Holy shizen, I can't believe this, I'm speechless!


Registered Senior Member

Now let's see, can we go over this one more time?

"We are the land of the free" Homosexuality is allowed. People convicted of hate crimes (including attacking someone due to their sexual orientation) receive additional punishment at sentencing. The past few decades there have been all kinds of homosexual rights movements that have not been suppressed (at least by our government). People of the same sex are allowed to marry in certain states. And....... intercourse with someone of the same sex is illegal in Texas.

So apparently by Texas law, it is ok to date someone of the same gender, but you can't have sex with them (without being punished by law).

I've attached the relevant text off the front page here on Sciforums as a pic at the bottom. I can't link to my website because Topcities doesn't like indirect links - so for the entire front page, copy and paste this link into your web brower (without the under scores surrounding it)


I'm not a homosexual advocate (for men anyway :D though if all women didn't like men that would totally suck), but this is a ridiculous breach of our so called "freedom" If Jena Jameson is going to be filming any of her movies in Texas, she'd better do it secretly

Laws such as this one are common throughout much of the US. They are largely remnants of the puritanical mindset of those who founded the country.

For example, in many states, heterosexual oral sex is illegal -- as is heterosexual anal sex.

- Warren
Chroot, I wasn't aware of this. If heterosexual couples start getting arrested for giving each other oral sex, I assure you there will be a revolt in this country not long after..... and I'll be one of the ones to start it.
It must be remnants like chroot says,
I mean really how can they enforce such laws? Unless the participants were exhibitionists ;)
I just finished reading the sodomy law on page A-8 I believe it said 9 states have banned anal and oral sex for anyone. While it may matter to a small degree whether or not people are punished for it, the concept is insane.

If "the authorities" ever wind up punishing anyone for something like this, I hope the people charged, rally all people together who think this is totally absurd, to publically drag all of the authorities who were responsible, out into the street, to beat the crap out of them, then change the law.

The 2 men in Texas caught having sex spent a night in jail, and were forced to pay a $200 fine.
See, that's the kind of thing that makes me, as a homosexual male, want to start buing guns, and start the revolution that much earlier. God damned homophobes ruin everything! On my first date with a guy (He was just a bit flaimy, and lisped a bit, and we're both cute little skinnyboys so everyone kind of got the idea that we're two fags out on a date) We had to leave this icecream shop we were at, because this damn elderly couple sitting near us started raising a stink.
I've faced a lot of homophobia in my time. Fortunately not many people around here can carry a gun but friends have been knifed, beaten and thrown off walls. Two are in wheelchairs one with a broken back.

And they call it a matter of choice!
Anal and Oral sex SHOULD be illegal if anyone involved is actually heterosexual. (not bi)

Otherwise I agree it should be okay.
can't anyone EVER be serious when discussing such topics??!:bugeye: or, are you always & forever going to hide your true feelings concerning your beliefs behind your various chuckle's, witticism's and chortle's. ?? :bugeye: just curious.
pumpkin...it's the human impulse to not take seriously things that do not concern us directly.
no, no...what i meant is, that we cover up what we really feel about an issue by joking about it or saying something completely contrary to what we feel. i mean, rarely do we humans ever say what is EXACTLY on our minds. that really bugs me. for one day i would love it if everything that popped into our heads and thoughts we spoke outloud. like for instance, if the guy at the office says.."hey, you like my new tie?" and, i didn't. i would say: " dude...that tie stinks!" instead of saying..."yeah, nice tie" ... do you know what i mean? same goes for the issue of aids .....why pretend to care and hope for a cure if one really doesn't support the issue. ok. end rant...cause, i have now lost my train of thought. but....i'll be back.
After saying we're all for freedom, this is what we get?

Since when did the government get the right too tell me what I can and can't do in my bed! erggh... Those puritans, I swear when they thought up their sect they were thinking "Let's eliminate every single form of expression and fun we can think of!" Why couldn't we have been founded by a group of nudist bikini modles?:)