Hinduism and Buddhism


Registered Senior Member
I have had some debate with fellow students and a professor about the apparent classification of Buddhism as a subset of and under Hinduism.

Though, the two faiths share some things and the fact that Siddhartha was a Hindu originally, to me, does not imply Buddhism is to be classified under Hinduism.

What do some of you fellow Buddhists/Hindu's think?

Would you call Buddhism an independent faith or do you believe it is under Hinduism?

My understanding and belief is that Buddhism is a seperate and independent faith in itself.
Before Siddhartha attained enlightenment, he tried to search the truth through the teachings of the greatest Hindu philososphers of his time but he was not convinced of All aspects their teachings. This might explain the apparent similarity of certain beliefs between the two.

Buddhism certainly did not start out as the Western definition of a faith, merely a philosophical system which rejected the elaborate Hindu rites at the time.

Over time however, because of its philosophical accomodation of local beleifs and cultures, Buddhism began to reach a point where its influence and effect on the psyche of the populace was similiar to that of religion and thats why its classified as susch today.

Is Buddhism a seperate and independent faith in itself? It probably wasn't a faith based system to begin with.