Honors Bio


Deranged Hermit
Registered Senior Member
I have a big exam today in Honors Biology. It's gonna' suck. Our teacher likes to try to fail us. Say goodbye to the A average...:(
sounds wonderful, i remeber those days, wait till you get to undergrad.....the competition is a little more stiff.
Honors classes in college cost me all my scholarships. I was getting paid nicely to go to school. A couple D's in honors classes and I kissed it all goodbye. If I did it again, I probably wouldn't do the honors thing. That or I'd be a complete dork and make my grades.
I studied hard for this exam, probably six hours over the course of three days, and I really feel that it paid off. Big time. Our teacher does like to fail us, he thinks that it's "good for you," so I'm guessing, or hoping that I wound up in the mid to high b area. I also have an A average in that class right now, hopefully it won't be affected too much.

By now you've taken the exam, ben. How'd it go? It wasn't as hard as I thought it was...I might have missed like, five or six questions (but that's out of sixty;)).

On the last exam in this class I got a 47. That was not to be repeated.
I'm in advanced placement biology (AP) in my school. Its really tough, but the stuff is really interesting. After every test he posts how each person (12 in the class) stands, rank wise, average wise.

In the next few weeks we're going to breed fruit flies. How awesome is that?
Honors Bio in high school is a piece of cake. I had a test today in Honors Bio too...no studying, no worries...and I'm not a fortunate person to be blessed with a photographic memory either. For our midterm we had 300 multiple choice (5 choices) and then 100 true and false. I didn't study and got a 93 on it! (That's just making an A in my school... a 92 is a B) I have the harder of the two teachers that teach the course. I find there's no need to study because they teach you everything in class, just pay attention and for me, taking notes helps me to remember and understand it. This is a bad habit to bring to college though....

Now Honors Bio 2, is probably going to be harder.

I got an A on the last test, but a 78 on this one.:eek: Low C. I'm so ashamed!:eek: :eek: :eek:
Im in AP Bio 2 and i just got a 80 on my test i got back this monday following thanksgiving.... wait til u try bio 2 just a lil harder than honors bio
74 on this test. Major bummer. I studied my ass off and I got nothing for it. I don't know what I'm going to do when the next exam comes around, studying might occupy the entire preceeding weekend.....
no prob bio easy if u go over the chapters and make ur own notes it makes every thing easier and quicker when u are studing. In fact im doin a Immune project right now i need to go cuz i just got off of work! piece if any one wants to chat or wat ever IM me @ Omniminded on AIM or AOL. Piece... :cool:
I hate bio so much. Girls are 'supposed' to like bio and chem, but I can't stand them. I prefer physics...
I don't know if I've ever met a single girl in person that has ever held an interest in anything remotely resembling science.

I like Social Studies and English. I'm more of a thinker....:D
Did you also know that every single human being on earth generalizes without proof to back up their statements?