Homer Simpson to meet God (again)


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Homer vs. God - Humor to Leaven Heaven?
I couldn't think of a better headline

Reports have surfaced that television's Homer Simpson will be killed in a future episode. Matt Groening, series creator, has acknowledged that Homer will be sent to heaven to argue with God.

According to Groening, "He tells God He should go back in time and change things that are wrong with the world".

However, deciding that he misses Marge and the kids too much, Homer will return to life and Springfield for more adventures.

This would be at least Homer Simpson's second direct encounter with God. They've already walked and talked together, both in Heaven and the Simpson living room; see episode 9F01, "Homer the Heretic".


iAfrica.com. "Homer to 'get killed off'". December 28, 2004. See http://entertainment.iafrica.com/news/400769.htm

See Also

Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. "SNPP Epsiode Guide - #9F01". See http://www.snpp.com/episodes/9F01.html
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haha, i'll have to keep a watch out for that one. The first time I remember hearing of an episode like this it was the one where Homer only had to do one good deed to come back to earth and Marge suggests that he clean out the garage to which he replied something to the degree of, "Marge I said I had to complete one good deed, i didn't say I was running for Jesus!" Classic stuff, gotta love the simpsons :p :D