Homosexuality Is Not A Sin

Anarcho Union

No Gods No Masters
Registered Senior Member
What a lot of people dont understand in the Christan religion, is that the writing of the New Testament is meant to establish the new order and laws of society. Jesus Christ himself never did speak of homosexuality as a sin, and made several implications that the Old Testament no longer was the laws of God except for perhaps the 10 commandments. The reasons that we no longer sacrifice animals or slaughter all men women and children of towns is because of this concept that the church has seemingly hid from all of society.
Thats my outlook on it anyway.
As a Jehovahs Witness I do agree with you on that but it is not the way it was meant to be so people in my religoun (also christian) we try to help them back, but only if they are willing to. Otherwise we let them be.
Matthew 5:18 "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."
If a particular Christian sect (or a sect of any religion for that matter) is homophobic, it is no use trying to 'fit' in. You can not run away from your nature. IMO it is wiser to look for a sect that is all inclusive, failure of which one better start a new sect. Didn't the King of England choose that route when divorce failed to be accomodated in Roman Catholisism?