Historic NEO's


Registered Senior Member
While most people 40 or over can remember waking up at some early hour to view Halleys Comet few will be around for its next visit.

That got me wondering about longer term NEO's. This is drawing a long bow and taking a big shot in the dark and the rationale is just as fuzzy as my avatar is due to its many different historical contexts. Thats why this is in history.

2012 DA14, 57m across, will pass by below geostationary orbit on February 15 this year. This is the typical return path of a rogue satellite with a long period.

The historical reference for this object is the Book Of Kells XPI 'B' Generatio front page.

My avatar shows potential sequences of lakes and rocks due to objects coming in from 3 different directions on a Cartesian projection. Parts of the planet that was between Mars and Jupiter and rebounds of those parts from Mars and Venus. Overlayed over this map is the Tara Broach, the Fleur De Lis and the Rainbow Serpent as cultural representations of long term knowledge as well as religious paths. This is what you could also call the messenger from the gods who greeted Odysseus on his Odyssey because its cycle is 1000 years or so. The line will be the 'B' line which goes through the four ring forts on the Arran Islands in Ireland and continues over the planet in a variable wide corridor that includes going through Silvermines, Knockastanna, Paris, Rome, Jerusalem, Mecca etc to Brisbane. The Cartesian projection is like a photographic plate for things crashing into the earth over a long period of time.

When I put together the lines and added Patroklos/Saint Patricks line, i.e. the other set of 4 ring forts in county clare, one a C fort like Dun Aengus on a cliff, it went through Gotland (where Balders son Forseti, Truth and Justice, guided the 12 wise vikings to, stamped his foot creating a lake and disappeared) and up to near Tunguska, I noticed the XPI with three dots on the I.

This is the path of XPI, Jesus Christ, 'B' Generatio, the flip side or Anti Christ, but its the same path anyway, a metallic space rock that burns off its metallic coat as it enters the atmosphere after acting like some sort of solar system scrap collector. It is both Christ and anti Christ.

Jesus lump of spinning gold metal,
recognise not your old fettle,
reverse crosses thrice doused then settle.

If it bounces off the oceans 3 times it will produce a big 'cup' or grail each time if the melted metal is still fluid. The last time it came through was 1014.

The three ocean bounces on my avatar map are (1) between the Phillipines and Japan, (2) South of Sri Lanka with the last one (3) safely in the middle of the atlantic ocean.

Anyway this is only idle speculation based on matching up known rocks with lakes that could have been formed by them, i.e. Rock of Cashel and Loch Neagh/Mist, from both up and down, that all have a consistent ratio between lake and rock. Old Maps with Latin place names can also be revealing. The X is at the extreme left at an angle and the P is the Tara Broach aligned so that the gems align with places around the mediterranean and the pin points the way. The I is actually the line of the Buddhist religion, Monkey, Sandy, Pigsy and Tripitaka's journey.
This is total nonsense. It doesn't rise to the level of pseudoscience.
This is total nonsense. It doesn't rise to the level of pseudoscience.

Have you ever heard the saying that 'myths are history written by priests'?

If you read some of the following you will find many references to messengers from the 'gods' and gifts from the gods. Even Virgil copied Homers style with regards to chest pieces and shields being delivered by the gods and he even embellished the delivery with thunder.

The Epic of Gilgamesh
Monkeys search for enlightenment
Homers Iliad
Homers Odyssey
Herodotus Histories
Virgils Aeneid
Pausanias guide to Greece
The Norse Sagas
The Irish myths
The Venerable Bede
The King James Bible
Robert Graves the Greek Myths

I added Robert Graves because he is a poet who brought all of the different ancient sources together and connected the ancient greeks with the ancient celts (tin) and the baltic amber trade (early scandinavian).

As most of these titles were written by administrator types, regardless of the religions, it would not be unexpected if all of the authors were Myers Briggs ENTJ personality types, so they have some common factors in their writings and observations.


Before the Bessemer Converter was invented the only high quality alloys available for weapon making were naturally occurring metallic meteorites.

Have you ever worked at any of the mines in Australia? I worked at Elura mine in Cobar, NSW, where the largest lead zinc deposit in the southern hemisphere was around 1km down. Closer to Cobar was the Century Zinc mine which was only a hundred meters or so down. Right in town was the remains of the open cut Great Western copper/lead/zinc mine and a huge slag heap. All of these deposits were in a straight line. When I told a mate of mine that he said Mount Isa was the largest lead zinc deposit in the southern hemisphere when he was an apprentice there.

AlexG and youreyes, if you wish to contribute provide a link to the latest trajectory projection of 2012 DA14.
If you drop a tennis ball soaked in paint on a larger spinning beach ball you will see times where the ball will bounce and touch the spinning beach ball twice. The offset of the second paint spot from the first will depend on the speed of the ball and the speed of rotation.

The method for plotting the Lakes and Rocks is based on simply working back from the physical evidence of the rocks, like Uluru (Ayres Rock), the rock of Cashel etc, taking into consideration that the rocks that are in the southern hemisphere and the rocks that are in the northern hemisphere have opposite offsets because they came from different directions.

Once I located a pair of lakes and rocks that obeyed the bounce rules for its respective hemisphere I pinned them on a large Cartesian projection of the earth and ran a thread between them.

To fill in gaps I also looked for other lakes or rocks along the path and either worked back from the rock or forward form the lake with the respective hemisphere bounce rule.

To fine tune things even further, and note that up until now religion has not come into the analysis process, I looked up the latin names in Muirs Historical Atlas using a form of soldier latin translation i.e. Use a limited lexicon and find the closest fit, to see if there was anything else that could be gleaned out of the ancient names used to describe them.

Still very little religion apart from place names. Then I had a look at the map and noticed the march of religion across the face of our planet because the lines revealed actually looped around each other due to the nature of the cartesian projection. It didn't take much longer to fill in the gaps after I went to Ireland in 2000 and took a photo of the sun setting over the Arran Islands around 1st May and noticed the alignment of the ring forts. I personally spent 3 days driving around the Burren in county Clare to go to each of the 4 aligned ring forts present. Croagh Patrick, Mount Saint Patrick, contains the only commercialy mineable gold deposit existing in Ireland but the government wil not let anybody mine. Over 10 years ago an Australian mining company called Dragon Mining? answered a Finnish government query about disturbing reindeer on a gold mining lease by explaining that they were only going to drive in with trucks and an end loader, so I probably should have added Beowulf to the list as well.

The line through the Arran Island ring forts is directly in line with Silvermines, Ireland, an open cut silver mine half way up a mountain.
Is this the result of a random word generator in conjuction with some sort of bot simulating language? I mean WTF?
Is this the result of a random word generator in conjuction with some sort of bot simulating language? I mean WTF?

Objective scientists use whatever information sources are available.


Mark the date – February 7, 2013 at 19:00 UTC (11 a.m. PST/2 p.m. EST). For those of you interested in the closest ever predicted Earth approach for an object of this size, NASA will hold a media teleconference to discuss about upcoming asteroid flyby.


The NASA/JPL image on the above link shows that the transit within the geosynchronous ring will start on February 15 at 15:00 GMT and exit at 22:00 GMT.

Considering that the moon is not shown in the image and all the evidence points to a 'quasi moon' or 'co-orbital' type orbit what are the possibilities of 2012 DA14 being captured and becoming a satellite?


Also note that the image of the asteroids trajectory is actually opposite to the simulated path shown in the clips.