Honest Information


Registered Senior Member
Now I don't want to start an abortion debate, but I'm really mad about some "sexual education" I received back in 7th grade (I think). I went to a Mennonite (sp?) Brethern Christian School for two years 6-7th grade. Even though the school had no real formal "sex-ed" program they woud discuss certain topics here and there and abortion was one of their favorites. My 7th grade English teacher vastly misinformed me about partial birth abortion and had me entirely confused to why people would even consider it. Today I learned that what she told me was a complete and utter lie. I get that she was against abortion, but to lie like that? I could have tolerated maybe biased information, but a lie?
So what do you think? Is it alright to flat out lie to 12 year olds about issues you disagree with?
You're lucky. They showed us "The Silent Scream".

[Caution: link to graphic video]

Dr. Bernard Nathanson's classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an actual first trimester abortion as seen through ultrasound. The viewer can see the child's pathetic attempts to escape the suction curette as her heart rate doubles, and a "silent scream" as her body is torn apart.
I had to watch the Silent Scream as well although i think i was in grade 10 or 11... but it wasn't health or sex-ed it was brought in through a public speaking class or something.
it is ok to lie to kids
gauge maturity before revealing matters of import
for instance, i see no need to tell a child it was adopted or a parent incarcerated
it is ok to lie to kids
gauge maturity before revealing matters of import
for instance, i see no need to tell a child it was adopted or a parent incarcerated

You think its okay to lie. Maybe if its a controversial issue like sex I think judging from the child's maturity I say it would be okay to perhaps dance around the truth. That way when the child finds out the actual answer they don't feel like you were lying to them. But when it comes to important things like being adopted your child so know from the start. I had a friend whose parents waited until she was 13 to tell her that her father wasn't her biological father and she went insane. She eventually ended up moving out before she was even 18 because she did not trust her parents at all. I think that is a big mistake on any adoptive parents' part. Many of the kids I take care of know that they are adopted and have no problems with it. two even have same- sex parents.
But when it comes to important things like being adopted your child so know from the start. I had a friend whose parents waited until she was 13 to tell her that her father wasn't her biological father and she went insane. She eventually ended up moving out before she was even 18 because she did not trust her parents at all. I think that is a big mistake on any adoptive parents' part. Many of the kids I take care of know that they are adopted and have no problems with it.

I have an acquaintance who knew from early on that she was adopted. She has always felt bad about it.
Now I don't want to start an abortion debate, but I'm really mad about some "sexual education" I received back in 7th grade (I think). I went to a Mennonite (sp?) Brethern Christian School for two years 6-7th grade. Even though the school had no real formal "sex-ed" program they woud discuss certain topics here and there and abortion was one of their favorites. My 7th grade English teacher vastly misinformed me about partial birth abortion and had me entirely confused to why people would even consider it. Today I learned that what she told me was a complete and utter lie. I get that she was against abortion, but to lie like that? I could have tolerated maybe biased information, but a lie?
So what do you think? Is it alright to flat out lie to 12 year olds about issues you disagree with?

How do you know she actually lied back then?
What exactly did she say?
Do you know she knew better, but witheld the information anyway?
i see no need to tell a child it was adopted

Why not? I think they have the right to know. So what if a medical
emergency or something should come up? You going to suddenly tell them then.

Oh by the way, you are not a match to any of us because you were adopted...
I know that the typical misconception about "partial birth abortion" (which I learned recently is not an actual medical procedure, but thats another story) is that a doctor grabs a fetus' legs and removes the entire body except for the head and then stabs it in the back of the head with a rod and opens the skull wide enough to suck the brains out. Sounds a little involved, but whatever; so thats the story I would have expected her to tell. She described the process as the mother carries her pregnancy full term and she talked about listening to the baby crying while the doctor jammed a pole thru its entire body. It didn't make sense to me why a someone would carry their pregnancy to term and then wait until the baby was born to abort it, but I figured she knew better than me. It just dawned on me after finding what they really do in late term abortions that babies don't cry until they can breathe so an unborn baby whose cord hasn't been cut yet can't cry anyway. It wasn't so much that what she said was wrong as it was that I actually believed her. I thought I had sifted thru all of their biases guess I was wrong. Thats really what upset me not so much what she said. I mean I was the only person in my class who knew that Charles Darwin wasn't a Satanic worshipper who made up nonsense just to make people angry at God like Satan told him to do. I wonder how my classmates are doing. :rolleyes: