiritualism,the belief that by some special effort of few gifted people are able to communicate with spirits of dead.
40 yrs later after first manifestations provoked by an uneasy conscience Maegaret Fox signed an uneasy confession,the raps were made by -in standing position with no apparent effort or movement-by cracking the toe and ankle joints,it first began when they wanted to scare their mother in fun and then continued...
Many people didnt accept this explaination and told Margaret that she had simply succumbed to public pressure...
that shows our mentality for searching those darn mystics...isnt it?
CLEVER HANS:the mathematical horse...

In the early years of the twentieth century there was a horse in germany who could read,do maths,exhibit deep knowledge of world political affairs.the horse was called clever Hans.he was owned by Wilhelm Von Osten,an elderly berliner whose charracter was as said by his neighbours quite good.

he used to work in the following way:
if someone asks:Hans how much is twice the square root of nine,less one? after a pause Hans would answer dutifully by raising his right leg and tap five times,what was the capital of Russia?how about st.petersberg?Nod,the reply.

the prussian academy of sciences sent a commision headed by Oscar Pfungst to take a closer look,Pfungst noted a regulairy in Hans 's answers.while when questions were tough then he would ignore them,and when Osten(the owner)wasnt present he was unable to answer,any questions.
later on it was concluded that Hans was just doing what his master does.Hans used to watch his owners expression on the questions and answer accordingly.if Osten was nervous then he would ignore the question,if he was smiling,the he would nod etc etc...
but Osten firmly believed in his Horse,he continued to do so...

this clearly illustrates one fact:we are in search of something mystical,no i dont say that mystics dont exist,yes they do,but in the process of keeping an open mind,dont let the wrong idea catch is okay,but there must be something to acknowledge about it...

In the interest of getting a horsey persons veiw, I am sure they exist, but most who claim to be are 'snake oil'.

I can communicate on some different level with my horse, but i am untrained and unfocussed so i only get feelings and not images.

Parelli Natural Horsemanship can teach you to be so in tune with the horse and its emotions that you could quite easily figure out what is wrong/right with your critter.

But with the "horse whisperer boom" lately, i think most are cashing in, especially in the city. I guess they think after all....

'Why be an equine chiropracter when you can make the same money lying your butt off!?'

hey all :)


funny foot note! :)

have you ever experienced Love?
if you think you have try and write down WHY you felt it.!!!!!

groove on all :)
Knowing Animals

Originally posted by esp
It strikes me that a more likely explanation would be that the causes of the horses discomfort was deduced...

I would tend to agree with this. I have owned a number of horses of the past 20 years, and have had occasion to deal with abscessed teeth twice. You can (well.. I could, anyway) smell it.

Psychic abilities.. I dunno, really. I do know that certain people are more trusted by animals for whatever reason (body language, scent, whatever). I had a girlfriend during college who could consistently approach wild deer to within a few feet. They would scatter when I tried. Unscientific, but rather beautiful.

Horse Whisperer thoughts

Saw the movie and read the book. I have a 2200 animal pet sitting business, but no horses.

Just the same, I suspect the Whisperer could probably smell the absess, that's an infection, they often have an odor. Perhaps the horse let him get close enough to see the absess, or there was drainage?

As the for the 12 year-old horse irritator, maybe the Whisperer had occassion to observe the boy around the horse. When a horse doesn't like you, they have lots of ways of showing it, ie, ears layed back, pacing back and forth, etc.
My family breeds and trains horses, and I do think we can communicate with them quite well. I suspect that horse whisperer watched the horse and saw the kid bothering it. But I also suspect we communicate with each other and with animals through the mirror neurones I mentioned on sciforums before. These are a type of neurones which demonstrate different activity in your brian depending on what other people are doing around you.