

Registered Senior Member
Let me introduce myself ... I joined this forum today.

My name is Sivakami .
Indian, female, 29 years old, married.
Working as a corporate manager in an IT firm in India .

A scientific rationalist, quite passionate about science (although I still have lots and lots to learn!). Huge fan of Carl Sagan and Richard Dawkins.

Love discussions on science, ethics, religion vs skepticism etc.

Here's to some good discussions .

- Sivakami.

Welcome to sciforums, here's to some interesting topics....

Realising that you are new I would ask that you not cross post. Most members will read your post. I know that in other places that they do this on a regular basis to ensure maximum readership. Here we do it a little different and consider that one post is enough...
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Welcome Sivakami!

Happy to make your acquaintance.

And very happy to have another female on board.

I have one question - Who is Richard Dawkins? I'm a huge fan of Carl Sagan but the other name doesn't even ring a bell. Can you fill me in?
Realising that you are new I would ask that you not cross post. Most members will read your post. I know that in other places that they do this on a regular basis to ensure maximum readership. Here we do it a little different and consider that one post is enough...
Sorry about that. In other boards, usually there are few members who frequent all the sub-forums. Wont happen again.

I have one question - Who is Richard Dawkins? I'm a huge fan of Carl Sagan but the other name doesn't even ring a bell. Can you fill me in?
He's an evolutionary biologist, a lecturer in Zoology at Oxford University and a Fellow of New College from 1970. He's also the holder of the Charles Simonyi Chair of Public Understanding of Science at Oxford . He won the Sci-Tech Prize for the Best Science Programme of 1987 (The Blind Watchmaker). He has also won the 1989 Silver Medal of the Zoological Society of London and the 1990 Royal Society Michael Faraday Award for the furtherance of the public understanding of science. In 1994 he won the Nakayama Prize for Human Science and in 1995 was awarded an Honorary D.Litt. by the University of St Andrews. Humanist of the Year Award 1996. Since 1996 has been Vice President of the British Humanist Association. Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature in 1997. Winner of the 1997 (Fifth) International Cosmos Prize in Commemoration of Expo' 90.
He's also written many bestsellers .. including "The Selfish Gene", "The Blind Watchmaker", "Unweaving the Rainbow", "River out of Eden", "The Extended Phenotype" etc.

For more details please go to www.world-of-dawkins.com .

- Sivakami.
Hi Ssivakami, welcome at Sciforums. :) That you may post long and happy here.

As Teri says, it is good to have another woman on the boards...;)

en ik moet zeggen dat je jezelf vrij gelukkig mag prijzen,...ikzelf heb niet zo'n warm welkom gehad,...maar ja,...jij bent dan ook een vrouw,....misschien had ik ook wel een draadje voor mezelf moeten opstarten,...tja,...te laat.

nou ja : welkom dan maar,....
ik denk dat het stomme mensen zijn die andere mensen zwart maken en op de 'ignore' button drukken: persoonlijk negeer ik niemand !
Ik vind het stom om onderscheid te maken tussen vrouw of man.


Fukushi, als ik geweten had dat je nieuw was en Nederlands spreekt, dan had ik je een zeer warm welkom in het Nederlands geheten hoor.:)

Het spijt me dat je geen warm welkom hebt gehad. Ik ook niet hoor, lang (nou ja) geleden, in augustus 2001. Misschien 1 tot 3 'wees welkom' replies in het draadje waar ik op dat moment postte.

Het maakt geen snars uit hoor, of je een man of een vrouw bent. Ze wisten van mij niet eens dat ik een vrouw was. Omdat er zo weinig vrouwen posten op Sciforums, is het altijd leuk om er een nieuwe Dame bij te hebben. En toevallig hebben de weinige vrouwen van Sciforums op dit draadje gereageerd.

