Holy Sh@t! (I mean ... whoa, dude!)

I am ...

  • ... converting to Christianity.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • ... moving to Pennsylvania.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ... puzzled as to what that has to do with Jesus Christ.

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • ... upset I never go to do that when I was in church.

    Votes: 6 54.5%

  • Total voters


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
How do I not quote the whole of Dan Savage's commentary here? Okay, I'll omit the first line:

Putting horny 14 year-old boys in diapers and then plopping them on the laps of teenage girls for a little spoon- and bottle-feeding… thus are life-long fetishes born. Not that I have anything against fetishes or the kind of formative life experiences that create ‘em. Far from it. I live in the house that fetishes bought.

But still. Could you imagine the uproar from Christian groups if, say, a gay youth group did something similar? Or a gay-straight student alliance?

A spokesman for the Christian youth group says they’ve done this for years—they also do a "skit" where girls eat chocolate pudding out of adult diapers—and that Ms. Metz' son "had fun" in that diaper. I’ll bet he did—and odds are good that he’ll be having fun in diapers for the rest of his life.


Jesus freaking Christ!


I mean ... wow!

For the actual news report, see Mary Niederberger's article for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Terry Swenson, national vice president of communications for Young Life, said that skits that involve teens dressing like an infant are among those used by the organization, which has existed for 60 years.

He declined to comment on the Mt. Lebanon teens being asked to undress before they put on the diapers and bibs or whether he thought the Mt. Lebanon skit was appropriate.

"We are careful in trying to not embarrass kids and put them in awkward situations." he said.

He said his organization "gives its full support" to Mr. Wandrisco.

"O.J. has been there for a long time. He is a trusted person in the community who has the kids' best interests in mind," Mr. Swenson said.


I bet the Catholics are kicking themselves for not thinking up this scheme.

At least it ain't that ol' time religion.

Holy sh@t.

Talk about coming unto Christ ....


Savage, Dan. "O They Will Know We Are Christians By…" Slog. December 8, 2007. See http://slog.thestranger.com/2007/12/o_they_will_know_we_are_christians_by_5

Niederberger, Mary. "Police expect no charges in youth group diaper skit". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. December 8, 2007. See http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07342/840222-55.stm
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Should be a rule that all church or religious officials require police background checks. This incident is obviously how this guy gets his jollies. Good thing he isn't Catholic or the pope would be sending him to a church near you.

I wonder what they would do in Sudan?
Eating pretend shit wasn't on my list for teenage fun. I missed that one. I feel deprived now, this is depressing.
Kids buy pretend poop and vomit. For some reason boys find it hilarious to gross out their friends. I think its partially why Jackass was so popular.
In the distant past I've smeared peanutbutter on my ass and then ate it in class just to gross out the teacher and score some points with my fellow classmates.
and it was hilariously funny...untill it got out of hand and they called my parents and blablabla

ahh to be young again lol
oh come on. the people who object to this sort of thing as 'sexual deviancy' are the ones i would be worried about. did you never do any team building or role playing games when you met your new classmates each year at school? just what aspect of this do you find wrong?
oh come on. the people who object to this sort of thing as 'sexual deviancy' are the ones i would be worried about. did you never do any team building or role playing games when you met your new classmates each year at school? just what aspect of this do you find wrong?

I don't know, man. I just find something weird about 14 year olds being told to put on a diaper, sit in a girls lap, while gulping down a bottle...
Kids buy pretend poop and vomit. For some reason boys find it hilarious to gross out their friends. I think its partially why Jackass was so popular.

Yes, but they went out and bought the fake poo all on their very own. They weren't placed in a situation, surrounded by other kids and adults (imagine the peer pressure and the embarrassment if they wanted to say no but were scared to), and told to go in the back, get naked, put on an adult nappy, bib and bonnet, then come back and sit in a girl's lap as she fed him baby food and soda from a baby bottle. There's something wrong there. It's just, not quite right.

Nor would they have been placed in a situation which the girls in the past had to endure, whereby they are given chocolate mouse and told to eat it out of a nappy.
the people who object to this sort of thing as 'sexual deviancy' are the ones i would be worried about.

O...k :bugeye:

did you never do any team building or role playing games when you met your new classmates each year at school?

So long ago I barely remember, but it certainly didn't involve nappies and spanked botties - and if such things happened the school would be closed down.. for good reason.
Jesus and the Shit-Eaters

Vslayer said:

oh come on. the people who object to this sort of thing as 'sexual deviancy' are the ones i would be worried about.

