Holy Trinity and man


Registered Senior Member
This is a parallel I've found between the trinity of God and the trinity of man.

So God created man in his own image. - Genesis 1:27

First, the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity consists of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Father is a source from which the Son is "begotten" and the Holy Spirit "proceeds". The Father is the Creator.
The Son seems to be an individuality with clear, firm boundaries of form, like a human son. He is also referred to as Logos, which in Greek means Word. All things were created through the Word. It seems that when we name things we emphasize or acknowledge their existence as individual entities, real or imaginary, but distinct from other entities. By words we define things and thus signify their boundaries that distinguish them from other things.
The Holy Spirit is also referred to as Pneuma, which in Greek means Breath. Breath indicates a diffuse, amorphous form, with unclear or indefinite boundaries. Believers are said to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit. God promises to "pour out" His Spirit. While the emanation of the Son from the Father is described by the word "begotten", the emanation of the Holy Spirit is described by the word "proceeds". The word "proceeds" seems to indicate a flowing movement while "begotten" is more like being born like a child. When the Holy Spirit is described in a concrete form it just seems to be a metaphorical description, for example a dove or tongues of fire. God uses the Holy Spirit in creating too. Interestingly, speaking of words is impossible without the flow of breath.

And now man. The cortex of the human brain consists of two hemispheres, left hemisphere and right hemisphere, and it has been found that these two hemispheres have certain specialized functions. They process information in different but complementary ways.
The left hemisphere is said to be analytic ("analysis" means "breaking up into parts") because it focuses on differentiation of details. This differentiation also seems to give rise to our sense of individuality as separate from others. And the left hemisphere is also specialized in processing of verbal language.
The right hemisphere is said to be holistic because it grasps the whole, giving us a larger picture, the context, but details within the whole fade away. It's like an intuitive diffusion of perception or thinking to a broader but less differentiated area. The right hemisphere has a role in language processing too but it captures the more fuzzy or contextual aspects of language such as metaphorical meaning and the tone of voice.
So, I would compare the consciousness of the left brain hemisphere to the Son, and the consciousness of the right brain hemisphere to the Holy Spirit. The former is a consciousness of a separate individuality and the latter is a more amorphous, less differentiated consciousness transcending the boundaries of separate individuality.
And where is the parallel with the Father? Perhaps it's an element that unifies the two perspectives, combines them and uses them in creation.


The trinity of man is often described as mind, spirit and body (or perhaps the word "soul" could also be used interchangeably with the word "mind"). Mind and spirit can be understood as the two fundamental perspectives or orientations reflected in the information processing styles of left and right brain hemispheres, respectively. Body could be seen as the unifying element that contains the two, but the problem is that the body as such doesn't seem to have the apparent will to switch between the analytic and holistic perspectives. I suppose that in man there is an element with this will, while the body is a created thing, a form through which the trinity of man expresses itself.

Finally, here is my explanation of the meaning of the cross in terms of Holy Trinity:


The upper part of the cross would be the uncreated/unmanifest/formless/God aspect of reality and the lower part of the cross would be the created/manifest/form/world aspect of reality. Son and Holy Spirit are the two fundamental perspectives or orientations. They are both contained in the formless source (Father) but they also manifest in form (Body). Body (in the most general sense any physical or mental form) is formed in time under the creative influences of Son and Holy Spirit, directed by and issuing from the source. This is creation: the undifferentiated becomes differentiated, the undefined becomes defined, the formless assumes forms, the nameless takes names, One differentiates into many, nothing becomes something.

It seems that each form is both a particle and a wave, sometimes manifesting more like a particle and sometimes more like a wave (the wave-particle duality from quantum mechanics). Particles have a definite location while waves have an indefinite location expressed in probabilities. So, each form seems to be a product of the creative influences of the defining Logos (Son) and the fuzzing Pneuma (Holy Spirit), their source being in the formless Father. Logos makes reality crystallize from the absolutely indefinite source into definite forms, while Pneuma diffuses reality back into the absolute indefiniteness of the source. But the partially indefinite Pneuma, manifested in the form of probabilistic wave, also looks like an intermediary between the definite Logos and the absolutely indefinite source.
holy trinity:


"Thou hast said it. Nevertheless I say to you, hereafter you shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of the power of God" -- Matthew 26:64



"And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." -- John 3:14-15
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well written

the analogy here between science and religion is not so good in my opinion. Yes there are likenesses, but that is the nature of things.