Nou, jij hebt een plaatsje in mijn hart veroverd hoor, al was het alleen maar omdat ik ineens een Nederlandse post tegenkwam op de Forums. Fijn om ff Nederlands te lezen tussendoor...;)

(oh en de ignore - button gebruik ik ook niet)

Thanks for all those welcomes.
I should tell you that I understand only 4 languages - English and 3 Indian languages - Tamil, Hindi and Bengali. So any message in other languages is lost on me :)

- Sivakami.
Fukushi un Banshee, neko nevaru saprast, ko juus tur runaajat. Pirmais laikam ir vaacu valodaa, Banshee arii laikam runaa vaacu valodaa, piedod es neesmu paarliecinaats, vai Niiderlandee lieto tikai vaacu valodu.:)
Starp citu, esi svaicinaata sciforumos ssivakami , veelu tev daudz lielisku diskusiju.

P.S. turpmaak labaak runaasim anglju valodaa, citaadi sanaaks lielaaks juceklis nekaa kaadreiz Baabelee.

Uz redziiti!
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Starp citu, esi svaicinaata sciforumos ssivakami , veelu tev daudz lielisku diskusiju

= BTW, be welcomed at sciforums ssivakami, wish you many wonderful discussions
Hey guys,

When I was growing up in Australia my parents could speak English but not very well (they were Polish). When I would bring my friends over to the house and my mother spoke to me in Polish in front of them, it would make me very uncomfortable because I knew that my friend would think my mother was talking about them.

When I got older I could tell her not to do that because it was rude and I explained why.

I think the same applies on an English posting forum, so what about it guys, enough with the other languages?

If Sivakami don't know what you're saying then why do it?
You could PM each other.

I'm giving you a verbal slap on the wrist.
Myself and Banshee(I think, my german is not to well(written at least) were pointing it out to Fukushi;), but in a more sarcastic way than you and with no slaps.

BTW Teri I have many Polish cousins and relatives in Poland.:) (particulary Lodz)

P.S. turpmaak labaak runaasim anglju valodaa, citaadi sanaaks lielaaks juceklis nekaa kaadreiz Baabelee.

=Let us better speak in English furthermore or there will be bigger chaos thn in ancient Babel.
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Thanks Avatar

Nice that you filled us in, thanks.

PS Both my mum and dad had many many many brothers and sisters (both came from families that had about 12 kids each) but WWII ruined any chance I have of knowing my aunts and uncles not to mention cousins. Mum grew up near Lodz but she was taken by German troops when she was fourteen and made to work in a workcamp. Her memory is not what it used to be so the huge number of relatives I may have will never be known to me.

Hey, maybe way down the track we're related! Take care.


I'ts Dutch not German,...thx for the sarcasm and the slaps, hehehe
Re: Thanks Avatar

Originally posted by Teri 2

Hey, maybe way down the track we're related! Take care.

Who knows?!, but tht would be a very distant relation. I'm 4/5 or more Latvian and the rest are Polish and a little little bit Jewish(one of my grand grand grand mothers was one)
Avatar, we will never know, oh well.

But it does make you think of all those families that were broken up during the war and migrated to other countries. How many of them lost contact with their immediate families? It's such a shame that wars have victims in so many different ways.

Yeah...just a little Dutch...

It was just a little Dutch in between the English. :) You people of the Forums can take a little foreign language on the boards,, can't you?

It was in no way offending to any one here, so nothing wrong.

Take care you all...:cool:
Ok , so be ot Duch:)
But I think tht you won't notice the ndifference, if I'm writting in Lithuanian or Latvian;)
There you are right Avatar. :) I wouldn't know the difference at all. A lot of people think Dutch and German are the same. Perhaps because the two countries are located next to eachother and the language seems a little the same to foreigners who don't know the difference.:)

Oh, so many countries, so many languages. Most of them I don't know. It was just a reaction on Fukushi's post. Just for fun, all of a sudden I saw a Dutch post, had to react on it. :)

Take care...;)