Homosexuality =O


We're setting you adrift idiot
Registered Senior Member
I know there's been a couple threads about this already but here we go again.

I know someone from another forum who's gay. I asked him if he chose to be that way and this is what he said:
Well I do think that I was born this way. I mean if I could be happy with a women when in the world would I pass it up. I would not have choose to be harrased, beat or out casted... It just does not make sence. I think that all people have the possiblity to be gay... just as well to be stright... See I think it comes from a chemical inbalance that instead of giving the right amount of x that is needed to have that attraction to the oppiset sex ... that it is not givin so there for you get an attraction to same sex. If this makes any sence to you. thanks for you input every one

Homosexuality is not a choice. It's more of a disease. In fact, it makes less sense than cannibalism. Now, the trouble comes when you get the Bible, in which God condemns homosexuality and states roughly "There's no place for gays in heaven". If it's not the person's choice to be gay, how could any loving God condemn them to hell for something they have no control over?

When will religion ever start to make sense?

Homosexuality is not a choice. It's more of a disease.

Is that just an offhand comment, or do you actually believe sexual orientation is in some fashion comparable to a disease??

My view is quite simple:
I am straight.
I did not choose to be straight.
This leads me to assume that people who are gay did not choose to be gay.
I could be wrong.
I don't care.
Someone else's sexuality is none of my business, unless I'm trying to have sex with that person.

Who spends their time worrying about this stuff anyway?

When will religion ever start to make sense?

As soon as people stop trying to take a book packed full of fables literally.
"Disease? I do not see how homosexuality can be described as a disease."

Why does everyone consider that word so negative? Calling something a disease does not necessarily mean it's evil. Though, metaphorically it is often used that way.

Anyway, I agree with Xevy. And some Christians believe thta while someone can not control having homosexual feelings, but you can always choose to not have gay sex.

Why does everyone consider that word so negative?

Well...because it is!

Dis- means "not"
ease...means ease.

Disease - not at ease, not comfortable...

Can you provide an example of when a disease was ever a positive thing?? I suppose a masochist could say a disease is a wonderful opportunity to endure pain and suffering... :confused:
Maybe you should view it as a kind of genetic disorder or a more "natural" way to reduce population.
Disease in no way downplays a human being, is what I meant. If someone has a disease, it does not make them less of a human.

And by the way, not at ease pretty much sums up what it's like for most people realizing they are gay in today's society. Or so people, the media and health class videos have told me.
Disease in no way downplays a human being, is what I meant. If someone has a disease, it does not make them less of a human.

Perhaps not, but it does imply that it is something that requires a cure. Usually when one has a disease they try to kill it, not embrace it.

Some homosexuals are not at ease in society...can't blame them. Any society that beats a young man "of my type" and leaves him on a fence to die would make me pretty uneasy too. I'd say the disease is in that society. Society is rarely at ease with homosexuals either.

And there are plenty of homosexuals that are perfectly comfortable and at ease even in this awfully bigoted society...so is it a disease for some and not others?

I don't even like the phrase "genetic disorder". How about "genetic variance"? If homosexuality is a natural form of relieving population pressure, it's not a disorder at all! :)
"Perhaps not, but it does imply that it is something that requires a cure. Usually when one has a disease they try to kill it, not embrace it."

Okay, granted. I stand corrected.

But! I have another problem now!

"I don't even like the phrase "genetic disorder". How about "genetic variance"? If homosexuality is a natural form of relieving population pressure, it's not a disorder at all!"

Disorder means a lack of arrangment, or deviation from the norm.

Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm. So that term is okey-dokey with me. I don't believe in euphanisms. I once called someone disabled (being the politically correct person I was) and got told I had to call them differently-abled. Fuck that. They are DISabled. There's no shame in that word. It's just the truth. I hate euphanisms. Just stupid people trying to hide the truth.
Natural perhaps....

I read in a Men's health book, about sex, it explained the possible scientific proof, of why there exists gays.

*(sorry, the book is packed away or I would write it word for word)*

However I do recall this; When the x-y chromosone split determining sex happens, there's a boost in production of either estrogen, or androgen, depending of wether the fetus is going to be a boy or a girl, in the case of a boy however, there is a surge of androgen that enters the fetus within two weeks of birth, it explains that most of homosexuals tested had a low count of androgen chromozones.

Given light of this, there's stands to reason that gays are inbalanced in the chromozone of androgen.
So Fucking what:mad: Like it was said when the thread started it's been done.
It's all been done
There's nothing different.
No-one has come up with any further enlightening information.
Everybody is spouting the same arguments.
Round and round and round she goes when she stops no-one give a shit.
Move on people, and if you don't understand read the previous threads, and if you still don't understand, you're not going to because it's beyond your comprehension.
It's BORING !!!!!!!

Oh and I'm glad to be back

Hey Bbcboy, glad to see you posting again.

Good to be back sweetlips. Had some time off work and thought I'd have a break from here too, but it's lust like I was never away. :confused: Got very drunk for a week. it was a good time but a liver function test would probably make good reading. Can't face another 'I wonder 'X' about fags' thread, so I'll catch ya elsewhere, be good now :D
It's belief like that which will be your end.
Don't you realize that the future looks like the present in your mind. You have no scope, nor ability to realize that anything wrong with the world of humanity has the weakminded to blame.
I don't judge you...for..you know who you really are, not me!