Honor Among Thieves?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Honor Among Thieves?

The damnedest thing. I have no idea what to make of it:

The thieves broke into the San Bernardino County Sexual Assault Services office on the night of July 31, according to a press release from Cal Governor's Office of Emergency Services (OES). Candy Stallings, the nonprofit's executive director, said the burglars had shimmied between floor boards and walls to get past the building's high security system.

They also clipped multiple alarm wires, CBS Los Angeles reported. Within minutes, six computers with hard drives, a laptop and a bag of valuables were taken.

Police called Stallings the next morning around 4:30, according to NBC Los Angeles. They told her more suspicious activity was taking place at her office.

But when Stallings arrived, she found a surprise.

"All my stuff was in front of the door," she told the station. "There was a shopping cart, and there were the PCs that were taken, there was the laptop. Everything was there."

In that laptop, an investigator discovered the note. It read:

We had no idea what we were takeing [sic]. Here your stuff back. We hope that you guys can continue to make a difference in peoples [sic] live. God bless.​

"We were all pretty shocked," Stallings added. "You've got to be kidding me. I was in disbelief. I got chills. I got very emotional."

(Huffington Post)

I mean, to the one ... it's a crime.

To the other, apparently sexual violence relief is more important to the crooks than whatever profit they might have garnered from the stolen items.


But it's one of those things like my joke about cocaine. Rule number one: Don't do cocaine. Rule number two: Failing the preceding rule, always do other people's cocaine. (It stems from an old P. J. O'Rourke joke.)

I mean, we get it. Rule number one: Don't steal. Rule nuber two: Failing the preceding rule, have a conscience about what you steal.

It's just kind of a weird thing to say, you know?

To the other, there is no rule three.


The Huffington Post. "Burglars Return Stolen Computers To Nonprofit With Heartfelt Apology Note". August 8, 2013. HuffingttonPost.com. August 9, 2013. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/08/thieves-apology-note-san-bernardino-_n_3724932.html
I was always under the impression that when it comes to the criminal hierarchy, sexual crimes were the worst. I’ve read reports about killers and gang bangers harassing/tormenting or even killing pedophile’s and rapists in prison. So it doesn’t shock me that when the thieves realized they stole from a decent organization they felt guilty enough to return the stolen objects.