Him/He who sits on the throne?


Registered Senior Member
For whoever can answer this question. Who is Him who sits on the throne in?

Rev. 4:2 --- "and the One on the throne."

Rev. 5:7 --- "Him who sat on the throne".

Rev. 5:1 --- "Him who sat on the throne"

Rev. 5:13 --- "Blessing and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever!"

Rev. 6:16 --- "hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!"-

Rev. 7:10 --- "Salvation belong to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"

Rev. 21:5-7 --- "Then He who sat on the throne said,"

Peace be with you, Paul
spidergoat, I noticed that you researched and put great thought in answering the question asked.

Peace be with you, Paul
I say we overthrow the Throne and replace it with the Republic of Heaven.
If it exists, that is, which it doesn't, but it's a funny idea, nonetheless.
Why a throne
With the range of modern seating wouldn't he rather have a sofa or reclining chair

He who sits on the throne is God, the Eternal Father. or God the Father.

John 1:1-2
IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The same was in the beginning with God.

Jesus was in the presence of God from the beginning, Jesus = the Word.

John 3: 35
The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand.

John 5: 22
For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:

John 5: 23
That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

Christ inherited all that the Father has...when we join ourselves with Christ, we are heirs also of the same inheritance.
Romans 8:16-17
The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

Matt. 25: 34
Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:

So basically God the father, appointed Jesus to work out salvation. The father has overseen the whole work from the beginning and sees it to the end. And has appointed Jesus to do His will on earth. That's why Jesus always says, I've come to do the will of my Father, etc...Jesus inherited all that the Father has, and wishes to share it with us.

Heb. 12: 2
Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Who's your daddy? That's right baby, I like it like that, stroke my belly and inflate my vast ego, ye unworthy swine.
Not long ago, I asked the question, Who is Him/He who sits on the throne in?

Rev. 4:2 --- "and the One sat on the throne."
Rev. 5:7 --- "Him who sat on the throne".
Rev. 5:1 --- "Him who sat on the throne"
Rev. 5:13 --- "Blessing and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb forever and ever!"
Rev. 6:16 --- "hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb!"-
Rev. 7:10 --- "Salvation belong to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
Rev. 21:5-7 --- "Then He who sat on the throne said," --->

It has been revealed to me is that Jesus the Son of man is the One sits on the throne of His glory -> Matt. 19:28, who is the One that said, "He who seen Me has see the FATHER. --- Believe Me that I am in the FATHER, and the FATHER in Me - (John 14:8-11)", who is "the One sat on throne." - (Rev. 4:2).

Rev. 21:5-7 -> He who sat on the throne said to John, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. - Rev. 1:8 -> "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, The Almighty." Rev. 1:18 -> "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen "

From what is written, I conclude that the Alpha and the Omega is Jesus who is Him/He who sits on the throne, and the Lamb is the One that came and took the scroll/book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne, - (Rev. 5:5-7), who had a name written that no one knew except himself" - (Rev. 19:12)

Shortly after Jesus the Alpha and the Omega spoke to John about he/him who overcomes as Jesus overcame in Rev.1:17 to Rev. 3:21, John said, "I wept so much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll/book, but one of the elders said to me, Do not weep --->" - (Rev. 5:1-13)

The reason one of the elders said to John "Do not weep" is that one was found worthy to open and read the scroll/book, and he was also worthy to take the scroll/book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. Knowing that the Alpha and the Omega is Jesus who is Him/He who sits on the throne, then who is the one found worthy to take the scroll/book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne?

On 'The Day of the Lord' they will said, "Blessed is he who comes in the name of Him who sits on the throne" - (Matt.23:39), because he was found worthy to take the scroll. Jesus said, "To him who overcomes, I will write on him the name of My God and My new name" - (Rev. 3:12) him who overcomes is the one who had a written that no one knew except himself - (Rev. 19:12), and he is the one found worthy to take the scroll/book out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne, and also, him who overcomes (Rev. 2:26-29 + Rev. 12:5) is the Lamb who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and Him who sits on the throne is Jesus, The Lord God Almighty of every creature including ALL mankind. - (Rev. 4:8 + 4:11),
trinitarian views which I believe is wrong.

Okay when will you wake up and just realise that if The Christ was The Father,

would not he have mentioned that in exact terms at least 100 times.

I hardly think that The Christ would have thought - Oh I think I should be 'vague' and let my people find out for themselves.

