Hiding Sexual Material from Kids?



Sex is a topic that holds a common interest around the world. It is, after all, the universal language. Sex does have a place for discussion. But ideas expressed on such erotic topics should be available only to adults. A person must be 18 years of age to see an "R" rated movie. Some safe-guard should be placed on such explicit topics to protect against viewing by children.

As a parent, I am aware of the everyday events that shape the life of my child. Although she is not yet in school, knowing the abilities of todays children with computers it will not be long before she is on the Net. And as most parents will agree, some things we would rather not have children know about until we are ready.

Sexual Censorship on the Net

I think that children should receive sexual eduacation as soon as possible. I also think that all efforts to censor sexual material for the benefit of the children are futile and stupid.

I don't mean when they are supposedly "mature enough to handle it"(Bullshit). If we give it to them all at 4 or 5 years old, they'll never have the opportunity to be confused.

I don't understand why we make these lame-ass efforts to hide sexually-concerned material from young children.
Why not let them learn early, so as to prevent future mishaps and misconceptions?
I mean, what the hell is the problem? Why not?

Can you really make a kid into a pervert by telling him or her about it?

Besides, is withholding the information good for their "sexual well-being"(more bullshit- I mean, who can define what "sexually healthy" reallly is?)?
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Originally posted by Redoubtable
I don't understand why we make these lame-ass efforts to hide sexually-concerned material from young children.
Why not let them learn early, so as to prevent future mishaps and misconceptions?
I mean, what the hell is the problem? Why not?

Because aparently many of us can't keep from blushing and giggling when we talk about it, ourselves.
It's called social norms.

There are two solutions here which would work from the pro-censorship POV.

1: All parents of children who have computers who are worried about this should learn a lot more about their own computers so that they can inhibit their children from doing these things by using separate user profiles/accounts/etc (if available on the OS), and locking the children out of installing programs/etc......by being good systems administrators. Also password the BIOS. I mean, there are things you can do other than sitting back and complaining to everyone else to do it for you.:rolleyes: If you are a parent, PARENT! Duh.:eek:

2: All concerned parents should use censored ISPs. YES, SOME ISPs are consored! This means that they block out a good amount of sites which are otherwise available. Easy to do----simply modify the DNS you use....censoring, bingo;)

Personally, I don't believe the Internet should be "policed" at all. Anything should be legal as long as it is done from behind a computer. After all, technically, you are only pressing keys. Any damage is only done by bugs in software YOU are currently running being exploited (in the case of break ins), in which case you should take that up with the creators of that software or not purchase their software anymore. Basically, don't be stupid, and you're fine.
Originally posted by MechTech
Basically, don't be stupid, and you're fine.

Unfortunately this is a lot harder for most people than it sounds. Never ever underestimate the power of stupid people, always bet on them and not against them, and you'll end up a rich man.