HIV evolution


Registered Member
I was wondering how viruses such as herpes and HIV evolved their lysogenic cycle. (hiding in the cell's dna for years before reappearing and launching a full scale attack) Evolutionarily speaking it doesn't seem to help the virus in any way. Although in the end it is more effective at launching an attack on the human body. I wouldn't expect evolution to aim the virus to evolve into something that kills its host. Other than animals eating other dead animals infected with the virus that killed them, I can't see how evolving a better attacking mechanism helps viruses. Any input?
Most eukaryotic cells contain mobile elements. These are pieces of DNA that move around the genome within the cell. Much of the non-coding repetitive DNA found in genomes has arisen from various mobile elements that have inserted and become inactive over time.

Broadly speaking, mobile elements fall into two categories: (1) those that transpose directly as DNA and (2) those that transpose via an RNA intermediate transcribed from the mobile element by an RNA polymerase and then converted back into double-stranded DNA by a reverse transcriptase.

Mobile elements that transpose through a DNA intermediate are generally referred to as transposons. Mobile elements that transpose to new sites in the genome via an RNA intermediate are called retrotransposons. Retroviruses, such as HIV, can be thought of as retrotransposons that evolved genes encoding viral coats and coat proteins that are recognised by cell surface receptors, thus allowing them to transpose between cells and, eventually, between organisms.
Darwinian evolution is BS
think of bugs that are against you implying that you are really not fit to be alive so the immune system of LIFE eradicates you... nothing personal

In this way LIFE tries to maintain integrity.... modern medicine really upsets this balance and so the immune system of life gets far more aggressive against all super cells.... and that includes marvelous Oh" YOU.
Darwinian evolution is BS
what makes you say that? evolution, at least on a small scale, is a reality.
if the above is true then what would it take to prevent large scale evolution?
if you say it's BS then you must provide us with a logical arguement as to why its BS.
Evolution is clearly a real manifestation with substantial scientific support.

It is said that HIV's evolution will soon allow it entry into affirmative action programs where it will be considered your equal, despite consistantly low performance and test scores.