This is a topic which has really turned alot of people away from The Father, but thankfully, more and more people like me are dealing with this topic and stating the Truth as is Written.

Thank You.
Angelic Being said:
trinitarian views which I believe is wrong.
All deonominations of christianity, even Protestantism, accepts the Nicene Creed. To not to so is heresy in the eyes of most christians.
You are a heretic of your own religon, fool. :p
Hapsburg said:
All deonominations of christianity, even Protestantism, accepts the Nicene Creed. To not to so is heresy in the eyes of most christians.
You are a heretic of your own religon, fool. :p

that is not true, Unitarianism, the denomination of Christianity that traces its roots back to the physician/philosopher/author named Michael Servetus does not accept the trinity or the nicene creed. Michael Servetus wrote several books advocating the denial of the trinity, one being Christianismi Restitutio or Christianity Restored. Ultimately, due to the publication of this book, he was persecuted by the hypocrite reformer John Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy in Geneva in 1553 with a copy of his book chained to his arm. he died without renouncing his views, and although Calvin almost successfully had every copy of Servetus's book destroyed, 3 copies remained intact, one of which found its way into the hands of a Count at the royal court of Transylvania, where Unitarianism became popular and religious tolerance prevailed even in the 18th century. It later reverted to the intolerance of early protestant reform, but the threads of unitarianism carried on and have become a small, yet entrenched faction in the multitude of christian denominations.

you my friend, should read more.
charles cure said:
that is not true, Unitarianism, the denomination of Christianity that traces its roots back to the physician/philosopher/author named Michael Servetus does not accept the trinity or the nicene creed. Michael Servetus wrote several books advocating the denial of the trinity, one being Christianismi Restitutio or Christianity Restored. Ultimately, due to the publication of this book, he was persecuted by the hypocrite reformer John Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy in Geneva in 1553 with a copy of his book chained to his arm. he died without renouncing his views, and although Calvin almost successfully had every copy of Servetus's book destroyed, 3 copies remained intact, one of which found its way into the hands of a Count at the royal court of Transylvania, where Unitarianism became popular and religious tolerance prevailed even in the 18th century. It later reverted to the intolerance of early protestant reform, but the threads of unitarianism carried on and have become a small, yet entrenched faction in the multitude of christian denominations.
That's one sect. Most of the christian denominations, including most protestants, accept the Trinity.
So, with the exception of unitarianism, the christian community would view jadon as a heretic. :p Oh the irony...
charles cure said:
that is not true, Unitarianism, the denomination of Christianity that traces its roots back to the physician/philosopher/author named Michael Servetus does not accept the trinity or the nicene creed. Michael Servetus wrote several books advocating the denial of the trinity, one being Christianismi Restitutio or Christianity Restored. Ultimately, due to the publication of this book, he was persecuted by the hypocrite reformer John Calvin and burned at the stake for heresy in Geneva in 1553 with a copy of his book chained to his arm. he died without renouncing his views, and although Calvin almost successfully had every copy of Servetus's book destroyed, 3 copies remained intact, one of which found its way into the hands of a Count at the royal court of Transylvania, where Unitarianism became popular and religious tolerance prevailed even in the 18th century. It later reverted to the intolerance of early protestant reform, but the threads of unitarianism carried on and have become a small, yet entrenched faction in the multitude of christian denominations.

you my friend, should read more.

More importantly, IT IS WRITTEN in The holy Scriptures.

Soon all Christian Denominations will soon throw out this evil doctrine that was introduced by the devil.

Atheists want us to keep on holding on to this doctrine because this way they can always win in debates over this topic- and their ambitions will be fulfilled - the destruction of any visible forms of religion - Christianity being the main target - It is prohesied in The Holy Scriptures and it will happen soon.

The devil is indeed the devil.

Thank you.
Hapsburg said:
That's one sect. Most of the christian denominations, including most protestants, accept the Trinity.
So, with the exception of unitarianism, the christian community would view jadon as a heretic. :p Oh the irony...

yeah but its one sect with 159,000 members in the US and almost 1,100 ministries, its not like they dont exist. plus i think there are some other, more fringe-esque groups who dont accept the trinity, like the Mandeans and i believe there is still an underground type of Arian movement as well.
Angelic Being said:
More importantly, IT IS WRITTEN in The holy Scriptures.

Soon all Christian Denominations will soon throw out this evil doctrine that was introduced by the devil.

