'Historic" NASA UFO Footage is Coming!


Registered Senior Member
Information about the new NASA footage!
There is a short preview copy of some of the footage that was seen in Leeds last year at
http://www.ufomag.co.uk/NASA02.ram if you have a 28.8 modem and http://www.ufomag.co.uk/NASA001.ram if you have a 56k modem.

During last September's 18th Leeds International UFO Conference, the audience were made privy to news that UFO Magazine had acquired 520 video tapes totaling over 2,500 hours of NASA space shuttle transmissions. These had been recorded and logged by a Canadian TV station manager who believed the footage contained stark evidence of extraterrestrial activity.

Last August, a representative from UFO Magazine and the Australian-based Phenomena exhibition traveled to Canada at the behest of this individual. Following a week-long series of meetings, agreement was reached for UFO Magazine/Phenomena to disseminate relevant segments of that footage to the world.

Since then, brief segments of the footage have been screened at the Acapulco Conference in Mexico on 12 December and on special TV monitors within the Phenomena exhibition in Fremantle, Perth.

Several highly respected figures within the fields of UFO research and SETI have viewed some of the material. The term 'historic' was ventured on three separate occasions. Other highly placed figures within NASA itself, as well as eminent physicists have expressed bewilderment on viewing the footage for themselves.

Considerable international media interest has already been expressed.

We are now able to disclose that a timetable for disseminating this material into the public domain has been agreed among the
relevant parties. On Saturday, 11 March, Graham W. Birdsall and Russel Callaghan will make a 3-hour presentation on the NASA footage at the 9th Annual International UFO Congress Convention and Film Festival, which is being staged at the River Palms Resort, Laughlin, Nevada (5-11 March).

The world's media have been extended an invitation to attend. Their lecture will end at 12 noon (4.00am GMT). Back in England, at that
precise moment, a presentation of the NASA material (video/stills/explanation) will be uploaded onto our Webster and made available to the world.

Thereafter, it is anticipated that multinational TV and news gathering institutions will assist in further disseminating this material across the globe.

Further details and background information will feature in the March/April 2000 issue of UFO Magazine, available on newsstands across Britain from 24 February.

The Australian Phenomena site where most of this info will be disseminated is at http://www.phenomena-exhibit.com/http://www.phenomena-exhibit.com/
Thanks for that info it sounds very exciting.Maybe you can attend that conference in Laughlin and talk with Dr. Reed and Mr. Wraith they will be there
also showing his video etc. I probably will not be able to attend this year I
have a lot going on in the next few months ahead.
At least NASA knows how to hold the camers still :D

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)
ya too bad they don't pay attention to
their footage. Those ice particles just
seem to be doing more spectacular things
by the minute especially the high speed
angular turns. And they say we are the ones whos crazy.

"Ignorance is bondage,knowledge is freedom"

Well one of the thigns I noticed about that clip was that the guy was blasting NASA for not disclosing this. Stop to think about it for a moment. NASA didn't have controll over that. At the time they were working with the Air Force. The Air Force had strick rules about what could be released to the public and what couldn't. Why do you think that when it cam time for NASA to renew thier contract with the Air Force they chose no to? They have all ways wanted to shar this information but were not able to. Why do you think we are able to see it now? NASA not part of the Air Force anymore. If the footage was stolen I'd bet no one in his right mind would admit to having it or even release it. If they did we would never hear from them again. Don't look for something thats not there.

All I know is what I understand. All I understand is what I know. :)
I believe the footage that does get out
to the public is by those within NASA
who believe they are doing the right thing. I'm not so convinced NASA as a whole is releaseing anything yet or if they are I haven't heard.After all they still claim no evidence to support life elsewhere. Most of the people I talked to say NASA does know a lot and they still haven't come clean yet. I think they realize we don't like liars and if they revealed anything then there goes next years budget. Besides if we don't look for things that aren't there then how are we going to find the things that are? Many people who have released documents and footage are doing quite well. After
all why do anything to someone unless
what they are saying is true,welcome to the world of disinformation.

Thanks to some fine people within these organizations we have what we have today.

[This message has been edited by Alien (edited February 03, 2000).]
Damn Dave,
The links you gave for the video don't work!
everytime i try to get that sts 80 video,
Ok,Ok nevermind i got them to work,but im not going to pay 30 bucks for those video's

[This message has been edited by m-cyber (edited February 15, 2000).]
M cyber,
same problem here!

"The crows are already stoned", he said.
With a look of dispassion on his sad face.
They took the link away while updating their site. Obviously want it nice and pretty ( and profitable! ) for the release of the video!

Did you guys manage to download the Preview Clip??


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited February 15, 2000).]
I have real plus dave has anyone sent it to you yet?Just say the word and ill sent it ok?
I'll just send it to you,got to wait for sts80 to download first.

ICQ# 54004118

[This message has been edited by m-cyber (edited February 15, 2000).]
Sorry, I edited my post....
I downloaded the NASA preview into my home page so if UFO-mag pulls it, we're still good to go!

tee! hee! I love the game!

icq 1278281
file transfer for RP Plus welcome! :)

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited February 15, 2000).]
Just wanted to say tks Dave.!.. The video is really something else...and, also, the updating of my Realplayer at the same time !!

With proufs of the kind, I wonder how long it will still be kept under wrap...

Boy, I do hope that there is something to this "smoking gun." Every time something like this is built up, it always tends to be a bit anticlimactic in the end. Just have to wait for that March 11th deadline. I've been waiting quite awhile now actually. Glad to know that others await as well.