Horny Goat Weed

Does Horny Goat Weed really enhance your sex life ? make you penis stronger ? or is another big hoax ?

I don't know...I've never gotten weed from a horny goat..

If I wanted a stronger penis, I'd attach weights to it, and do squats..:cool:
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We- as people raised watching porn online- tend to believe that intercourse is a 25-30 minute event.

Intercourse- actual intercourse- lasts 15 seconds to 3 minutes. That is- actual love-making, not just .......

Men sexually ripen at 18, women sexually ripen at 35. This is why Demi Moore/Aston Kushner is a good couple- they mutually want to .... a lot.

Women seek "the perfect night"- one that starts as a courtship which is a formal dinner, which grows as a stroll through the park, which evolves into "coming up for a cup of coffee" which results is a night of love-making; raw lust. Men just want to get off.

It's complicated.
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