That's one way of looking at it.

did you never do any team building or role playing games when you met your new classmates each year at school?

Seriously, it never involved dressing up in a diaper or a verisimilitude shit-eating contest.

just what aspect of this do you find wrong?

It's something about irony, man. There's nothing explicitly "wrong" with it as long as I forget how I felt about such things at fourteen. Look, I'm with Savage on this one: I have nothing against fetishes or—and here I'll specify—positive formative experiences that create them, but there is great irony in the notion that fifteen years have seen the transition from Christians in Oregon complaining that scat was a homosexual deviation to Christians in Pennsylvania doing softcore scat as an "icebreaker" for teenagers.

As for infantilism, okay, whatever gets you off, so to speak. But there's a story about it that I adore. Ironically, the first infantilist porn I ever saw involved Ron Jeremy ... but he didn't play a part in the diaper scene. The gorgeous cable girl came over to hook up "F-TV". After watching the diaper skit on F-TV, the homeowner gets all hot and bangs the hell out of the cable girl, only to be interrupted by Ron Jeremy ... the gay jealous lover ... who throws a fit and flounces out of the room at the end of the scene, declaring, "Fine! I'll be at my mother's!"

Absolutely beautiful.

Coming soon: Mitt Romney shows the nation that the LDS is harmless by inviting several teenage boys for a tube-steak sucking contest. How many can you wolf down? And remember, no using your hands ....

(Gives the phrase "punch and pie" a bit of a dirty connotation, doesn't it?)
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dressing up in a nappy and a bib for a skit hardly demeaning or humiliating. some of the costumes me and my classmates came up with back in the day for our plays were hardly any better. its good for their self esteem to be able to have a laugh at themselves, and a good way of doing that is to engage in OTT ridiculous activities.
This is really silly. I'm not a prude, and I'm not a libertine, I just find this a little weird for a church activity.
I guess it depends on your perspective. I think the thought of teenage boys (or perhaps even girls?) in diapers is kinda sexy. I "get" the fetish. Some people wouldn't, and some are probably indignant and angered by fetishes like that, regardless of the ages of the people involved.

That said, I think that it's kind of stupid as a church youth activity, regardless of whether it's meant to be titillating or just to generate laughter. I think it just depends on how you see it. I would assume most of them were wearing undergarments underneath the diapers.
I also assume at that age most of them would probably just be laughing at something like this, and that Mr. Savage (I am familiar with Savage Love) may be superimposing his own adult, sexually "liberated" mind onto those of much younger people, and guessing at what they think. He IS a sexual advice columnist after all, and with homosexual tendencies to boot.
How do I not quote the whole of Dan Savage's commentary here? Okay, I'll omit the first line:

Jesus freaking Christ!


I mean ... wow!

For the actual news report, see Mary Niederberger's article for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

I bet the Catholics are kicking themselves for not thinking up this scheme.

At least it ain't that ol' time religion.

Holy sh@t.

Talk about coming unto Christ ....


Savage, Dan. "O They Will Know We Are Christians By…" Slog. December 8, 2007. See http://slog.thestranger.com/2007/12/o_they_will_know_we_are_christians_by_5

Niederberger, Mary. "Police expect no charges in youth group diaper skit". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. December 8, 2007. See http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07342/840222-55.stm
What does all that have to do with Jesus? :bugeye:

Catholics are nonsense... :shrug:
TruthSeeker said:

What does all that have to do with Jesus?

That does seem to be the question.

Catholics are nonsense...

Well ... generally no more so than the rest of the flock. They've just had more time to get bored with it.
This is really silly. I'm not a prude, and I'm not a libertine, I just find this a little weird for a church activity.
I guess it depends on your perspective. I think the thought of teenage boys (or perhaps even girls?) in diapers is kinda sexy. I "get" the fetish. Some people wouldn't, and some are probably indignant and angered by fetishes like that, regardless of the ages of the people involved.

That said, I think that it's kind of stupid as a church youth activity, regardless of whether it's meant to be titillating or just to generate laughter. I think it just depends on how you see it. I would assume most of them were wearing undergarments underneath the diapers.
I also assume at that age most of them would probably just be laughing at something like this, and that Mr. Savage (I am familiar with Savage Love) may be superimposing his own adult, sexually "liberated" mind onto those of much younger people, and guessing at what they think. He IS a sexual advice columnist after all, and with homosexual tendencies to boot.

did you just say you think the thought of teenage boys or girls in diapers is "sexy" ??? :bugeye:..................