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Senator Evilcheese, D-Iraq
Registered Senior Member
I've tried a number of times to call demons into me. I've called spirit guides, Satan, etc., but I felt nothing. No surge of evil, no surge of power, no surge of anything. I felt the same. I didn't see anything irregular.

Then I tried the same thing with the Abrahamic god, angels, etc... Nothing.

Then, just for kicks, I called the spirit of Spiderman. Nothing. Then I tried Albert Einstein. Nothing. Then I called Al Gore. Nothing. Bush. Nothing. My ancestors. Nothing. Jimmu Tenno. Nothing. King Sho Shin. Nothing. Napoleon, Hitler, Nelson Mandela, Ariel Sharon, Yasser Arafat, Osama bin Laden, Gandhi, Buddha, Stalin, Mother Teresa, the Pope, the last queen of Hawai'i, Changing Woman, Elahrairah (you will know for sure if you know who this is), Cthulhu, the Holy People, Indra, Zeus, Apollo, Thor, Steven King, Pluto, Bugs Bunny. Nothing.

Then I called for anything that could possibly "come into my body" to do so immediately. Nothing.

So, what does this say to you about Jack Chick's "spirit guide" crap that he shares with so many other Christians?
Is that the White House switchboard?

I'm tempted to tell you that your faith just isn't strong enough. Sad thing is, it's probably true. Take that for whatever you will; we probably won't be far apart.

The nearest thing I can give you to serious advice is that you shouldn't think in terms of "nothing", but rather in terms of "No Thing". It's a subtle difference that makes all the practical difference in the world.

From what I've experienced of you at Sciforums, I think you can pull it off. For you, the event will simply seem like intensely elevated clarity of perception and assimilation. What will have happened, then, is that you will have invoked No Thing; that is, by invoking No Thing, you've simply cleared your mind of other distractions for the moment. What you choose to call it when you're done ....

Well, I mentioned that your faith probably isn't strong enough, right? ;)

Tiassa :cool:
My theory is that you, or maybe one of your parents, have already sold your soul and you have nothing to offer to satan. Maybe you forgot or your parents never told you. That meant that you were already Satan's bitch and he didn't have to possess you or come to you or whatever. You will come to him.

God never liked you and is particular pleased with the idea that you will burn in hell. Or it is one of those 'you are not worthy, or you don't have enough faith' things as mentioned before.

For a proper experiment you should get several very young unspoiled children. You should sacrifice each of them to satan. If your group of children is large enough there should be at least on innocent clean soul amongst them. This child should be able to receive the desired effect.
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marijuana and booze, shared with an intimate lady friend will
release the demons upon you (at least this has always worked for me)

hedonism at its finest, nothing better.

blessed be the weed, and the booze, and the women, and the music...

enjoy :m: :cool: :m: