HIGHLY Amusing fact: Horoscopes are wrong

I tried telling this to an Astrologer, as well as the fact that various attributes have been re-assigned as new planets have been discovered, and they made some excuse about Astrology being 'holistic'.

I think it's HOLE-istic, myself. IE, full of holes, and practised by a-holes. Astrologer-holes, obviously.
I fixed the title to identify the fact, after all "25% of people need to read this" right?
As far as I know astrologers recognise that the position of planets change relative to each other and the sun and take this into account. There is apparently a thirteenth sign now, which has kicked my butt off Capricorn into Sagittarius.
As far as I know astrologers recognise that the position of planets change relative to each other and the sun and take this into account. There is apparently a thirteenth sign now, which has kicked my butt off Capricorn into Sagittarius.

Evidently, you didn't even bother to read the article in the link or skimmed it so quickly that you didn't catch the details. It clearly pointed out that there were originally thirteen signs but one was dropped because someone/some group wanted only twelve of them.

And as far as I know, I've never seen any indication anywhere of them taking the change of position of the Earth's axis into account. You got anything to show that is indeed the case?