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I recently posted here under the name Yales. It was a harmless joke making fun of a person who apparently has little sense of humor. He has since appeared and told you a lot of things I feel obliged to reply to. I don't want to drag this out and I certainly have no wish to hijack your board. I just feel that some accusations were thrown at me and they are completely baseless.
Firstly I do not have anything against Yales despite his obvious dislike of me. Secondly I am not a monster. I have not been banned from countless messageboards for attacking those of a different opinion. Only from boards where Yales has influence. I do not ban people from nuclearspace for disagreeing with me. I only ban them for flaming.
I thought it was a good impersonation of Yales. It was good enough to fool some of his friends. I do not believe he has sole ownership of all "Yales" usernames over the net. Please don't judge me by what Yales and his friends have to say. They are not above lying. Feel free to come over and ask other members whether or not I eat children for breakfast.
Yales is currently the only person banned by my hand from nuclearspace and he was allowed back no less than 3 times. I think that's more than fair. I have told him repeatedly that he need only stop flaming to be allowed to post there. I miss his interesting messages to be quite honest. When not busy telling fibs about me he can be a great asset to any forum he participates in.

Ok, I'm finished ranting now.
The Titanic Struggle of All Time

See I was right. TheRealYales is ACTUALLY the evil twin we have been trying to identify. If only we would have had this information before we sent TheFakeYales packing.

I'll tell you this between my one & only thread: "LOOK OUT: Crap will be tolerated!" being exterminated, & the various intrigues involving Mallory Knox & now this twisted situation involving an evil twin and another evil twin, ... this site almost defies description. One could be god & the other a devil. I want to worship them. Whichever one that will accept me as an apostle.

I gotta hand it to you mods being able to spot, identify & exterminate sockpuppets -- you really are good. Good thing you mods are on OUR side. If you chose to use your powers for evil like these twins, we would have need to worry. OK ProjectYales I worship you. Please tell me where to go?:eek:

Is there any particular reason why you called me an idiot? I don't recall insulting you or anyone else on these forums for that matter.

One other thing. Why do you keep banning me? Just curious on this matter. Ofcourse, as moderator you don't necessarily need to have a reason. I was wondering if you had one was all.

Are you upset about something? Talking is good for that kind of thing. Let it all out. I'm a good listener.
One other thing. Why do you keep banning me?

Why do you keep registering? Is the message not clear enough? Personal attacks and crusades are not tolerated. Multiple accounts and aliases are not tolerated. Impersonating someone else is not tolerated. Do you understand?
Never have I, after being banned under 2 different user names, came back to forums immediately to post again, and most definitely NOT about my banning, no matter how much I liked the forums or how much a part of my life they were, or if I thought the banning was an injustice ETC.

To some forums, I have returned after about a year or perhaps a couple months, after things have cooled down again. At one board I used to visit, I was banned something like 6 times of the course of 3 years. Since I finally left that board for good, it has ultimately collapsed inwards (not because of my absence), and it no longer exists, although I still talk to very frequently the former members of this board on AIM, ICQ, and MSNIM.

I've been banned from plenty of places, but they're mostly isolated incidents, and most of the places I go are happy to have me.


Since clearly was not originally meant as a joke and was really made to send TheRealYales packing, I do think this certainly merits an IP ban, except for the fact that this bloke may not have a permanent IP, and even if he does, he may share it with others (if his exact computer ID can be found, then of course this is the best solution)
You can find one of the many, many, many threads on the Net discussing the sliminess of a man named Wayne from Brisbane (hey, that rhymes!) here.

Upon mysteriously receiving admin status on nuclearspace.com (the original admin LEFT due to repeated harassment by Wayne), Wayne proceeded to ban Yales simply because he didn't like him, and as usual on boards he moderates, he began to delete all posts that didn't agree with his agenda, some he just mutilated. He deleted all of Yales' posts, with the exception of a number which he just mutilated. Example:

originally posted by yales at the NuclearSpace.net EZboard:
FROM: yales (5/3/02 4:46:31 am)

I pick my nose when nobody is looking,
There are fairies in my garden.
Mary had a little lamb.

Edited by: projectorion at: 5/3/02 6:46:41 am

What the original post said is left to the wind.


There's another one with a responce by a 3rd party and then yales' own responce to the edited post.

