Hitler the Hunter


Valued Senior Member
I was thinking about tresbien's interpretations of the Qur'an, you know, it's "scientific" empirical miracles (hey that rhymes :p Like the predictions of the Internet and Facebook. EX: and Allah said Behold! See it's all there, if you know where to look.

Anyway, here's the Xian version. Rev. John Hagee has clearly found Hitler in the Bible (as you do) and gee goly he was doing the Good Work of the LORD. Praise Jesus! Can I hear a hallelujah! Sing with me baby. Sing with me! Haaaalleluuuujaaaah... Ohhhh baby Jesus... sweet Jesus.... JESUS.. YEAS Baby. Swing them hips, shake that thing... :p

Ahhhahahahhaaaa... sometimes I crack me up :D

So here's the good reverend:

"God says in Jeremiah 16: 'Behold, I will bring them the Jewish people again unto their land that I gave to their fathers. ... Behold, I will send for many fishers, and after will I send for many hunters. And they the hunters shall hunt them.' That would be the Jews. ... Then God sent a hunter. A hunter is someone who comes with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter,"
So where's the discussion in this thread? A sloppily constructed introduction that contains nothing more than your annoying, high-pitched, girly laughter? Do you jack off to religion or something? It seems to make you so giddy and excited. Look, three smilies in one small post! Be honest: did you "arrive" in the process of making this thread?

Anyway, learn to be a bit more professional when you start a thread.
Anyway, here's the Xian version. Rev. John Hagee has clearly found Hitler in the Bible (as you do) and gee goly he was doing the Good Work of the LORD. Praise Jesus! Can I hear a hallelujah!
Religion has always functioned as a giant projection screen for people to superimpose their own images.

For example, the most popular TV commentator on religion in Canada a few years ago suddenly decided that everything in the gospels is a metaphor...of his own choosing.

To him, the cross as a symbol is a NEXUS.

If you draw a horizontal line through the arms outstretched in the crucified pose, and another vertical line through the center of the body, the two lines cross approx at the sino-atrial node, the cluster of nerves where the heartbeat originates.

To him, the human heart is the great nexus or intersection of the two lines representing the material and the spiritual.

Even Nietzsche, with his almost supernatural intelligence, had an oddly personal interpretation of Jesus in a world of sin.

He writes:

It was only in a Jewish landscape
That a Jesus Christ was even possible
That is to say
One in which the sublime and gloomy thundercloud
Of a wrathful Jehovah
Was continually brooding
Only here was the sudden piercing
Of the perpetual twilight
By a single ray of the sun
Experienced as a miracle of love
And a ray of unmerited grace
Only here could Jesus dream
Of his rainbow and his ladder to heaven
On which God descended to man
Everywhere else
Fair weather and sunshine
Were considered the rule
And everyday occurrences
What the hell are you talking about???
Religious free thoughts

So where's the discussion in this thread? A sloppily constructed introduction that contains nothing more than your annoying, high-pitched, girly laughter? Do you jack off to religion or something? It seems to make you so giddy and excited. Look, three smilies in one small post! Be honest: did you "arrive" in the process of making this thread?

Anyway, learn to be a bit more professional when you start a thread.
Haaa! 'arrive' that's funny. You know, this is funny, but I wondered when I changed my avatar from a drop of water to a kabuki painting - if just this simple change in avatar would alter people's interaction with me online. Then I thought - naaaa. But now I think, hmmmm maybe?:bugeye:

Kadark, try to keep it in your paints ... hahahahahahahhaaa.....

Religion has always functioned as a giant projection screen for people to superimpose their own images.

For example, the most popular TV commentator on religion in Canada a few years ago suddenly decided that everything in the gospels is a metaphor...of his own choosing.
True, what do you think this says of the Good Reverend here?