Holy scriptures not to be read as a Science Manual


Digging up old bones
Registered Senior Member
To take up the scriptures and submit them to a rationalistic test of scientific validity, which determins the factual basis for each statement is shallow.

God chose mortal and fallible men to write down the holy scriptures. He always perfers to use non-miraculous natural means if possible. Given the limited scientific knowledge of the early times, the writtings of these ancients should not be considered worthless, for it was not their intent to write concerning the scientific facts, but to write on cosmogonic realities that are reflected in the microcosm of each human life. The innocence of their form, such as saying "God walked with man in the evening" is also meant to speak to the human heart.

Much of the scriptures is also poetry. When was the last time that a poem was put under scientific scrutiny? Poetry and symbol is the language of Myth. These things speak to that mystical part of the human experience which is nonm-verbal.

Myths also are true, not in the factual sense, but in the way that they speak to Man's divinity and humanity. In scripture, we find not only Yawehistic poetry but also the incorporation of other near eastern myths, such as those of Canaan cult where the divinity is characterized in the storm thunder. This does not invalidate the truth that Israel was God's chosen people. Evidence of synthesis and syncretistism in a religion is no grounds for invalidation. God can use any vehical of inspiration he wishes, and that icludes the contribution of other peoples. These symbols do not identify God with thunder, they do not say "God is thunder" they say,"God speaks also through thunder"

The poetry of scripture must first be examined as a whole, looking at its beginning and end, with a view to its narrative meaning as well as its underlying realities. One must consider the point of view of the one speaking, for he represents the human condition. Thus the psalmist laments the errors of the Israelites in the desert, and is able to tell a human story in much greater depth than if he simply listed asuccession of facts about the bronze age.

The Word of God is living, it still shapes humanity, it is creative. The word has real power. It is covenental also in that it holy scriptures tell the story of salvation, indeed, the scriptures are deeply inbued with God's character. Whatdo find out about God? A character of faithfulness and patience who is ever remembering his beloved. Through myths as well as actual events the word reveals a prophetic God as protagonist, in this mythic and legendary reality God is the hero.

Christ's word is effective as the divine transformative act. indeed, God's word demands that we make a decision, to either reject or accept, for it can never leave us indifferent.
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"Much of the scriptures is also poetry."

"Poetry and symbol is the language of Myth."

so you say that much of the scriptures are "Imaginary; fictitious." http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=mythical

"To take up the scriptures and submit them to a rationalistic test of scientific validity, which determins the factual basis for each statement is shallow."

a shallow judgement is one made about the surface of something, without any regard for its actualy substance. So i would have to say that accepting the Bible without proof is shallow, because you are not looking deep enough to realise that it is contradictory
Lawdog said:
To take up the scriptures and submit them to a rationalistic test of scientific validity, which determins the factual basis for each statement is shallow.
Why? Should we never question any written word? Should we follow the sound of hoofbeats like blind cattle?

God chose mortal and fallible men to write down the holy scriptures.
Which version exactly did God choose the so called 'fallible men' to write said scriptures. Since the scriptures have changed and been altered so much over time, by many men, for which version exactly did God choose? The last version? The first ever version?

He always perfers to use non-miraculous natural means if possible.
And yet the simple 'fallible men' he supposedly chooses sees it all as miraculous?

Given the limited scientific knowledge of the early times, the writtings of these ancients should not be considered worthless, for it was not their intent to write concerning the scientific facts, but to write on cosmogonic realities that are reflected in the microcosm of each human life.
Ah, so they only wrote about what they knew within their own little world and how they understood it. That science later developed to dispel many of the theories of these 'fallible men' should now be ignored?

Much of the scriptures is also poetry. When was the last time that a poem was put under scientific scrutiny? Poetry and symbol is the language of Myth. These things speak to that mystical part of the human experience which is nonm-verbal.
Considering how literature is put under scientific scrutiny all the time, you should not be surprised that the scriptures face the same fate. And you hit the nail right on the head in saying that since the scriptures is also poetry, poetry is also the language of myth. Therefore their content is also a part of mythology that one should always look to with both eyes and mind wide open.

The Word of God is living, it still shapes humanity, it is creative.
Yes, creative in the sense that it is adapted to suit the needs and wants of the 'fallible men' who wrote them. As you said yourself, the scriptures are a myth, written by man, to ensure that it shapes humanity to suit the wishes of the few and to ensure that the readers fall into their beliefs and furthermore, into their line (ie. into being what the 'fallible men' wanted them to be).

The word has real power.
It has real power over those who do not see through what even you have termed to be the myth. It only has real power over those who blindly believe because they are told to by the 'fallible men'.

It is covenental also in that it holy scriptures tell the story of salvation, indeed, the scriptures are deeply inbued with God's character.
Who's salvation does it tell? The salvation of the 'fallible men' who wrote it, the salvation of those around them? And how can something written by one, altered and changed by others, imbue the character of another?

Through myths as well as actual events the word reveals a prophetic God as protagonist, in this mythic and legendary reality God is the hero.
And the writers also portray God as the punisher, to keep the plebs in line, to ensure that no one thinks outside the square. The notion of the panopticon, where everyone can be observed without observing the observer is meant to make people simply behave as they are expected to behave by the observer. The writers ensured that the scriptures become the panopticon, by speaking of the punishment to the unbelievers, that the ultimate hero can always see and hear all that they do, all to ensure that the people become believers and to force them to be what the writers wanted them to be.

Luckily, many are seeing through the myth and questioning the 'fallible writers'. To say that the scriptures should not be put through any form of scientific or other form of scrutiny only plays into the hands of the 'fallible writers' and the observers. To deny the right to scrutiny also denies the right to question the validity and truthfulness of what is written. It denies the observed the right to choose their own path.
Myths also are true, not in the factual sense, but in the way that they speak to Man's divinity and humanity.

Exactly, and that is why one cannot take scriptures to mean anything more than what Aesop and Grimm provided.
Lawdog said:
To take up the scriptures and submit them to a rationalistic test of scientific validity, which determins the factual basis for each statement is shallow.


Do you mean Irrationalistic belief in every single word in the Bible is profound and enlightening?
God chose mortal and fallible men to write down the holy scriptures. He always perfers to use non-miraculous natural means if possible.

Your attempts to describe God's motives are as usual completely laughable and as random as ever...