Homogenius physics for idiots


Valued Senior Member
I had a scientific revelation I think is worth sharing with you folks regarding the Universe.

The original question was: why is it that when we look 14 billion light years into space that all we see are the first formations of the first galaxies in the Universe? Do we live in "the new side" of the Universe and are those all on "the old side"?

Furthermore, how is it possible that, in a Universe that's 14.3 billion years old there can be such a distance as 14 billion light years (BLY) between points A and B... wouldn't that other galaxy have to be retreating from us at near light speed to achieve that??

To solve this quandary, I plugged in E=MC2 and got the result.

That galaxy we see 14 BLY from us was at the Big Bang right next to us. For the next 14 billion years, both us and them have been equally retreating from each other at an increasing speed. As such, a billion years from now, that galaxy will be 15 BLY from us and even more faint.

Secondly, what we are seeing is that galaxy as it was 14 billion years ago. If we could trace the light path from B back to A at light speed, we would see that galaxy evolve into something quite like us- an organized, modern galaxy.

And if we had a magic machine that instantly go from B to A we would see this as true. In other words, that galaxy 14 BLY away today, right now, is as modern as we are and those scientists 14 BLY away are looking into their telescope at us and seeing our galaxy's initial birth, not the Milky Way as it is today.

I had a scientific revelation I think is worth sharing with you folks regarding the Universe.

The original question was: why is it that when we look 14 billion light years into space that all we see are the first formations of the first galaxies in the Universe?

But we don't. The universe is only 13.7 billion old. Try plugging in this number in your numerology.