Higgs Boson is the same thing as Dark Matter...


Registered Member
The theoretical Higgs field can never be seen or found because it exists in the fourth dimension and is the same thing we perceive as Dark Matter. Black Holes theoretically dont exist but are points in space where the energy from within a massive imploding star is not in fact imploding into itself at all. Hypothetically, the energy generated from the massive star has reached such high temperatures, the fusion reaction within the star causes the particles within to accelerate to speeds exceeding the speed of light which ultimately causes them to phase into that illusive fourth dimension to join the rest of the invisible dark matter. In this fourth dimension,gravity is the predominate force and has a much weaker effect within our visible three dimensions because gravitons are the only particle that can move between dimensions. Their quarks move faster than the speed of light which is why they phase between our dimensions and the fourth aloowing greater effect in the invisible fourth dimension and little effect in our three. This leads me to deduce that the infamous Higgs Bason's are in fact the quarks of gravitons(Dark Matter) or the "strings," connecting them and would make gravitons, having their majority of mass in the fourth dimension, the fundamental force that allows all mass to congeal and evolve into all matter.

This is just my theory explaining mass, however I do not have the math to back it up and no one listens to theories non-supported with mathematical evidense.

Kurt Hayden:confused:
The theoretical Higgs field can never be seen or found because it exists in the fourth dimension
Huh? What do you think the "fourth dimension" is?

Black Holes theoretically dont exist
Unfortunately they DO exist theoretically. The theory was proposed before we actually found any.

Hypothetically, the energy generated from the massive star has reached such high temperatures, the fusion reaction within the star causes the particles within to accelerate to speeds exceeding the speed of light which ultimately causes them to phase into that illusive fourth dimension to join the rest of the invisible dark matter.
This is meaningless word salad.

In this fourth dimension,gravity is the predominate force and has a much weaker effect within our visible three dimensions because gravitons are the only particle that can move between dimensions.
You don't know what a "dimension" is do you?

Their quarks move faster than the speed of light which is why they phase between our dimensions and the fourth aloowing greater effect in the invisible fourth dimension and little effect in our three. This leads me to deduce that the infamous Higgs Bason's are in fact the quarks of gravitons(Dark Matter) or the "strings," connecting them and would make gravitons, having their majority of mass in the fourth dimension, the fundamental force that allows all mass to congeal and evolve into all matter.
More word salad. And equally meaningless.

This is just my theory explaining mass, however I do not have the math to back it up and no one listens to theories non-supported with mathematical evidense.
And you don't know what the word "theory" means, either. This isn't a theory it's wild unsupported speculation.

You may end up less confused if you took some physics classes.
The theoretical Higgs field can never be seen or found because it exists in the fourth dimension
You've misunderstood what dimensions mean in physics. They don't mean 'parallel universes', as they do in science fiction stories. Physicists never say "It is in another dimension" as if a particle or object is in a different universe.

Saying "It is in the 4th dimension!" is like saying "It is in up and down!" or "It is it left and right!". It's meaningless. Extra dimensions are extra directions to move, objects have other directions they can move around in. It is not extra universes.

and is the same thing we perceive as Dark Matter.
There are fundamental differences between the properties of dark matter and whatever facilitates the Higgs mechanism.

Black Holes theoretically dont exist but are points in space where the energy from within a massive imploding star is not in fact imploding into itself at all. Hypothetically, the energy generated from the massive star has reached such high temperatures, the fusion reaction within the star causes the particles within to accelerate to speeds exceeding the speed of light which ultimately causes them to phase into that illusive fourth dimension to join the rest of the invisible dark matter.
Black holes have nothing to do with the temperatures the stars which formed them had. The properties of a black hole depend only on the original star's mass, charge and spin. While a star is hot it can maintain itself from gravitational collapse, it won't form a black hole. Black holes form from stars when they cannot burn any more fuel and they cool down.

As for shifting into another dimension, see my first response.

In this fourth dimension,gravity is the predominate force and has a much weaker effect within our visible three dimensions because gravitons are the only particle that can move between dimensions.
I suspect you're trying to borrow concepts from string theory to do with gravitons being able to leave the 3-brane other particles which make up physical objects are trapped on. You're still misunderstanding what extra dimensions mean, the 4th dimension is not a spatial one (it is time) and that doesn't explain anything to do with the Higgs mechanism.

Their quarks move faster than the speed of light which is why they phase between our dimensions and the fourth aloowing greater effect in the invisible fourth dimension and little effect in our three.
Obviously you were previously just making stuff up but now you're just really making nonsense up. Moving faster than light isn't consistent with anything theoretical or observed which is viable physics. Even in string theory where the notion of being 'trapped on a brane' is a viable one quarks (which are actually the ends of open strings stuck to the brane) move slower than light. This wouldn't have any effect on the dimensions anyway.

This leads me to deduce that the infamous Higgs Bason's are in fact the quarks of gravitons(Dark Matter) or the "strings," connecting them and would make gravitons, having their majority of mass in the fourth dimension, the fundamental force that allows all mass to congeal and evolve into all matter.
So you have been borrowing ideas from string theory and just not understanding it.

This is just my theory explaining mass, however I do not have the math to back it up and no one listens to theories non-supported with mathematical evidense.
No one listens to something obviously just pulled from either a certain part of your body or borrowed and butchered from legit research. You've completely failed to understand the concept of dimensions, extra dimensions, branes, strings, the Higgs, dark matter, quarks and gravitons. There's numerous reasons why what you say is nonsense, I've already covered the dimensions thing. Here's a few more specific ones :

You say dark matter is the quarks of gravitons. That's meaningless, it is like saying "The electrons of photons". Quarks are quarks, they aren't quarks of anything. You also say these quarks are the Higgs boson. The Higgs boson is a boson, quarks are fermions, they cannot be the same. It is possible to build a Higgs mechanism facilitator from quarks, via technicolour, but it is a composite of quarks which makes the scalar object which facilitates the Higgs mechanism, not individual quarks. Dark matter must be stable, it's a major challenge in supersymmetric models to have the lightest particle to be stable. The Higgs boson isn't stable and thus it cannot be dark matter, it would all decay away.

You've obviously borrowed from the string theory concept of having quark pairs (ie mesons) be an open string with ends stuck to a brane, with the rest of the string protruding in an orthogonal direction. This doesn't mean quarks are the strings, the quarks are the end points on the strings stuck to the brane. The string in between acts like a gluon flux tube and provides the correct energy scaling properties to account for meson cohesion.

I know it's 'cool' to talk about extra dimensions, the Higgs boson, gravitons, dark matter etc but just stealing ideas and then mashing them into something which sounds impressive to a 15 year old high school student isn't how you go about it. You call it a 'theory' but what you really have is a random, unsupported, unjustified hypothesis which cannot be developed, cannot be tested and is riddled with conceptual misunderstandings. If you really want to get into this area of scientific research then my advice would be to get yourself a 1st year undergraduate textbook on vector calculus and get learning. Then follow it up with linear algebra, partial differential equations, classical mechanics, electromagnetism and then you can start touching on things like quantum mechanics. Until you have the basic grounding in mathematics you won't be able to do anything concrete with any of the concepts mentioned in this thread. Yes. unfortunately it's a long road, it takes most people the better part of a decade to go from high school graduate to researcher, but it is worth it.

Trying to skip to the end and say "I haven't done the maths" is missing the point and will ultimately get you nowhere. This forum (and many others) is littered with people who didn't want to put the effort in to learn the details and just want to talk about the 'cool topics'. None of them contribute anything to science. Don't let this happen to you if you're really serious about this stuff.
Well done kurt !!! My own thoughts on the subject are vaguely similar to your own and its nice to see that you have the intelligence to come up with your own theory(although you are far from alone in regard to the general drift of your belief ) I believe it is essential for people to question the general consensus on any scientific subject. A large amount of science is still theoretical and has yet to be proven beyond doubt, so keep on questioning and don't let the flat earth brigade grind you down. I am a new member on this site but I have already encountered the "Don't rock the boat attitude." ( I can imagine the ridicule that would have been heaped upon Einstein if he were alive today and had submitted his theory of general relativity on here.)
Hypothetically, the energy generated from the massive star has reached such high temperatures, the fusion reaction within the star causes the particles within to accelerate to speeds exceeding the speed of light which ultimately causes them to phase into that illusive fourth dimension to join the rest of the invisible dark matter.
How much energy does a particle need to travel at the speed of light, or beyond?
And if this matter "phases" into that "illusive fourth dimension", how do you explain how mass and energy are conserved within that system without recourse to dark matter?
and its nice to see that you have the intelligence to come up with your own theory(although you are far from alone in regard to the general drift of your belief )
He doesn't have a 'theory', he has a set of buzzword filled suppositions. He hasn't actually constructed a formal model or derived anything or been able to relate anything he's said to reality. Making up random suppositions is not intelligence. It's actually quite the opposite.

I believe it is essential for people to question the general consensus on any scientific subject.
And you think scientists don't?

A large amount of science is still theoretical and has yet to be proven beyond doubt, so keep on questioning and don't let the flat earth brigade grind you down.
There's a difference between saying "I assert the Earth is flat!" and "Presently evidence suggests the Earth is flat. If you can provide evidence to contradict this we'll hear it". Asking someone to justify themselves and their claims is not 'grinding' someone down. It's how the scientific method works.

( I can imagine the ridicule that would have been heaped upon Einstein if he were alive today and had submitted his theory of general relativity on here.)
He'd not post it here. In 1915 he was well known for his contributions to special relativity, the photo-electric effect and fluid suspension viscosity. He had an academic position and thus would have been able to send it to a journal for review by his peers, not lay persons. He'd also worked with Hilbert, the greatest mathematician of his day, to formalise his work, which then allowed him to make a set of predictions, precise predictions. He listed a number of the main ones in his original paper so people could go out and test them, as was done in 1919 using an eclipse. He also demonstrated his model could account for the discrepancy in the orbit of Mercury which Newtonian gravity implied.

All of those things mean that Einstein had presented an in-depth, clear, formal model with predictions and derivations. The OP has done none of those things.
The Higgs Boson is not the same thing as Dark Matter. That would be impossible, they only come about when particles create symmetry breaking electrodynamics. It is like the grandfather paradox, but the Higgs Boson just saves a particles grandfather so that it doesn't "die". So they only come out in high energy interactions, that would cause particles to interact with their past selves. This doesn't happen in nature that often and the LHC reproduces the energy of the Big Bang itself, so then there just wouldn't be any Higgs Boson's to be out there to account for Dark Matter. They announced that they found them on July, 4. There is a video on youtube of Peter Higgs explaining it and how the theory came about, in response to the discovery. I think they just found a way to outsmart the Higgs Boson and figured out where to look for it, instead of just smashing the protons harder. At least I hope they did, and that is what all the extra computer power they needed from around the world was all about.