Hijacking a thread, Stryder's Way.

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craterchains (Norval

What will you know tomorrow?
Registered Senior Member
Hijacking a thread, Stryder's Way.

Hey yah piece of shit, this forum is all about information acquisition and control. It is NOT about discussion of the information posted at all. But, all that aside.

You shit spewing lying ass hole, you have never busted those that hijack my threads, so fuck you. Then you lock the thread about all the craters that never show an impactor. That is entirely new information that collaborated the questioning of craters being made by impactors. You are a fucking shit dribbling deceiver and liar Stryder, IMHO! :D

Norval & Fieryice,
We only tolerate your lunacy around here because if people were to outright kick your butts out, you'd be drivelling some nonsense about how your "Freedom of Speech" was imposed upon.

I've noticed with most of your recent posts that your not here for discussion, you're just here to stir people up be they people that have some unusual belief or story to tell or hardline skeptical that just get annoyed at any of your nonsense.

Quite frankly your crater theory and website coincidentally I'm not even going to talk about purely because it's a complete crock. All this STDD just identifies that yourself and Fiery are trying desperately to sensationalise yourselves, in fact thats probably the reason you have a nasty habit of trying to upset admins across multiple forums.

An entire analogy of your activities here and across the net would suggest that you are Attention seekers that are looking for acceptance in a community that in certain respects actually would prefer you to hang somewhere else than aid them with their proof. (You act more like debunkers than anyone skeptical by "acting up".)

I wouldn't be suprised if your overall plan for world domination included trying to create a failed best seller using your infamy for souring forum moderators as a method of creating you a "cult following".

So quite simply you to, save your BS for someone that actually might buy a book from you.
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