Hooray For Muslims!!!

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The Flemster

Unstoppable sex machine
Registered Senior Member
It looks like I had Muslims all wrong.
After seeing the latest American soldier captured and threatened with murder on the news I came to the realisation that Muslims aren't fanatical lunatics that hate and despise anyone who isn't Muslim.

They hate EVERYONE, Muslim or not. And they're fanatical lunatics hell-bent on power and murder, not to mention world-domination (IMO).

Comments, anyone?

The Flemster.
The Flemster said:
It looks like I had Muslims all wrong.
After seeing the latest American soldier captured and threatened with murder on the news I came to the realisation that Muslims aren't fanatical lunatics that hate and despise anyone who isn't Muslim.

They hate EVERYONE, Muslim or not. And they're fanatical lunatics hell-bent on power and murder, not to mention world-domination (IMO).

Comments, anyone?

The Flemster.

the fact that you've posted this in the religion forum ie: that which pertains to matters + disciplines regarding spiritual beliefs and philosophies straight away exposes your blatant stupidty and prejudice.

I cannot help you on the perjudice front, but I can tackle your stupidity.

You take an event that is happening in a war, in a country which has been invaded by a foreign army, so straight off the issue is political and not religious or spiritual

America can invade any country it likes but to label that as Christian fundementalism would be oooooh so wrong wouldn't it, yet when the peoples of a country that has been invaded excersise their moral rights to defend their soil, their country and fight for their freedom you completely miss the geo political issues, completely fail to analyse the problem dialectiaclly and instead shoot off without using your head to think what it is you're actually saying.

In your haste to post bullshit which clearly shows your deeply ingrained ignorance and indoctrinated hate towards muslims you have shown yourself to be a complete moron.

it's war out there, and as such any nation has the inherent +moral right to defend themselves in their own country.

You think they should just bend over and let amerikkka butt fuck them and hand over their country???

the peoples faith + spiritual beliefs are not the issue here you idiot.
Those "fanatics" are not fighting because they are Muslims you mutt, but because the worlds biggest imperialist nation has invaded thier country.

But nothing new for amerikka, the country was founded on invasion/imperialism/oppresison of indiginous peoples.

dont be a fucking retard and use your head and think for once in your miserable life, and if your going to post bullshit make sure you stick it in the correct forum :rolleyes:

oh and do yourself a favour, do some reading:

The victors [of World War II] were the Soviet Union and the United States (also England, France and Nationalist China, but they were weak). Both these countries now went to work--without swastikas, goose-stepping, or officially declared racism, but under the cover of "socialism" on one side, and "democracy" on the other, to carve out their own empires of influence. They proceeded to share and contest with one another the domination of the world, to build military machines far greater than the Fascist countries had built, to control the destinies of more countries than Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan had been able to do. They also acted to control their own populations, each country with its own techniques-crude in the Soviet Union, sophisticated in the United States--to make their rule secure.

The war not only put the United States in a position to dominate much of the world; it created conditions for effective control at home. The unemployment, the economic distress, and the consequent turmoil that had marked the thirties, only partly relieved by New Deal measures, had been pacified, overcome by the greater turmoil of the war. The war brought higher prices for farmers, higher wages, enough prosperity for enough of the population to assure against the rebellions that so threatened the thirties. As Lawrence Wittner writes, "The war rejuvenated American capitalism." The biggest gains were in corporate profits, which rose from $6.4 billion in 1940 to $10.8 billion in 1944. But enough went to workers and farmers to make them feel the system was doing well for them

from: "A people's history of the United States" by: Howard Zinn


God bless amerikkka..........ya'll have a nice day now.
The Flemster
do you mean that if someone invaded your country you should kiss his ass?
The Flemster said:
They hate EVERYONE, Muslim or not. And they're fanatical lunatics hell-bent on power and murder, not to mention world-domination (IMO).

Not muslims...only those wayward idiots who happen to be muslims. Such idiocy is present in some of every religion's followers. The muslim ones just get the most CNN coverage.
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