In other words. What can we gain from this analogy?
What can we gain from this analogy?
Cultivation and integration of the left-brain and right-brain perspectives bring man closer to God.

Look how the left-brain and right-brain ways of thinking and perception might manifest in familiar opposing human tendencies.

left brain hemisphere: acts as a serial processor, analyzes details/parts/differences step-by-step, differentiates separate individuality

right brain hemisphere: acts as a parallel processor, simultaneously/intuitively grasps the whole and merges details, diffuses separate individuality

Now see these parallels:

left brain vs. right brain

science, technology vs. religion, art

structured religion (rules and doctrines) vs. non-structured (intuitive) spirituality

political right-wing (individualism/capitalism) vs. political left-wing (collectivism/socialism)

Western culture (individualism/capitalism, emphasis on science, technology and material progress, separation of God and man) vs. Eastern culture (collectivism/socialism, emphasis on oneness of the universe, fusion of God (universe and source) and man)

masculinity (reductionist, analytic logic, focus in one direction, penetrative differentiation, hard definition, individualism) vs. femininity (intuitive diffusion, ambiguity, softness, solidarity)
This is a parallel I've found between the trinity of God and the trinity of man.

So God created man in his own image. - Genesis 1:27

First, the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity consists of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Father is a source from which the Son is "begotten" and the Holy Spirit "proceeds". The Father is the Creator. The Son seems to be an individuality with clear, firm boundaries of form, like a human son. He is also referred to as Logos, which in Greek means Word. All things were created through the Word. It seems that when we name things we emphasize or acknowledge their existence as individual entities, real or imaginary, but distinct from other entities. By words we define things and thus signify their boundaries that distinguish them from other things. The Holy Spirit is also referred to as Pneuma, which in Greek means Breath. Breath indicates a diffuse, amorphous form, with unclear or indefinite boundaries. Believers are said to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit. God promises to "pour out" His Spirit. While the emanation of the Son from the Father is described by the word "begotten", the emanation of the Holy Spirit is described by the word "proceeds". The word "proceeds" seems to indicate a flowing movement while "begotten" is more like being born like a child. When the Holy Spirit is described in a concrete form it just seems to be a metaphorical description, for example a dove or tongues of fire. God uses the Holy Spirit in creating too. Interestingly, speaking of words is impossible without the flow of breath.

And now man. The cortex of the human brain consists of two hemispheres, left hemisphere and right hemisphere, and it has been found that these two hemispheres have certain specialized functions. They process information in different but complementary ways. The left hemisphere is said to be analytic ("analysis" means "breaking up into parts") because it focuses on differentiation of details. This differentiation also seems to give rise to our sense of individuality as separate from others. And the left hemisphere is also specialized in processing of verbal language.
The right hemisphere is said to be holistic because it grasps the whole, giving us a larger picture, the context, but details within the whole fade away. It's like an intuitive diffusion of perception or thinking to a broader but less differentiated area. The right hemisphere has a role in language processing too but it captures the more fuzzy or contextual aspects of language such as metaphorical meaning and the tone of voice. So, I would compare the consciousness of the left brain hemisphere to the Son, and the consciousness of the right brain hemisphere to the Holy Spirit. The former is a consciousness of a separate individuality and the latter is a more amorphous, less differentiated consciousness transcending the boundaries of separate individuality. And where is the parallel with the Father? Perhaps it's an element that unifies the two perspectives, combines them and uses them in creation.

The trinity of man is often described as mind, spirit and body (or perhaps the word "soul" could also be used interchangeably with the word "mind"). Mind and spirit can be understood as the two fundamental perspectives or orientations reflected in the information processing styles of left and right brain hemispheres, respectively. Body could be seen as the unifying element that contains the two, but the problem is that the body as such doesn't seem to have the apparent will to switch between the analytic and holistic perspectives. I suppose that in man there is an element with this will, while the body is a created thing, a form through which the trinity of man expresses itself.

Finally, here is my explanation of the meaning of the cross in terms of Holy Trinity: The upper part of the cross would be the uncreated/unmanifest/formless/God aspect of reality and the lower part of the cross would be the created/manifest/form/world aspect of reality. Son and Holy Spirit are the two fundamental perspectives or orientations. They are both contained in the formless source (Father) but they also manifest in form (Body). Body (in the most general sense any physical or mental form) is formed in time under the creative influences of Son and Holy Spirit, directed by and issuing from the source. This is creation: the undifferentiated becomes differentiated, the undefined becomes defined, the formless assumes forms, the nameless takes names, One differentiates into many, nothing becomes something.

