homework help please!!!!!!


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Discuss the evolution of both land animals and land plants from aquatic ancestors with respect to their adaptions for:

A. Water conservation
B. Support
C. Embryo protection
I can't find any that compares the land animals and land plants to the ancestrial aquatic ones

Your gonna have to zoom in like 200% on this one, but it will give you alot of keywords to search for the detail you are looking for on plants:


Theres lots of www articles on evolution of animals. Its just a matter of searching multiple terms and sorting thru a lot of information to get the data for your particular needs.
i did i read three chapter of evolution!!!!!!! its just that the essay prompt were pullled from an internet site that has nothing to do with the book we have
I can't find any that compares the land animals and land plants to the ancestrial aquatic ones
That's a pretty heavy assignment. You'll probably have to research land organisms and aquatic organisms separately and then do your own analysis to draw the comparisons. What level of school is this? I can usually answer biology questions in K-12, even if I have to look them up myself, which educates me as well. But I don't know how to answer this one.

You could probably get some good pointers from Wikipedia. I know schools don't allow it as a resource so you can't quote it, but at least it would give you some ideas to help you get started in the right direction.
Land plants evolved early on from algae and stuff. Shit like land animals evolved from complex animals, initially planktonic type stuff. Then billions or years or whatev, and POW you have man walking out of the ocean and out to brew beer and start society.

Make sure to understand that land plants are ancient compaired to animals.

A. Water conservation
B. Support
C. Embryo protection

A.) plants- cuticles/stomata/waxycoating(look at ferns). animals - well, insect wise, I dono. exoskeletons to outer skins and scales and stuff?

B.) Support?

C.) eggs developed differently, amphibians are evident of a strong emergence to land, while offspring still require aquatic environment. Plants have all sorts of spores and stuff that allow for protection against the harsh environments. Seeds are also an adaptation. Its all about skin evolution for surviving on land. It's a lot more harsh. drying out sucks. moisturize.