Wayne's justification:

originally posted by projectorion [Wayne] at the NuclearSpace.net EZboard:

From projectorion (5/1/02 10:20:34 pm)

..It just hasnt been much fun around here since Yales turned up. Not for me. I realise it takes two to have a fight and I am equally to blame. I freely admit that the very presence of Yales on this board made my skin crawl and it brought out the very worst in me. I couldnt help myself. Every condescending veiled insult and ad hominem attack made me see red. All I could think about was how this vile person had lied and schemed and plotted when I was a newbie at Space.com. How he would be caught out planning group flame storms then delete the posts and plead innocence in his slimy two faced fashion.
He says I made death threats against him. In the heat of the moment during spam attacks from him at Project Orion I did lose my cool. God knows I have imagined torturing him. If we ever meet I hope its in a country with lenient murder penalties...

One member finally got fed up and posted:

Even the Porfiry we know and love has been around the 'Net, and very recently, telling anti-Waynes of what he has done at Sciforums.com:


...and then, a certain AtomicConspiracy makes a post blaiming the reputable multi-board moderator "George" for the Sciforums.com disruption. Yeah, whatever.

Following that, Wayne posts the following:

originally posted by projectorion [Wayne] at the NuclearSpace.net EZboard:

What a complete wally that guy is. Sounds like the kind of dweeby little cretin that got beaten up at high school repeatedly for his squeaky voice and lack of social graces. Just the sort of inane comments you might expect from such an individual. Now he's on the internet he can revel in his sense of power. He thinks because he is a moderator he has some kind of superiority over us mere mortals. An exceptional moderator certainly is worth their weight in Gold it's true but a wannabe like that fellow is nothing more than a glorified caretaker on a power trip. Over at sciforums he tries to make money out of visitors. What an opportunistic little parasite.

So now I hope that you will proceed to make sure this is really our man from Brisbane by doing a trace on his IP, and then by banning his IP permanently.
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Selective editing is Yales's university major.

I never said I was an angel.

I could respond with similar stuff from Yales I suppose, but I don't keep an exhaustive archive on the fellow. I would have to search around. He keeps an archive on me or so he says. Most people just collect stamps or watch trains. He edits everything I utter. I can tell you nothing he reports ever happened in a void. Good luck with trying to get the other half of the story out of him.

I can't remember all the stuff written above but was amused to see so many fabrications. Over at nuclearspace Yales was constantly abusive and I ignored him for days at a time. Reason didn't prove effective. I refrained from returning childish insults. I did delete some of his insults and replace them with sentences like "I pick my nose." I'm an administrator. I have to have some fun.

I did give Porfiry a piece of my mind. Over at our own forum after he had stormed in to vent at us. I didn't appreciate his tone. He claimed I spammed his board here and told me I was now banned. In the same post he gave the link to this place twice. Go figure.

Anyway, believe what you will. Why let the truth get in the way of a good story.
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I don't give a shit about you or yales. I am not interested in the soup opera. I don't even read what you or yales have to say. I just skim through them like they are babbles from a pair of juvenile gay lovers spliting up. You need to just let it go. There are plenty of asses out there you can shaft.

I just want this place back the way it was before. The war between you two should not be fought in this soil, therefore you should be banned.

The way you are advertising your website is pretty creative, but stop spaming now. I doubt too many people would want to go there.
Truthfully I care for neither your antics nor the idea that it should come here. More than once now you have been banned and asked to leave. Of itself that answers a lot of questions. Or should I say that your behaviour speaks for itself.

Futher you are under the impression that Porfiry is a moderator only. Let me rectify that idea. Porfiry is the adminstrator for this site just as you are at yours. I think that he has been adequate in making his wishes known to you. To the point of visiting your site also.

If you have a problem with your foe this is not the place for it. Kindly take it elsewhere...
I did give Porfiry a piece of my mind. Over at our own forum after he had stormed in to vent at us. I didn't appreciate his tone. He claimed I spammed his board here and told me I was now banned.

I "claimed" that you spammed my board because you did spam my board. You posted repeated copies of an advertisement in many of the forums here. This action alone was enough to justify banning you. What angered me was that you went further and sent the same advertisement as a private message to several members, who subsequently complained. I found this an intolerable breach of internet etiquette, decency, and respect and so made the aforementioned post.

Now, this is the final word on this matter. This discussion is not appropriate and is over as of now.
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