It seems that each form is both a particle and a wave, sometimes manifesting more like a particle and sometimes more like a wave (the wave-particle duality from quantum mechanics). Particles have a definite location while waves have an indefinite location expressed in probabilities. So, each form seems to be a product of the creative influences of the defining Logos (Son) and the fuzzing Pneuma (Holy Spirit), their source being in the formless Father. Logos makes reality crystallize from the absolutely indefinite source into definite forms, while Pneuma diffuses reality back into the absolute indefiniteness of the source. But the partially indefinite Pneuma, manifested in the form of probabilistic wave, also looks like an intermediary between the definite Logos and the absolutely indefinite source.
M*W: Man, don't strain yourself to try to prove this. It's a farce. The "cross" as it appears in the equinox is simply an astrotheological manifestation. You don't know what your talking about much less trying to prove. Everything you stated can be logically proven by astrotheology. Don't bother trying again to repeat your bullshit. We are onto you big time.
M*W: Man, don't strain yourself to try to prove this. It's a farce. The "cross" as it appears in the equinox is simply an astrotheological manifestation. You don't know what your talking about much less trying to prove. Everything you stated can be logically proven by astrotheology. Don't bother trying again to repeat your bullshit. We are onto you big time.

So what is your explanation of cross or trinity?
OK, so you can draw parallels between life and humanity, and any number of symbols. Think of a square, and you could see how the concept is mirrored in various aspects of biology. It doesn't mean anything in the end, because the concept of three things or a triangle is so open to interpretation that any result can be concocted. Think of two things, and you have yin and yang, good and evil...etc. The square is fire, earth, wind, water...
M*W: It is a figment of religious imagination.
And what about astrotheological explanations of cross and trinity?

spidergoat said:
OK, so you can draw parallels between life and humanity, and any number of symbols. Think of a square, and you could see how the concept is mirrored in various aspects of biology. It doesn't mean anything in the end, because the concept of three things or a triangle is so open to interpretation that any result can be concocted. Think of two things, and you have yin and yang, good and evil...etc. The square is fire, earth, wind, water...
Yeah, the square as such can mean anything but there are interpretations of the meaning of the pyramid according to which the top of the pyramid is a primordial source from which the world manifests, so I thought of combining the trinity with the four classical elements.

The main idea here is the trinity. The trinity is not just a set of three things but a set of three things that have certain properties.
Isn't it also rather a latecomer to Christianity? Like purgatory. Whatever happened to that? I'm not saying one can't invoke meaning into the trinity concept, but is it really all that significant? It seems rather vague.
Did you know that the building in the background, right between the mouths of the two heads, or in the mouth of the unifying head, is The Cathedral Church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Ely?

Nope.. why?
And what about astrotheological explanations of cross and trinity?

Yeah, the square as such can mean anything but there are interpretations of the meaning of the pyramid according to which the top of the pyramid is a primordial source from which the world manifests, so I thought of combining the trinity with the four classical elements.

The main idea here is the trinity. The trinity is not just a set of three things but a set of three things that have certain properties.
M*W: The "cross" figure represents the equinox, spring, new life, new beginnings, estrus=Easter.
Would you elaborate? How does the cross represent equinox, spring, new life, new beginnings...?
M*W: The formation of the "cross" covers the sun during the vernal equinox. It really doesn't have anything to do with religion, unless of course you worship the Spring. Who doesn't? The bible (NT) is nothing but an astrological calendar. It all boils down to sun worship, unless you're a Muslim, then it's moon worship. No wonder those folks are so backward (i.e. S.A.M. big nose and all).
M*W: The formation of the "cross" covers the sun during the vernal equinox. It really doesn't have anything to do with religion, unless of course you worship the Spring. Who doesn't? The bible (NT) is nothing but an astrological calendar. It all boils down to sun worship, unless you're a Muslim, then it's moon worship. No wonder those folks are so backward (i.e. S.A.M. big nose and all).
Not sure what cross formation you're talking about, but I can imagine a cross formed by the Earth's equator and the path of the culminating point of the sun moving from south to north across the equator during the equinox. The equinox could also symbolize a balance of opposite poles, i.e. day and night, or sun and moon. Sun and moon seem to symbolize a fundamental polarity in many cultures, something like yang and yin. Relating it to the Trinity, I would associate yang with Son because of activity and masculinity, and yin with Holy Spirit because of passivity and femininity.