Atheists want us to keep on holding on to this doctrine because this way they can always win in debates over this topic- and their ambitions will be fulfilled - the destruction of any visible forms of religion - Christianity being the main target - It is prohesied in The Holy Scriptures and it will happen soon.

The devil is indeed the devil.

Thank you.

its not written in the old testament, maybe in the King James version, but that has long been (or should long have been) recognized as a knock off of the Vulgate bible which was the original catholic bible. not only was it rife with mistranslations of hebrew from the original greek, but it was also filled with absurd additions added later on to support the concept of the trinity and other apocryphal elements of accepted christian dogma.

the man i was talking about, Michael Servetus, had studied something called the Complutensian Polyglot bible which was a bible with the scriptures translated in the original hebrew, then to greek, ane then the Vulgate interpretation. it had been produced by a Catholic monk sometime in the early 16th century, Servetus could read all three or the translations expertly and made notes on the glaring inconsistensies between accepted scripture and what had actually been written, it prompted him in part to write a book called On the Errors of the Trinity, which got him sentenced to death by the Inquisition.

and by the way i say old testament scripture because its the only part of the bible that isnt a complete and utter travesty in terms of historical truth, and even then its still pretty much a total fantasy.

its history and reason that would be religions undoing, not the devil. the devil doesnt exist.
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Angelic Being said:
More importantly, IT IS WRITTEN in The holy Scriptures.
So? The sciptures you put so much faith in are total shit, mindless spew, nothing more and nothing less. Only morons, such as you, believe it.
charles cure said:
its not written in the old testament, maybe in the King James version, but that has long been (or should long have been) recognized as a knock off of the Vulgate bible which was the original catholic bible. not only was it rife with mistranslations of hebrew from the original greek, but it was also filled with absurd additions added later on to support the concept of the trinity and other apocryphal elements of accepted christian dogma.

the man i was talking about, Michael Servetus, had studied something called the Complutensian Polyglot bible which was a bible with the scriptures translated in the original hebrew, then to greek, ane then the Vulgate interpretation. it had been produced by a Catholic monk sometime in the early 16th century, Servetus could read all three or the translations expertly and made notes on the glaring inconsistensies between accepted scripture and what had actually been written, it prompted him in part to write a book called On the Errors of the Trinity, which got him sentenced to death by the Inquisition.

and by the way i say old testament scripture because its the only part of the bible that isnt a complete and utter travesty in terms of historical truth, and even then its still pretty much a total fantasy.

its history and reason that would be religions undoing, not the devil. the devil doesnt exist.

Well everything you have said could be correct - I mean there is no harm done to The Truth.

However try to go further back, for example try to investigate back about 2000 years. There are written documents and copies of The Scriptures or Fragments, that you can go to to get an idea of how Servatus found The truth out.

I believe I mentioned this to one of the atheists - get hold of one of the foremost experts in the Hebrew or Aramaic and the Greek languages, and you will see the true rendering of The Holy Scriptures.

In order to avoid debate then follow The Christs Counsel - ' Get at least three to four witnesses to back you up '.

I have studied unbiased work already done that enlisted the help of more then three of the worlds foremest experts on those three languages.

thank you.
Angelic Being said:
Well everything you have said could be correct - I mean there is no harm done to The Truth.

However try to go further back, for example try to investigate back about 2000 years. There are written documents and copies of The Scriptures or Fragments, that you can go to to get an idea of how Servatus found The truth out.

I believe I mentioned this to one of the atheists - get hold of one of the foremost experts in the Hebrew or Aramaic and the Greek languages, and you will see the true rendering of The Holy Scriptures.

In order to avoid debate then follow The Christs Counsel - ' Get at least three to four witnesses to back you up '.

I have studied unbiased work already done that enlisted the help of more then three of the worlds foremest experts on those three languages.

thank you.

i was just stating some history. experts disagree on everything from whether global warming is really happening or not, to whether ghosts are real. expert just means a person with a lot of experience. what i was really getting at is that the concept of the trinity is an invented part of christian dogma. whether or not its acceptable to some people or not doesnt matter to me, i dont believe in any of it. as for no harm being doen to the truth, you are quite right. Truth is an ever-changing and subjective concept, we define it as we wish to. you are obviously operating under the assumption that the is some absolute truth. hopefully you wont ever learn enough in your lifetime to shatter that illusion.