Hinduism/Islam Encyclopedia


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
I've started an [ENC]Islam[/ENC] FAQ in the Encyclopedia.

If you have any questions about the religion, its philosophy or practice, put it here (questions only please) and I'll put the answers in the encyclopedia if I have already answered it before.

If its a new question, I'll answer it when I have time.

If anyone else would like to answer the questions posted, you are welcome.

You can also post the questions directly on the sciwiki.
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You can also post any questions on [ENC]Hinduism[/ENC] here

(can the moderator change the title to Hinduism/Islam Encyclopedia)?
I've started an [ENC]Islam[/ENC] FAQ in the Encyclopedia.

If you have any questions about the religion, its philosophy or practice, put it here (questions only please) and I'll put the answers in the encyclopedia if I have already answered it before.

If its a new question, I'll answer it when I have time.
Wow that's a cool site - did you make it? It's really nice..


1) Who were the people that wrote the Qur'an? Do you know the exact names of each person? ie: Which parts were written by whom exactly?
2) On what day and in what year was the Qur'an canonized?
3) Who ultimately decided what the Qur'anic cannon would be? How was this decision arrived at (ie: a vote?)
3) Why are some modern Qur'ans different from one another?
4) Why are the oldest Qur'ans in existence different from those that are printed today?
5) Did Mohammed personally ever kill another human person?

May as well jump right in,
To Michael's ;
"5) Did Mohammed personally ever kill another human person?"

Mohammed was on of history's greatest connniving generals/soldier. He killed many people (men and women alike) , and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thanks, those are some questions I've had for quite some time.
Great Idea!

[ you really think so? He conquered a couple of Arab cities - and he was an Arab and did so with other Arabs!?! Come on, I'd have thunk it not that difficult... ... yet you'd place this small event in the same league as Alexander, Marius, Caesar, SunTsu, Ghangus or Nobunaga? Humph! :) ]

Anyway, timmbuktwo, this last question was asked in all seriousness, to postulate is one thing, but to really answer as best as we can your answer you will need some credible citations.. .. etc...

Michael II
Thanks, those are some questions I've had for quite some time.
Great Idea!

[ you really think so? He conquered a couple of Arab cities - and he was an Arab and did so with other Arabs!?! Come on, I'd have thunk it not that difficult... ... yet you'd place this small event in the same league as Alexander, Marius, Caesar, SunTsu, Ghangus or Nobunaga? Humph! :) ]

Anyway, timmbuktwo, this last question was asked in all seriousness, to postulate is one thing, but to really answer as best as we can your answer you will need some credible citations.. .. etc...

Michael II

No, Mike, not in the same league, as one slightly lesser. He used religion as his hipnotism, which as we all know works well, the rest did it on bold bravery, strategy , genius ,and yes, brutality, but at least people followed them with "this world" beliefs of greatness, instead of "next world" . I am trying to be as serious as I can , but remember, the hardliner muslims consider muhammed as their "warrior prophet". not as "gandhi".
Wow that is great. sciforums encyclopedia. I am impressed, I love it. nice work
Ok its going to take me longer to compile the answers.

Just post your questions here, I am going to start copy pasting all the info I have on Islam in this forum onto the sciwiki and then after that start editing it.
It is very popular on sciforums due to the dashing nature of the Muslim members.
I also suspect that some of the members have very cute eyes and are very strong in the force :)
