Historical Events Induced by Christian Fundamentalism


Registered Senior Member
This is a deep sociologycal question
Perhaps too complex to tackle

Could the prophecies of the Messiah, The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc., have been induced unconsciously, subtly, by mass fanatism?

That could be called collective unconscious act sneaky way to shape history

For example, today we have the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayan prophecies. Who can assure 'we havent creating the conditions for all those fatalities'?
(Sadam Hussein killed [Nostradamus 'Effect'], Global Warming, Economical Crisis [Nostradamus 'Effect', Mayan Prophecie 'Effect']...)
This is a deep sociologycal question
Perhaps too complex to tackle

Could the prophecies of the Messiah, The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc., have been induced unconsciously, subtly, by collective unconscious?

For example, today many people believes in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayan prophecies. Who can assure 'we havent creating the conditions for all those fatalities'?
(Sadam Hussein killed [Nostradamus 'Effect'], Global Warming, Economical Crisis [Nostradamus 'Effect', Mayan Prophecie 'Effect']...)
Fullfilled Prophecies induced by Fundamentalism

Perhaps too complex to tackle

Could the prophecies of the Messiah, The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc., have been induced unconsciously, subtly, by collective unconscious?

For example, today many people believes in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayan prophecies. Who can assure 'we havent creating the conditions for all those fatalities'?
(Sadam Hussein killed [Nostradamus 'Effect'], Global Warming, Economical Crisis [Nostradamus 'Effect', Mayan Prophecie 'Effect']...)
Fullfilled Prophecies Induced by Collective Unconscious

Perhaps too complex to tackle

Could the prophecies of the Messiah, The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc., have been induced unconsciously, subtly, by collective unconscious?

For example, today many people believe in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayan prophecies. Who can assure 'we havent creating the conditions for all those fatalities'?
(Sadam Hussein killed [Nostradamus 'Effect'], Global Warming, Economical Crisis [Nostradamus 'Effect', Mayan Prophecie 'Effect']...)
This is a deep sociologycal question
Perhaps too complex to tackle

Could the prophecies of the Messiah, The destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, etc., have been induced unconsciously, subtly, by collective unconscious?

For example, today many people believes in the Prophecies of Nostradamus and the Mayan prophecies. Who can assure 'we havent creating the conditions for all those fatalities'?

(Sadam Hussein killed [Nostradamus 'Effect'], Global Warming, Economical Crisis [Nostradamus 'Effect', Mayan Prophecie 'Effect']...)

How about returning to the promised land after 2000 years.
No, these are events that anyone with half an eye open can predict, any time, any place. The historical ones recur: war, famine, knocking down of buildings, tyrants and martyrs getting killed - what's different from one century to the next? Unusual climatic conditions occur sometimes, are invariably devastating and the prophecy is interpreted afterwards: Ah, this is what he meant!
Of course Nostradamus has never predicted any event. Only after an event has occurred do people find a vague quatrains that they appliy to the situation. He is the king of postdictions.
@ Origin,
If you looked at the predictions before they happened they would not mean much would they. The only way to effectively judge a prophet would be to look at their accuracy with "postdictions". He was reknowned during his own time for prophesies, that were very detailed and bang on in many cases. He was also had the Inquisition at his back door the entire time so he had to word things carefully.

You should read more about his predictions methinks. "Vague". To say "Vague" implies heavy undereducation on this topic.
How about returning to the promised land after 2000 years.
In Jerusalem converge Judaism + Islam + Christianity.
This place always was very complicated and convulsed. Bible says 2000 years specifically? of Course not.

The Isaac Newton's Decodification o' Biblical Apocalipsis predicts the end o' the world for year 2060. When the antichrist rule the world from the restored Temple o' Jeru-salem.
I only see in it a reflex o' the ancestral conflict beetwen the three religion mothers (and the three most developed civilizations o' the ancient world..) Judaism (Jews), Chistianism (Greek-romans) and Islam (Babilonians).
Do you mean self-fulfilling prophesies? Of course that can happen.
I suspect Jesus was a messianic fanatic, a puppet impelled by a self-hipnotized jewish population.
If not, why in the Book o' Revelations says: in the walls of the heavenly Temple o' Jeru-salem will be sculpted the names o' the 12 apostles? ...Why Judas, the betrayer?:jawdrop:
The only explanation i can imagine is Judas was a victim too.:jason:

do something witchy!
I suspect Jesus was a messianic fanatic, a puppet impelled by a self-hipnotized jewish population.
If not, why in the Book o' Revelations says: in the walls of the heavenly Temple o' Jeru-salem will be sculpted the names o' the 12 apostles? ...Why Judas, the betrayer?:jawdrop:
The only explanation i can imagine is Judas was a victim too.:jason:

do something witchy!
Or, and more likely, it's just a story.